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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Friday 30 November 2012

Cover Reveal: The Summer I Became a Nerd by Leah Rae Miller!

Hey guys! I have here the brand new cover for The Summer I Became a Nerd by Leah Rae Miller! Enjoy! 

On the outside, seventeen-year-old Madelyne Summers looks like your typical blond cheerleader—perky, popular, and dating the star quarterback. But inside, Maddie spends more time agonizing over what will happen in the next issue of her favorite comic book than planning pep rallies with her squad. That she’s a nerd hiding in a popular girl's body isn’t just unknown, it's anti-known. And she needs to keep it that way.
Summer is the only time Maddie lets her real self out to play, but when she slips up and the adorkable guy behind the local comic shop’s counter uncovers her secret, she’s busted. Before she can shake a pom-pom, Maddie’s whisked into Logan’s world of comic conventions, live-action role-playing, and first-person-shooter video games. And she loves it. But the more she denies who she really is, the deeper her lies become…and the more she risks losing Logan forever.
Author bio:
Born and raised in northern Louisiana, Leah Rae Miller still lives there on a windy hill with her husband and kids. She loves comic books, lava lamps, fuzzy socks, and Cherry Coke. She spends most of her days reading things she likes and writing things she hopes other people will like.

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Tirade [Heven and Hell 03] by Cambria Hebert!

Hey guys! Today is finally the day that Tirade by Cambria Hebert is avaliable! I was very lucky to revieve an ARC of this book and I loved it! I have posted my review above! Enjoy!

Betrayal burns. Death hurts and the clock ticks…
Minutes and hours stretch into days. How long can Sam survive being confined in Hell? I have a plan… a plan with a lot of holes. I need someone who can make up for my weaknesses, someone who possesses the power that I lack. Riley is supposed to be off limits. He’s dangerous, he’s mean and he’s not to be trusted. But I do.
Beelzebub is on a tirade, bent on revenge. I took what he wants and sent him into the flames. I will wear the scars of his punishments forever. But scars don’t scare me anymore.
On my way to free Sam I find my true path, a secret place and new allies. But in Hell nothing is easy… and everything is cruel. The only thing left to do is survive.

Buy Tirade on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Tirade-Cambria-M-Hebert/dp/1938857062/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1353960003&sr=8-1&keywords=Tirade+by+Cambria+Hebert
Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/tirade-cambria-m-hebert/1113842277?ean=9781938857065


Author bio:
Author. Blogger. Latte Sipper.
Cambria Hebert is an author who wrote her first book at the age of fifteen. It was terrible. But the passion for writing never went away so years later when she opened her laptop and started typing she worked until she wrote a book that she hopes everyone will be as excited about as she is.

Cambria is obsessed with werewolves and is terrified of chickens (they are creepy!)She is an animal lover that would choose coffee over food and her favorite TV show is the Vampire Diaries (Hell-O Damon!)

Please visit her blog and her author website:

Like Cambria's Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cambria-Hebert/128278117253138
Follow Cambria on Twitter: http://twitter.com/cambriahebert

Buy Cambria's books on Amazon (UK): http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=ntt_athr_dp_sr_1?_encoding=UTF8&field-author=Cambria%20Hebert&search-alias=digital-text
Buy Cambria's books on Amazon (US): http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=ntt_athr_dp_sr_1?_encoding=UTF8&field-author=Cambria%20Hebert&search-alias=digital-text

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday 29 November 2012

Cover Reveal: Fallen From Grace [Grace Series 01] by K. Anne Raines!

Hey guys! I am so happy to be one of the blogs revealing the brand new cover for Fallen From Grace by K. Anne Raines! The cover is gorgeous so enjoy!
Seventeen year-old Grace grows up knowing she’s different, but she always attributed it to a mother who didn’t want her, a father who abandoned her, and a curse that sets her apart. Despite those struggles, her grandfather remained her rock and confidant. Her life irrevocably shatters the day her grandfather dies.

The day of his funeral sets off a chain of events, making Grace question everything she’s ever known to be true, and as a result, who she can truly trust. She inherits his house, part of his money, his Guardian and something that ties them together.

Just before Grace’s 18th birthday, she is thrust into a world she couldn’t fathom existed and does everything she can to thwart the destiny suddenly forced upon her. She’s been chosen for greatness, but at what cost? With eyes now open, she must choose to either be Chosen, or watch those around her suffer the consequences.

Torn between the man who’s come to protect her and the one sent to destroy her, she teeters on the edge of decision, trying to come to grips with who she is, what she wants and what all of that means for her, those she loves and the rest of mankind.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Cover Reveal: Trapped [Here Trilogy 02] by Ella James!

Hey guys! So I am so excited to be one of the blogs revealing the brand new cover for Trapped by Ella James! The cover is beautiful so enjoy!


When Milo Mitchell falls for the beautiful, tuxedo-clad guy she found wandering her family's rural Colorado property, she never dreamed he was a scout from another galaxy, or that their relationship would leave him with an impossible choice: eradicating humankind, or initiating the end of his own people.

Nick's job is finding the elements his people need to power their elaborate interweb of minds. Being a scout means he is capable of traveling to other planets on his own. It also means that, unlike The Rest, he has access to primitive feelings and individual desires. For eons, he was part of the whole, but when he encountered Milo, his obsession with her changed everything.

Nick's partner, Vera, is capable of independent thought, but not compelled by it. She is satisfied with her existence as one of The Rest, and she won't agree that humans are worth sparing; not when their planet has a precious cache of the gold her people need so badly.

While Vera tries to force Nick into endorsing an Earth invasion, working behind the scenes to tie his hands, and the Department of Defense lays a trap for them with Milo's mom as bait, Nick and Milo are waging their own war - against a primal desire that can only lead to one thing: heartbreak.
Tiny link to Here, book one: http://tinyurl.com/apr8t6k
Link to Ella's site: www.ellajamesbooks.blogspot.com
Twitter: author_ellaj

Waiting on Scent of Magic [Healer 02] by Maria V. Snyder!

Every Wednesday I will post a book which I cannot wait to be released and it is a weekly event that is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine and spotlights upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating.

Scent of Magic
By Maria V. Snyder
Paperback edition: 368 pages
To be released: 18th December 2012
SynopsisHunted, Killed—Survived?

As the last Healer in the Fifteen Realms, Avry of Kazan is in a unique position: in the minds of her friends and foes alike, she no longer exists. Despite her need to prevent the megalomanical King Tohon from winning control of the Realms, Avry is also determined to find her sister and repair their estrangement. And she must do it alone, as Kerrick, her partner and sole confident, returns to Alga to summon his country into battle.

Though she should be in hiding, Avry will do whatever she can to support Tohon’s opponents. Including infiltrating a holy army, evading magic sniffers, teaching forest skills to soldiers and figuring out how to stop Tohon’s most horrible creations yet; an army of the walking dead—human and animal alike and nearly impossible to defeat.

War is coming and Avry is alone. Unless she figures out how to do the impossible ... again.
- goodreads.com

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Review: CRUSH by Lacey Weatherford!

Publication date: 20th October 2012
Paperback edition: 332 pages
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: Cami Wimberley has a plan, and that plan includes no room for boys—especially the big time party animal, Hunter Wilder, no matter how handsome and charismatic he is. She’s beautiful, a senior, extremely talented, gets good grades, and is working her way toward her dream college to be a musical theater major. Everything is perfect.

Hunter Wilder does not want a girlfriend—that would complicate his life way too much right now. He especially doesn’t want this girl, Miss-Goody-Two-Shoes, so how come he can’t keep his eyes off her? He tries to keep her at arms length, but fate seems to keep pushing them together. Before long, it’s obvious to everyone they’re crushing on each other.

As sparks begin to fly, Hunter finds himself sinking deeper and deeper into hot water. Soon he’s scrambling to keep Cami from discovering his dark secret—one that can destroy their entire relationship. - goodreads.com

Favourite quote: “You just keep kissing me like that, and let me decide how much is too much." Her fingers were against my mouth, tracing my lips. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to kiss these.” 

WOW is the first word that I should say about this book! I was really looking forward to reading it after all the buzz that I had heard about it and it did not disappoint! The plot was amazing but I do have to say that sometimes it did go a bit slow! I had the plot figured out about 40% into the book but the plot held its own and I really enjoyed it! I loved the characters! Cami Wimberley and Hunter Wilder were the main characters and I loved the both of them! Cami was so lovely and I really liked her! Hunter was so HOT! Hunter and Cami's relationship was so sweet and they made such an amazing couple! Clay was quite creepy if I'm honest and at time during this book I just wanted to hit him and tell him to back off! The ending was amazing! I was on the edge of my seat waiting to find out what the outcome was! I am so happy that there is another book in this series and I cannot wait to read it! The cover is hot and it also really suits the book!

Monday 26 November 2012

Trailer Reveal & Giveaway: Avow [The Archers of Avalon 03] by Chelsea Fine!

Hey guys! So I am happy that I am one of the blog that is revealing the trailer for Avow by Chelsea Fine! The trailer is amazing so enjoy!


Here is the giveaway! It is International and the winner will be chosen December 10th! The prize pack includes:
  • A Kindle Fire
  • Signed copies of all three Archers of Avalon books
  • Bookmarks
  • And a $25 gift certificate to Chelsea's Archers of Avalon store

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday 25 November 2012

Blog Tour: Enlightened [The Light Tamer 02] by Devyn Dawson!

This was supposed to be posted for my day on the tour a few days ago but I did have a problem getting them to post! Sorry Devyn!

Publication date: 10th October 2012
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: Jessie Lucente, a Light Tamer, has started her junior year at Parca Academy in New Bern, NC. She has a new boyfriend, Caleb Baldwin. He is beyond good looking, he is her mate for life. They've been bound by the light and will rule and heal with it too. Her new classes aren't what she expected. Finding out the school is filled with 'gifted' kids is almost too much to comprehend. She finds out what it really means to be a Light Tamer. Some of the assumptions she had are debunked and now everything is crystal clear...well, clear as mud. Now that she is enlightened with the facts, she struggles with the truth.

Thorne Woodson has all of the girls swooning. His Doc Martens and hoodie stand out against his school uniform. He might be the guy to heal Amber's broken, grieving heart. What's his story, and why does he appear everywhere Jessie is? He has a secret that will change the game for everyone. Who is he in cahoots with?

Amber starts her junior year with a bang and a huge crush. She has a point to prove on the first day of school. She refuses to let everyone believe she went soft over summer break. Her shenanigans end with detention on the first day. The anniversary of her brother's death has her making dumb decisions but her friends have her back. Jessie will struggle to help Amber deal with the grief.

The secrets that have been revealed by Fate will leave Jessie in a new role. It will all come down to bloodline versus logic. She must step up and embrace her new title, and life on the other side of the shimmer. With her small army together, they promise to vanquish Nyx back to the Underworld and seal the portal she came through.

I was really looking forward to reading this book after reading The Light Tamer and it did not disappoint! Again the plot was amazing and paced perfectly enough to hold my interest and again it was original! It was great to find out more about Light Tamers as well! The characters grew so much since the first book and it was good to see more characters be introduced! Jessie was again a strong main character! It was good to see her grow and become more mature! Caleb was even more protective of Jessie and he was so cute! I thought that Caleb and Jessie's relationship developed quickly in the first book then I got a big surprise at the end of this book! Thorne Woodson was such a good character! I liked that he was sure of himself and also how protective he was of Jessie but I really liked that it didn't develop into a love triangle! Amber was again so funny! Her lines continued to make me laugh again and again! I cannot wait to read the next book in this series after that massive ending! I really like the cover and also how different it is compared to the first book in this series! Big thank you to Devyn for a copy of Enlightened!

Blog Tour: The Light Tamer [The Light Tamer 01] by Devyn Dawson!

This was supposed to be posted for my day on the tour a few days ago but I did have a problem getting them to post! Sorry Devyn!

Publication date: 14th April 2012
Paperback edition: 218 pages
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: Jessie moved from New York to North Carolina one week after school let out for summer break. Her newly single mother and Jessie move in with grandma Gayle. Being a teen in a retirement area, is one more thing to add to her 'this sucks' list. It's bad enough to have to move, but even worse her alcoholic father left them as he went on a quest to be an artist in Greece.

Things begin to look up when she is reintroduced to Caleb, the dorky boy that saved her life one summer at the beach. Caleb is no longer scrawny and nerdy, he is now tall, dark and handsome. Caleb is a Light Tamer.

Jessie and Amber become fast friends. Amber is a no frills girl, her snarky comments and sassy attitude will raise a few eyebrows and have you laughing out loud. Amber is rough around the edges, a light tamer with only two years left to find the one she is bound to. Her father's surfing accident left her dad paralyzed and her brother dead.

Favourite quote: “Jealous is ugly, it will betray you in a heartbeat.”

I wasn't really sure what to expect when I started to read this book but I definitely got more than I was expecting! I loved it! I really enjoyed the plot and the characters! The plot was really original and I loved that it went at a pace that made me want to read on and not make me lose interest! Jessie Lucente was the main character of The Light Tamer and she was like any other 15 year old teenager! She was sarcastic but realistic in serious situations and she was so sweet! I really liked her relationships with her mother and grandmother as well! Caleb Baldwin was the love interest of Jessie and he was so protective of her and a real sweetheart! I have to say though that I felt that their relationship developed a bit fast! Amber was one of the funniest characters that I have ever read! Her lines were funny and her attitude was amusing! I was really looking forward to reading Enlightened which is the next book in this series! The cover is also so pretty and I love it!

Saturday 24 November 2012

Cover Reveal: In My Dreams by Cameo Renae!

Hey guys! I have here the brand new cover for In My Dreams by Cameo Renae! It is beautiful! Enjoy!

Cover Design: Regina Wamba of Mae I Design & Photography
Publisher: Crushing Hearts & Black Butterfly Publishing
In My Dreams by Cameo Renae 

Cover Design: Regina Wamba of Mae I Design & Photography
Publisher: Crushing Hearts & Black Butterfly Publishing

It was happening again. The dreams. The nightmares. It was something that seventeen-year old Elizabeth Hayes thought she'd outgrown... dreams that would come true...detailed premonitions of how people would die. 
But this time, she has a dream of her boyfriend, Michael Young, and soon gets a call saying that Michael's body has been found...dead. Her world is changed in an instant, but that's just the beginning. Michael's been murdered, and now his killer is after her. 
Join Michael as he learns about his supernatural gifts to help save Lizzy, and Lizzy's battle to stay alive.
In My Dreams is a story of unconditional love. The kind of love that lives beyond the grave. It is a story that will grip your heart, break and re-mend it, and take it on a wild ride of emotion. 

***Add it to Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/11260355-in-my-dreams

Cameo's info:
Website: http://cameorenae.com/
FB Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/CameoRenaeFanPage

Twitter: @CameoRenae

It was happening again. The dreams. The nightmares. It was something that seventeen-year old Elizabeth Hayes thought she'd outgrown... dreams that would come true...detailed premonitions of how people would die.
But this time, she has a dream of her boyfriend, Michael Young, and soon gets a call saying that Michael's body has been found...dead. Her world is changed in an instant, but that's just the beginning. Michael's been murdered, and now his killer is after her.
Join Michael as he learns about his supernatural gifts to help save Lizzy, and Lizzy's battle to stay alive.
In My Dreams is a story of unconditional love. The kind of love that lives beyond the grave. It is a story that will grip your heart, break and re-mend it, and take it on a wild ride of emotion.

Add it to Goodreads:

FB Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/CameoRenaeFanPage
Twitter: @CameoRenae

Review: Wingless and Damned by Dawn White!

Publication date: 1st October 2012
Paperback edition: 138 pages
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: Alexander is the Alpha wolf of the Neuri werewolf tribe, set to destroy anything associated with the dreaded strigoi. Lea is a magnificent Fae -- or so she believed but she soon discovers she may not be after all. With Alexander, Lea’s and basically the worlds fate is in the hands of the mated pair. They must act fast and not just on the revenge they so desperately need. Can their love save us all? As Lea and Alexander’s souls hang in the balance they come to realize we are all a little Damned.

I really wasn't sure what to expect when I was asked by the author to review this book but I got so much more than I was expecting! First let me say that I wasn't expecting there to be a sex scene in it but to be fair it wasn't as bad as some others that I have read and it was hot! I can't even find words to describe this book! It was really weird but I found myself really enjoying it at the same time! I mean there were Vampires, Werewolves, and Fae in it! I really enjoyed how the book started as well! I wasn't expecting it to start like that so I was pleasantly surprised that we got a bit of background before jumping straight into the story! The characters were also very well written! Lea was the main female character and Alexander was the main male character! I really enjoyed the both of them but I do have to be honest and say that their relationship went far too fast for my liking but I do understand why it went that fast! The plot was very good and original but because this book was very short I can't wait to see what happens in the next one! Big thank you to Dawn for giving me a copy of Wingless and Damned!

Friday 23 November 2012

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Autumn Storm [Witchling Trilogy 02] by Lizzy Ford!

Hey guys! Here is my release day blitz for Autum Storm by Lizzy Ford! There is also a teaser and a giveaway! Enjoy!

A girl with no memory, hidden in plain sight. A boy with no hope, freefalling into Darkness.

Autumn doesn’t know why she remembers a boarding school she’s never visited, or why her reflection isn’t always … hers. There’s another girl in the mirror, a dark-haired ghost that emerges one night to guide her to a cliff near the school. Only Autumn can’t remember what happened there and why it’s so important. Beck’s gentle touch soothes her distress while Decker’s every look sets her body on fire. Caught between the twins, she struggles to understand her instincts and magick while working through the pain caused by a mysterious car accident that left her disabled, barely able to walk.

Unable to recover from Summer’s death, Decker slowly surrenders to the Dark. He can’t live with the pain, and those around him keep Autumn’s secret too well. The guilt he feels when he falls for her – and betrays Summer’s memory – drives him farther from the Light, until he loses control and begins taking the souls of Light witchlings. As the protector of Light, Beck must choose between confronting his twin and watching more witchlings suffer. Decker realizes Beck has come between more than him and the witchlings. With neither of them willing to let Autumn go, they turn on each other.

Only one of them knows the truth. Only one of them will walk away, unless Autumn can find a way to save them both.
Here is the teaser! 
Music blared, and the scents and smoke from marijuana and cigarettes rolled into the street from the party in the apartment overlooking the alley in which Decker stood. He sought the entrance to the building and walked through the hallways, until he found a stairwell to the fourth floor. Down another corridor, he found the party. People, trash and alcohol spanned across several apartments.
   Using his magick, he reached out to identify where the newly Dark soul was and followed his instincts. He jostled his way through the humans, unconcerned with them, when the prey he hunted was nearby.
    He sensed several witchlings here, both Dark and Light. The Darkness was creeping into his mind again, ready to take control of his body. He wanted … needed it to help him this night, after the kiss with the blond girl.
    The soul he sought wasn’t in the main room. He walked through the first hallway and opened one door. The couple within was in the throes of sex. The sight left him aroused, the fire in his blood adding to his agitated magick. They were humans, not witchlings. 
     He went to the second door and opened it. Five witchlings – three Light, one Dark and one newly Dark – were gathered around a pentagram. In the center of the pentagram was the pale, naked body of a brunette. Two of the Light witchlings – both girls – were crying. He sensed by the Light Law broken that someone had tried blood magick to help the human girl in the center, who had overdosed.
     She was dead. There was no bringing her back. His eyes took in her pale skin and the dark hair fanning around her head. She was built much like the soul mate he’d lost. An image of Summer’s naked body in the moonlight flashed through his thoughts. He’d spent a weekend with her in his parent’s cabin, making love to her and learning more about the girl meant to be his mate.
     The vision in his head changed. Summer was replaced by the blond girl whose kiss destroyed what little Decker held sacred: the memory of his time Summer. He shouldn’t have kissed the blond. He’d failed Summer in life. He’d betrayed her in death.
     Tonight is the night you choose. The voice belonged to Bartholomew-the-Terrible, the long-dead Dark Master. If you kill the Light witchlings, the Darkness will take away your pain.
     Guilt rose, followed by resolve. Decker stared at the girl’s body then turned his gaze to the three Light witchlings. All eyes were on him. Judging by the glazed looks, they were drugged. Only one had the sense to look terrified when she recognized that the Dark Master stood in their midst.
     Decker hesitated. The Light witchlings were innocent, their eyes already red with tears from crying over their friend.
    You’ll have peace at last, Bartholomew told him. Everyone you love will be protected from what you are. All you have to do is kill them.
    With a deep breath, Decker turned to close the door and lock it. He stretched his neck and rolled his shoulders. The Darkness was at the edge of his mind, waiting to see what he chose to do.
   Decker withdrew the knife and wound his fingers through the hair of the nearest Light witchling, pulling her head back to expose her vulnerable neck.
   Was he ready to cross the point of no return?
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday 22 November 2012

Review: Rock the Heart [Black Falcon 01] by Michelle A. Valentine!

Publication date: 20th November 2012
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: For the last four years, good girl Lane has regretted breaking up with Noel Falcon. She thought she was sensible when she told him his dreams of being a rock star would get him nowhere, but now that he's a rock god and her career is stagnant, she realizes just how wrong she was. When Noel hires the marketing company where Lane is an intern, she’s forced to see him again. If she wants to land her dream job as executive within the company, she has to win him over and secure his account. Too bad Noel is still pissed at her for breaking his heart.

When Lane’s company flies her to a Black Falcon concert to gain Noel’s attention, emotions run high the moment she sees him and realizes she’s far from over him. But Noel’s countless trysts with groupies and his cocky attitude make Lane believe he isn’t the same guy she once loved—now he seems to only want her body. Then after Lane discloses she needs him to procure a job, Noel proves he’s a changed man by forcing her to go on the road with him in order to get it.

After Lane reluctantly takes Noel up on his offer, she becomes willing to do whatever it takes to keep him satisfied, even if it means succumbing to his seductive ways. Lane soon finds deception is a dangerous game and she’s not the only one playing.

WOW! I was really looking forward to reading this book after I read the synopsis and I have to be honest and say that I absolutely adored it! It has easily become one of my favourite books! I was honestly hooked from page one and I couldn't put it down! I also couldn't wait to keep reading to find out what happened next and Rock the Heart was full of unexpected twists which I loved! The characters were just amazing! Lane was so lovely! I instantly connected with her and she was so honest which I liked! Noel was just HOT! He was protective of Lanie and you could really see how much he loved her! I loved all of the secondary characters as well as they added so much to the story! Lane and Noel as a couple were on fire! I could actually see the sparks fly when they were together! There were plenty of hot scenes between them as well and their sex scenes were just scorching hot! I am seriously looking forward to the next book in this series after loving this one! The cover is also hot! Big thank you to Michelle for an ARC of Rock the Heart!

Blog Tour: Rock the Heart by Michelle A. Valentine!

Hey guys! So I am honered to be on the blog tour for Rock the Heart by Michelle A. Valentine! I absolutely loved the book! I have below a character bio of Noel Falcon! Enjoy!

■ Character Name: Noel Falcon
■ Birth Date: September 25th
■ Place of Birth: Houston, Texas
■ Current Residence: Paintsville, Kentucky
■ Height: 6’2”
■ Weight: 175
■ Hair Color: Brown
■ Hair Length: Short, styled into a fowhawk or a general stylish mess
■ Eye Color: Blue
■ Tattoos: Sleeves on both arms, back, and chest
■ Relationship with Family: Strained
■ Educational History: High School graduate
■ Work History: Front man of Black Falcon
■ Skills: Singer
■ Quirks: Tends to run hands through hair when nervous
■ Best Qualities: Huge heart
■ Worst Qualities: Volatile mood swings
■ Key Teenage Experiences: Dating Lanie Vance
■ Key Adult Experiences: Achieving musical fame

Noel Falcon (born September 25th), is an American musician, best known for being the lead singer of the American heavy metal band Black Falcon.

He is a self-taught musician and prides himself on having no classical training. After leaving home after graduation he sought out individuals like himself to form a band. He met Riff in a small bar in Louisville, Kentucky while playing an acoustic solo gig, who introduced him to Trip and Tyke Douglas. Six months later, Black Falcon was born and signed their first record deal three months later.

The band’s first record, Hell in a Handbasket, went double platinum selling band, making Black Falcon a forced to be reckoned with. They’ve put out two additional albums since then, and their latest single Ball Busting Bitch is currently on Billboard’s Top 40.

Noel grew up in Cedar Creek Lake, Texas with his parents Frank and Irene Falcon and is most comfortable around the water. When he’s not making music, he prefers to spend his time in the quiet escape of his peaceful Kentucky home.

For the last four years, good girl Lane has regretted breaking up with Noel Falcon. She thought she was sensible when she told him his dreams of being a rock star would get him nowhere, but now that he's a rock god and her career is stagnant, she realizes just how wrong she was. When Noel hires the marketing company where Lane is an intern, she’s forced to see him again. If she wants to land her dream job as executive within the company, she has to win him over and secure his account. Too bad Noel is still pissed at her for breaking his heart.

When Lane’s company flies her to a Black Falcon concert to gain Noel’s attention, emotions run high the moment she sees him and realizes she’s far from over him. But Noel’s countless trysts with groupies and his cocky attitude make Lane believe he isn’t the same guy she once loved—now he seems to only want her body. Then after Lane discloses she needs him to procure a job, Noel proves he’s a changed man by forcing her to go on the road with him in order to get it.

After Lane reluctantly takes Noel up on his offer, she becomes willing to do whatever it takes to keep him satisfied, even if it means succumbing to his seductive ways. Lane soon finds deception is a dangerous game and she’s not the only one playing.

Author bio:

Michelle A. Valentine is a Central Ohio nurse turned author of erotic romance of forthcoming novels ROCK THE HEART (2012) and ROCK MY BED (2013). Her love of hard-rock music, tattoos and sexy musicians inspired her erotic series ROCK THE HEART.

Cover Reveal: The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden by Jessica Sorensen!

Hey guys! So I have here the hot new cover for The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden by Jessica Sorensen and I also have a teaser! Enjoy!

There are those who don’t get luck handed to them on a shiny platter, who end up in the wrong place at the wrong time, who don’t get saved.

Luck was not on Callie’s side the day of her twelfth birthday when everything was stolen from her. After it’s all over, she locks up her feelings and vows never to tell anyone what happened. Six years later her painful past consumes her life and most days it’s a struggle just to breathe.

For as long as Kayden can remember, suffering in silence was the only way to survive life. As long as he did what he was told, everything was okay. One night, after making a terrible mistake, it seems like his life might be over. Luck was on his side, though, when Callie coincidentally is in the right place at the right time and saves him.
Now he can’t stop thinking about the girl he saw at school, but never really knew. When he ends up at the same college as Callie, he does everything he can to try to get to know her. But Callie is reserved and closed off. The more he tries to be part of her life, the more he realizes Callie might need to be saved.

(New Adult Contemporary)*Mature Content** Recommended for ages 17+ due to sexual situations and language.
Here is the teaser!
Hesitantly, I push open the door and poke my head into the dimly lit room. “Hello.”
Kayden walks out from the back room without a shirt on and a towel pressed up to his face. “Hey, did you get the stuff?”
I slip into the room and shut the door the door behind me. I hold out the first aid kit and icepack to him, with my head turned toward the door to avoid looking at him. His bare chest, and the way his jeans ride low on his hips smothers me with uneasiness.
“I don’t bite, Callie.” His tone is light as he takes the kit and pack. “You don’t have to stare at the wall.”
I compel my eyes to look at him and it’s hard not to look at the scars that crisscross along his stomach and chest. The vertical lines that run down his forearms are the most disturbing, thick and jagged as if someone took a razor to his skin. I wish I could run my fingers along each one and erase it away, removing the pain and memories that hold with it. It hurts to look at it and I lift my gaze to his meet eyes.
He quickly lowers the towel to cover himself up and confusion gleams from his good eye. He presses the pack to his swollen and balances the kit down on the edge of the pool table, his fingers quivering as he pulls his hand back, each knuckle is scraped raw to bone. “Can you get the gauze out of that for me. My hand’s a little sore.”
My fingers fumble to open the kit, my fingernail catching on the edge, and it splits open. Blood pools out as I open the lid and I retrieve the gauze. “You might need stiches on that cut below the eye. It looks bad.”
He dabs at the cut with the towel, wincing from the pain. “It’ll be fine. I just need to clean it up and get it covered.”
The steaming hot water runs down my body, scorching my skin with red makes and blisters. I just want to feel clean again. I blink and take the damp towel from him, careful not to let our fingers touch. I examine the open wound, so deep the muscle and tissue is showing.
“You really need stiches,” I tell him. “Or you’re going to have a scar.”
The corners of his lips tug up into a sad smile. “I can handle scars, especially one’s on the outside.”
I understand his meaning from the depths of my heart.

Add The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden on Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/16113791-the-coincidence-of-callie-and-kayden

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Waiting on Blood-Kissed Sky [Darkness Before Dawn 02] by J.A. London!

Every Wednesday I will post a book which I cannot wait to be released and it is a weekly event that is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine and spotlights upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating.

Blood-Kissed Sky
By J.A. London
Paperback edition: 368 pages
To be released: 26th December 2012
Synopsis: There's nowhere left to hide.

I thought vampires were our enemies - they controlled our lives, isolated our cities, and demanded our blood - until I met Victor. With Victor taking over as the new Lord Valentine, things were supposed to get better. Instead, they're worse than ever.

Day Walkers, a new breed of vampires who can walk in the sun, are terrorizing the city. Blood supplies are low, and if Victor's vampires don't get enough, they will become infected with the Thirst - a disease that will turn them into mindless killers.

To stop it, I must journey across the desolate wasteland to the very place where the sickness began. I can only hope that the answers that await me are enough to save us all . . . before it's too late.
- goodreads.com

Trailer Reveal: Opal [Lux 03] by Jennifer L. Armentrout!

Hey guys! I am so happy to be a part of the trailer reveal for Opal by Jennifer L. Armentrout! The first two trailers for this book series have been amazing so I hope you enjoy this one!

Opal (The third book in the Lux Series)
Available in both print and digital version on December 18, 2012
Barnes and Noble

Official Opal Book Trailer

Check out Jennifer L. Armentrout on the following sites:
Official Website

Cover Reveal: The Forgotten Princess by Stina Rubio!

Hey guys! I have here the brand new cover for The Forgotten Princess by Stina Rubio! I cannot wait to read the book and the cover is stunning!

Amaya is a seventeen-year-old girl, who is anything but normal. Her father abandoned her as an infant, leaving her to be raised by a verbally abusive mother,
who--by the way is never sober. Leaving her to defend herself, Causing Amaya to become a social outcast.
One night while walking home from a party, Amaya was struck by a car while crossing the street, leaving her in a coma.
When she wakes in the hospital a few days later, she is visited by a very strange-but-handsome man. When left alone he starts telling Amaya her life is more
then what it seems. There is a Prophecy telling of a fogotten princess who will save his clan, the Suisuni Indians.
Eli, the strange yet very sexy man, is suppose to be Amaya's soul mate; the one who she is to marry.
With nothing else to lose Amaya sets out on a journey with Eli, a journey of unanswered questions; a journey to find her absent father.
Along the way Eli teachs Amaya who she is, and introduces her to a world of magic and myths.
Will Amaya be able to handle all the pressure everyone set on her shoulders?
Will she be able to forgive the father who left her?
Most importantly will she be able to live up to the prophecy of the forgotten princess?

The Prophecy:
On a day in September,
our world will be gone forever,
Unless we can find,
The one person lost in time,
A Princess who he shall bear,
With traits from her mother; fair,
A moment lost in time,
That we must diligently find,
born to another,
A warrior like no other,
He shall be the lost princesses fate,
Side by side they fight,
True soul mates,
Trained to love and protect,
Her warrior is the key to her merriment,
Love is the truth,
Death is the way,
Together they fight,
Together they slay,
Two souls one destiny,
Together and only together,
Will they bring peace and harmony.
Author bio:
Stina is the mother of three energetic boys (Daniel Jr. age 8, Zion age 6, Ezra age 1) they are her everything, the Princes' of her heart. She has been with
her husband Daniel for 11 yrs., and still going strong. The only other thing in her life she loves with a passion is writing, well and reading. She started
writing poems and short stories, her short stories geting negative attention from teachers, thinking Stina was demented. Writing has always came easy to
Stina because her imagination always runs wild.
This is going to be Stina Second book she has wrote, but The Forgotten Princess is going to be the first one released.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Release Day Blitz: Timeless [Transcend Time Saga 03] by Michelle Madow!

TIMELESS, the third and final part of the Transcend Time Saga by Michelle Madow, released on November 20, 2012.
In celebration of the release week of Timeless (November 20, 2012 – November 27, 2012), two special weeklong deals will be occurring:

1) The e-version of Remembrance will be reduced from $2.99 to $0.99 on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo.

2) Anyone who purchases Timeless during the release week is eligible to receive a free personalized Remembrance bookmark signed by Michelle Madow. To claim a bookmark, email timeless@michellemadow.com with your name, mailing address (as it should appear on the envelope), and proof of purchase (a screenshot/photo of your purchase confirmation, or a photo of Timeless on your e-reader.) This offer is international.
Remembrance $0.99 specials: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo
Timeless purchase links: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo

Quotes from reviewers about Timeless:
"The combination of time travel, magic, and love makes Timeless an unforgettable page turner!"
-For Those About to Read

"Timeless had great twists, particularly towards the end. For something inspired by a Taylor Swift song, Michelle has come up with a great series!"
-Addiction to Words Reviews

"Just when I think I know what to expect, Michelle throws me a curveball! It was spectacular. And marvelous. And a little bit daring, which is what makes Timeless stand out so much!
-Sparkles and Lightning

About Timeless:


In Remembrance, Lizzie and Drew changed the course of fate so they could be together.

In Vengeance, Chelsea set fate back on its original, deadly path.

Now, strange things keep happening to Lizzie. Things that are omens of darkness to come. A curse has doomed her to die an early death, just as she did in her past life. To make things worse, even if she can figure out who cast the curse, it's irreversible. There's only one option left for her to save herself. It's crazier than anything she's heard yet, and to do it, she'll need Drew and Chelsea's help.

Because to make things right, they must go back to when it all began …

Timeless is the final part of the Transcend Time Saga.

About the Transcend Time Saga:

The Transcend Time Saga is about a high school student named Lizzie who has been reincarnated from Regency Era, England, but doesn’t realize it until she meets her soul mate from the past and he triggers her memories to gradually return. The series began with Remembrance (published July 25, 2011), and continued with the short story Vengeance (published December 8, 2011). The series has sold a significant number of copies so far, and has received much praise from reviewers.
About the Author:

Michelle Madow was inspired to write Remembrance after seeing Taylor Swift's "Love Story" music video while a junior at Rollins College in Winter Park, FL. The song and video gave her the story idea about a high school girl reincarnated from Regency Era, England. She handed in the first chapter as a homework assignment for class, and when her teacher and classmates wanted her to continue writing, she decided to go for it. By the end of the school year, her first novel was completed!

Michelle graduated from the Park School of Baltimore in 2005, where she always took two English classes each semester. She graduated from Rollins College in 2010, cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in English. At Rollins she was a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, and a member of the International English Honor Society Sigma Tau Delta.

She received the Charles Hyde Pratt Award for Excellence in Creative Writing in 2010.

For more information on Michelle and her books, please visit www.michellemadow.com.

Michelle lives in Florida, where she is hard at work writing more novels for young adults.

Connect with Michelle online:

Monday 19 November 2012

Blog Tour: Beyond the Veil by Quinn Loftis!

Hey guys! I am so pleased to be a part of the blog tour for Beyond the Veil by Quinn Loftis! I have here an excerpt from Beyond the Veil! Enjoy!

My number is: 8

Jacque just happened to be walking by the door when she heard one of her best friends yell, “Bloody hell!”
She backpedaled to Sally’s door and, without knocking, turned the knob and quickly pushed it open.
“Sally, sweetie, you okay?” she called tentatively into the room.
“I’m over here, Jacque, and okay is taking a vacation at the moment.”
Jacque followed the sound of Sally’s voice into the attached bathroom.
She found her friend standing in her bra and shorts with her back to the mirror, holding a handheld mirror in one hand so that she could see her reflection from behind. Jacque’s mouth dropped open at the sight.
“Yeah, that was my first reaction too.” Sally nodded at Jacque’s dropped jaw. “But then I moved quickly into the next possible reaction of, ‘what the hell is on my back?’”
“Your markings,” Jacque whispered. “So he really is your mate.”
“That, or some random wolf is walking around out there with new markings that he wasn’t expecting. If you hear a loud, deep voice reacting in kind, then we will know.” Sally’s voice was shaky, but she was beginning to regain her bearings.
“Peri said that when you turned 18 the mate signs would show up.” Jacque motioned with a head bob to Sally’s back. “Guess the old Fae knew what she was talking about. Today is your birthday.”
“I don’t hear anything in my mind.” Sally closed her eyes and scrunched up her face.
Jacque laughed. “You won’t have to make funny faces in order to hear your mate, Sal, although you probably will until you get used to hearing a disembodied voice in your head. In which case Jen will be sure to ask you if you’re constipated.”
“Who’s constipated?” They heard Jen’s voice coming from Sally’s room. “You know, they make stuff to help unclog the pipes down there.” Jen came into the bathroom doorway and grinned at her two best friends. “So, you guys started the party without me, I see. Sally’s already started stripping.”
“Yeah, Jen, we didn’t want to invite you so we decided to have Sally’s birthday party in her bathroom because, ya know, that is all kinds of cool,” Jacque rolled her eyes at Jen.
“Mother of pearl,” Jen murmured as she saw Sally’s back. “Well, welcome to the mated family, Sal. I will tell you now that the sex is fantastic. Just in case you were wondering.”
“Gee, Jen, that’s exactly what was crossing my mind right about now, as I realize that my life has just changed for, I don’t know, EVER!” Sally yelled.
Jen calmly replied, “Now, have you gotten the shrieking out of your system or do you need to hang your head out the window and let it rip?”
Jacque silently watched Sally’s thoughts pass across her sweet, gentle face.
“No, I don’t think I need a hanging out the window moment right now. However, I reserve the right to have that moment when it is deemed appropriate.” Sally was taking slow, deep breaths as she spoke. She had a hand pressed to her heart as if that could keep it from beating out of her chest.
“Your request is duly noted,” Jen said with a curt nod.
Jen jumped up on the bathroom counter and began to swing her legs. She felt warmth flow over her as her mate spoke through their bond.
“How is she?” Decebel’s voice was deep, and yet very gentle.
“Actually, not doing too bad. She didn’t have a break down, and oddly enough she wasn’t interested in hearing about married sex life with a werewolf.”
“Imagine that, baby, someone not obsessed with the physical relationship between mates. Someone who doesn’t feel the need to discuss them with others and who would, more than likely, listen to her mate when he asks her to keep her trap shut.”
Jen let out a low growl. “You are getting entirely too comfortable with the concept of sarcasm, my dear mate.”
“Can I help it if I have had the best teacher known to man?” Decebel’s voice was tinged with humor and Jen swore she could feel him swat her butt.
“That’s enough, B. I’ve got a party to get ready for.”
“You do understand that that nickname no longer applies? I’m an Alpha, not a Beta.”
Jen snorted out loud. “Oh, my sweet fur ball, I wasn’t using the letter ‘B’ to refer to your former Beta status. Nope.” She grinned to herself. “The B now has a whole different meaning. You’re a smart cookie; you’ll figure it out.”
She sent him an image of her winking at him and blowing him a kiss. “See you later, alligator.”
“Behave.” Decebel’s voice took on a deep timbre. “And, Jennifer, you will keep your clothes on at this party.”
“Why, my dear hubby, whatever do you mean? A well-bred southern girl like me would never participate in such public spectacles.” Jen laid on the thick southern accent in her thoughts as she teased him.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“I feel the need to tell you that Decebel has informed me that I must keep my clothes on tonight at the party,” Jen told her friends as she examined her nails, looking for all the world like she had no plans to oblige him.
Sally’s head snapped to look at Jen. “Actually, that’s not a half bad idea.”
Jen’s jaw dropped.

Though the Serbian pack has been brought to heel thanks to the downfall of their Alpha, the war is far from over.
Desdemona, a witch of unfathomable power, has escaped the wolves’ wrath, but she will not go quietly into the night. She takes refuge in a place where even the smallest sliver of light does not dare to enter. Though she had to flee, she has not given up on the treasure she wishes to acquire. Her depravity knows no bounds; she's even willing to search for the one who can assist her in opening a Veil that has not been opened in millennia – with good reason: the danger is incalculable.
Meanwhile, there are major changes rippling through the Romanian Grey wolves. Decebel has become Alpha to the Serbian pack in an effort to begin to unite the Canis lupis species. Their numbers are dwindling in the wake of the shortage of true mates and lack of offspring. The wolves are beginning to lose faith and darkness seems to be crashing in on them from all sides.
You can buy Beyond the Veil on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Beyond-Veil-Wolves-Series-ebook/dp/B009GD8086/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1350837268&sr=1-1&keywords=beyond+the+veil+quinn
Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/beyond-the-veil-book-5-the-grey-wolves-series-quinn-loftis/1113014766?ean=2940015620375

Author bio:

Quinn is a wife, mother, nurse, and writer, not necessarily in that order. She lives in beautiful North West Arkansas with her husband, son and Nora their Doberman pinscher. She loves writing, reading, and crocheting. Her favorite holiday is Christmas, favorite book(s) is Pride and Prejudice, The Alpha and Omega Series by Patricia Briggs, and the Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling. She loves to be silly and have fun, loves music and thinks there is no greater sound than the sound in the world than that of her little boy's laughter.

Website: http://quinnloftisbooks.com/
Facebook Page (Fans): https://www.facebook.com/pages/Quinn-Loftis-Fans/332574480170161
Facebook Page (Books): https://www.facebook.com/QuinnLoftisBooks?fref=ts


All Blogs participating will have numbers that will be in bold print RED,so make sure you all keep track. At the end of the tour you will need to tally all of the numbers you collected from each site and enter it into our giveaway at
Sweet Treat Reading Reviews!

What are you playing for you ask?

I will tell you!

*A signed Just One Drop book

*Signed Decebel and Jen posters

(be still my heart)

*And a bracelet

Only correct answers will be entered!!