Publication date: 21st October 2013
Paperback edition: 255 pages
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: To move on,
Leave the past behind,
And build a new life with Jay.
That’s all Em wanted. After everything they’d been through together, they were both overdue their ‘happily ever after’. Too bad the world doesn’t work that way. Memories last longer than dreams and Em’s fears continue to plague her both day and night, interfering with that new life she so desperately craves.
To start over,
Secure a future,
And give Em the life she deserves.
That was Jay’s plan, but the past isn’t done with them, yet. While Em still struggles to overcome the ghosts of her past, Jay is forced to come face to face with his. When the skeletons in his closet step back into the light, Jay must decide what he will do—and what he will sacrifice—to protect Em from them.
Against all odds, Em and Jay are on the verge of having everything they’ve ever wanted. They’ve fought for it before, but is their love strong enough to endure any more heartache? The time has come for each of them to choose for themselves whether or not they will allow the past to continue to corrupt their future. And, together, they must decide, will it be . . . NOW OR NEVER?
Favourite quote: "You brought back my reason to live. You are my reason, Em. You're the reason for every breath I breathe. Every beat of my heart belongs to you."Leave the past behind,
And build a new life with Jay.
That’s all Em wanted. After everything they’d been through together, they were both overdue their ‘happily ever after’. Too bad the world doesn’t work that way. Memories last longer than dreams and Em’s fears continue to plague her both day and night, interfering with that new life she so desperately craves.
To start over,
Secure a future,
And give Em the life she deserves.
That was Jay’s plan, but the past isn’t done with them, yet. While Em still struggles to overcome the ghosts of her past, Jay is forced to come face to face with his. When the skeletons in his closet step back into the light, Jay must decide what he will do—and what he will sacrifice—to protect Em from them.
Against all odds, Em and Jay are on the verge of having everything they’ve ever wanted. They’ve fought for it before, but is their love strong enough to endure any more heartache? The time has come for each of them to choose for themselves whether or not they will allow the past to continue to corrupt their future. And, together, they must decide, will it be . . . NOW OR NEVER?
Now or Never was a heart-wrenching, emotional whirlwind of a book! It continues the emotional story of Jay and Em as they struggle to find their Happy Ever After! I loved this book! Completely loved it! In my opinion it may have been slightly better then Fight or Flight, which I can't believe I'm saying as I loved Fight or Flight! This book was all about realising what's right in front of you and that sometimes you have to suffer to come out better at the other end! The plot of this book was so amazing! It was so fast paced and you had no idea what was around the corner! I was completely engrossed in it and I didn't want to put it down until I had finished it! The plot was heart-breaking as the main characters suffer even more than what they did in the first book! I wasn't expecting them to go through even more suffering, but they did and in a way the ending was completely worth every bit of suffering they went through! I was an emotional wreck throughout this book as I wanted the main characters to finally catch a break and to be happy, but sometimes you have to suffer to find happiness and this is exactly what the main characters in this series had to do! The characters were again amazing! Em was still main female character and in the last book, Em was a broken girl trying to find her strength again! In this book she's a girl who's conquered so much, but still has such a long way to go! I wanted Em to find her Happily Ever After because she deserved too! She had been through so much already that I wanted her to be happy and live a secure life! I loved her in this book as she took so much on and she didn't give up! Jay was again the main male character and my heart completely broke for him in this book! He tried so hard to make ends meet for him and Em and he just had so much difficulty doing so! I completely admired Jay in this book as in a way it was more his book than Em's! Jay was still the same lovable guy from the first book that feels the pressure of trying to settle down with the girl he loves, but faces some serious difficulties along the way, which made my heart break for him! I wanted him and Em to be happy and not to have to suffer anymore! They were still completely in love though, which I loved! I also loved that this book was again written from both Jay and Em's point of views as there was quite a lot going on and it was definitely essential to give this book its full potential! I don't think there's going to be another book to Jay and Em's story, but I'm seriously happy that the author gave them another book! This was the complete right thing to do! I have loved Jay and Em's emotional story and I'm really sad to see it come to an end! I do sort of see potential for another book or a novella though, as the ending of this book was a little unresolved! I read this book when it didn't have a cover and I didn't have a cover in mind for it, but the actual cover is stunning! Absolutely stunning! I love it and also how well it suits the cover for the first book! Big thank you to Jamie for an ARC of Now or Never and also for having me on her Blog Tour!

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Author bio:
Jamie Canosa is a full time author of YA literature, which she absolutely loves. When she’s not writing or spending time with her family, she can usually be found with her nose in a book. She currently resides in Ravena, NY with her wonderful husband and three crazy kids . . . plus the dog, the bird and the rabbit.

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I really want to read this one!!!