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Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Monday 21 October 2013

Cover Re-Reveal: Bent [Back to Brooklyn 01] by H.B. Heinzer!

If there’s one thing Julia Wilson has learned in life, it’s that you can’t push your own dreams to the background for anyone. Newly divorced, Julia returns to the hometown she once swore would never see her again. Her plan is simple; enjoy the cheap rent her friend is offering and stay just long enough to develop a plan to make her own dreams come true.

It doesn't take long before Julia realizes she’s made a big mistake.

Micah Anderson came closer to breaking Julia than anyone else ever had. After promising her forever, he broke her heart the week before she left for college. Now, Julia’s back in town and he’s going to have to tell her the truth about why he left her. It’s not possible to hide a twelve year old child when you live in a town of 5,000 people.

Is following her dreams worth it if it means giving up on a second chance with her first love? Is trying to make a relationship work worth it if his past becomes a threat to her safety?
Check it out on Goodreads!

   The air around them crackled with anticipation as they silently walked to the living room. She sat on the couch and invited him to sit next to her. Micah removed his boots and pulled her from her seat. Once he was lying on the couch, he pulled Julia down to him, and she sank in between him and the back of the couch. They fell asleep in each other’s arms, legs intertwined.
   Some time later, she felt Micah stir beneath her. Without hesitation, she brushed his jaw with her lips. A low groan fell from Micah’s mouth as she trailed kisses from the edge of his goatee to the tender hollow below his ear. She pulled her head back to take in the serene look on his face as he lay with his eyes closed.

   Micah sighed again, pulling Julia onto his chest as he shifted to his back. The full body contact sent shockwaves straight to Julia’s core. It had been years since such simple movements caused this type of reaction within her. She brushed the hair from Micah’s face and continued to deliver feather light kisses across his forehead, then one to the tip of his nose. Her breath caught when she saw the longing in Micah’s eyes.
   The moment she brought her lips to his, the passion exploded. He gently bit her lower lip before sliding the tip of his tongue to meet hers. When she didn’t resist, he allowed his tongue to explore more, tenderly sweeping around hers before he felt her gently sucking his tongue deeper into her mouth.
   Micah’s calloused hands reached under Julia’s shirt, caressing her sides. Her back arched as she felt his thumbs slide over the top of her cotton bra.
   “You’re going to have to tell me when it’s too much,” Micah groaned through staggered breaths. “I’ve waited so long to touch you again, I won’t be the one to say no.”
   As he placed gentle kisses at the corners of her mouth, Julia whispered, “I’m not saying no either.”
   She tugged at the hem of his T-shirt, needing to feel his bare skin against hers. Micah shifted their bodies so he could sit up without breaking their embrace. Before leaning back on the couch, he slid his hands up her back to unclasp her bra. Julia leaned back as he slid the straps from her shoulders, allowing him to take in the sight of her swollen breasts.
   Micah kissed and nipped his way down Julia’s neck to her chest until he slowly took one taut nipple into his mouth. She moaned as his tongue teased his way around the sensitive tip. In anticipation, her panties were drenched. There would be time for taking it slow later. Right now, she needed him.
   Julia hurriedly worked on the stud on Micah’s jeans, “Do you still carry one … in your … wallet?” she whispered between deep kisses. Micah nodded in confirmation, and Julia reached under him.
   Micah sat on the couch with Julia straddled across his lap. “Baby, not here …” She swallowed hard at his words.
   “I swear, I’ll kill you if you stop now,” Julia warned. She was past the point of no return.

Author bio:

With the exception of three years spent in the middle of Nebraska, H.B. Heinzer has called southern Wisconsin home. During that time in Nebraska, she imagined one of her favorite authors living on the far western edge of the county, just south of the highway. At the time, becoming a novelist was a distant dream for her. Now, she is the author living in that location. Ironically, she later found out that same favorite author lives just outside the town HB lived in for the first eighteen years of her life. Now, HB lives in the middle of nowhere but still close enough to the city to not feel isolated. It's the perfect place to let her two kids run and explore their huge yard, teach them about the food chain as they prepare their first-ever garden and debate building a chicken coop. It's one of those dreams that is only possible thanks to the amazing opportunities that have come through writing.  

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