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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Wednesday 30 November 2022

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Snow In Love by Libby Kay!


   “Hey, Golden Girl!” Sienna heard Connor’s voice as he slid to a halt in front of her. He used his wrist to pull up his goggles, dazzling her with his blue eyes. They literally sparkled like a character in her favorite vampire romance novel. Damn him.
   Sienna bristled. “Don’t call me Golden Girl. Do you happen to see Bea Arthur around here?” Sienna assumed he wouldn’t get the reference, but she wasn’t that lucky.
   Connor shrugged before stabbing his poles into the snow. He put his hands on his hips and said, “I’m more of a Betty White fan.”
   Sienna slid toward Connor and lifted her chin. “Betty seems a little too sweet for you. Aren’t you more into the Blanches of the world?”
   A glorious grin cracked Connor’s face as he chuckled. “Nice to know you’re worried about my type. Frankly, I’m surprised you have enough time to pay attention. Don’t you have a daycare center to dedicate, or a puppy to rescue?”
   Mentioning her beloved dog, Roscoe, brought Sienna’s blood boiling. Throw in the fact that he mocked her charity work, and Connor Shoemaker was officially on her last nerve. “I’ll have you know, I like helping people.” She hesitated, worrying her bottom lip. “And I like animals. Who doesn’t love puppies? Roscoe is a very good boy.” She hated how lame her argument sounded, but she wouldn’t have anyone dissing her doggo.

The slopes are heating up this holiday season!
Skiing’s golden girl finds love this Christmas when she falls for the sport’s bad boy.

Christmas is Sienna Markum’s favorite time of year. From the tinsel and traditions to the down time with family, all Sienna wants is a break from training. The Paralympics are months away, and she’s set on winning Alpine gold.

Connor Shoemaker has no plans for Christmas, other than train for the Paralympics. A motocross accident took one of his legs – and all of his confidence. Connor doesn’t think anything can get his old mojo back, until he meets Sienna.

Sienna was told her training would be private, but soon, she starts to warm up to her new training partner. Bad boy Connor is more than meets the eye. When her Christmas plans fall through, Sienna finds the best present under the tree – Connor.

But is Sienna willing to balance her training with a shot at love?
Can Connor find his confidence again, off and on the slopes?

Together, these two will learn there is more to life than skiing. And it looks a whole lot like love.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

Libby Kay lives in the city in the heart of the Midwest with her husband. When she’s not writing, Libby loves reading romance novels of any kind. Stories of people falling in love nourish her soul. Contemporary or Regency, sweet or hot, as long as there is a happily ever after—she’s in love!

When not surrounded by books, Libby can be found baking in her kitchen, binging true crime shows, or on the road with her husband, traveling as far as their bank account will allow.

Writing is a solitary job, and Libby loves to hear from readers. Reach out and review her stories anytime. She’d love to hear from you.

Tuesday 29 November 2022

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Baggage Claim by Juliana Smith!


   “Olive,” I said, her name like a prayer. I didn’t have anything else to say; I only wanted her to see me.
   Her bright green eyes lifted to mine, and I melted. My hand reached under her chin and rubbed my thumb across it. So beautiful. She took a step closer, her chest brushing my midsection, and I nearly groaned from the simple contact. She leaned into me like she was on autopilot, and I was her only destination. I cautiously slid my hand from her chin to the back of her neck. She swallowed, and the movement of her throat pulled me in like runway lights calling me home. I moved closer, hesitantly, our faces only inches away. She would have stopped me, right? She would have given me that sassy attitude and pushed me away if she didn’t want this. The Olive I knew wouldn’t let me get this far. I paused, unsure.
   “Tell me to stop.”
   I needed to hear it. To hear her yell at me. To have her say, “I told you no kissing,” and give me a shove. If she didn’t, I would take her on this bed right now, without a care of who else was in the house.
   She grabbed my white button-down and pulled me impossibly closer. “No.”
   It was quiet, barely a whisper. I tightened my grip on her neck and leaned forward.
   This was it. Everything you have thought of nonstop since that flight. I was going to kiss the hell out of her. I was going to leave her lips swollen and numb until she was dizzy and floating.
   I tilted her head up with my spare hand and inched my lips toward hers slowly, ready to throw all caution to the wind.
“Finn.” She moaned my name before my lips were even on her, and I forced my heart not to explode. We were a dyad, two halves of the same whole. She was the best I ever had, and I hadn’t even had her yet. My lips were a centimeter from hers. Finally. Finally.

Olive Moore has been avoiding her hometown for three years now. But a phone call with her mom has her agreeing to spend the holidays back home with her family, she lets it slip she will be bringing a boyfriend with her. The only problem with that is she has no boyfriend. That is until she meets a handsome—albeit annoying—stranger on the plane who makes her an offer she can’t refuse.

Finn Beckett has always had good luck, as demonstrated by the gorgeous blonde he’s seated next to on a flight to Aspen. One drink too many leads to Olive spilling her problems in his lap, and he feels compelled to help. So he makes her an offer: he’ll pretend to be her boyfriend to keep her family off her back and make this the best Christmas ever.

Olive and Finn spend the next two weeks going on spirit-filled Christmas dates with her family. Their ruse is working perfectly, but Finn can’t help but notice Olive is holding something back. Something that could ruin everything.

Their relationship may have taken off smoothly, but with all this turbulence, will they ever make it to baggage claim?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon or Barnes and Noble

Author bio:

Juliana Smith is an author in a small town in Alabama. She is a full-time realtor, and part-time author, but she spends a lot of her time with her husband and daughter. Juliana writes heartfelt romance filled with laughter and warm fuzzies. She can usually be found in a Chic-fil-a drive-thru or listening to Star Wars theory podcasts, often at the same time.

Monday 28 November 2022

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Take Me to the Mountain [Men of Whiskey River 04] by Kaci Rose!

My mountain man just had a delivery mailed to his door. Me.


I was out of options when I signed up for the website. Now I’m a modern day mail-order bride and I’ve been delivered to the doorstep of my mountain man groom.

Bennett is a gentle giant who tells me that he knew I was his from the moment he saw me. I’m on the run from my past, and the mountain man’s bed is the best place to stay hidden.

I just need my secrets to stay hidden too.

She’s a tiny slip of a thing that I can lift one-handed, but my new bride is a spitfire too. From the moment I saw her, I knew I would do anything to protect her.

And nobody messes with what is mine.

Our marriage has been consummated in body, but I intend to have her heart and soul too. And that means that my sweet bride has to tell me everything. Even her darkest secrets.

Now that I have her, I won’t let her go. And anyone who threatens our life together is going to have a giant problem on their hands.


Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Kaci runs on coffee, chocolate, and Oreos. She loves her book boyfriends with tattoos, muscles, beards, and a little dirty.

Kaci loves romance books and has been jotting down ideas since she was in high school and is now putting the ideas down on paper. She believes in satisfying, happily ever afters with a lot of steam on the way.

She was born and raised in Southwest Florida but is wholeheartedly a mountain girl. She has been reading as many books as she could get her hands on since grade school and loves to travel when she gets the chance.



Sunday 27 November 2022

Blog Tour & Giveaway: I Love You Today [The Trading Heartbeats Trilogy 02] by Julie Navickas!


   “Well, you’re not a true Chicagoan until you’ve seen a game at Wrigley.” She flicked the brim of his hat and smiled. “And don’t even ask about that other team to the South,” she added.
   Austin wracked his brain, digging deep into his limited knowledge of baseball. Why can’t you like basketball? “Oh, umm… the White Sox, right?”
   “Shh! You can’t say that out loud here!” She pressed her index finger over his lips.
   He pecked the tip of her finger with a kiss. “Sorry,” he breathed. “I’m a Dodgers fan, remember?”
   “And it’s the worst thing about you, Mr. Templeton.”
   A chorus of “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” boomed throughout the park, the seventh-inning-stretch celebrations interrupting their spirited disagreement.
   “When did that happen?” Casey wrinkled her nose and scanned the ball field. “You distract me too much.”
   An elbow to his right side jabbed him in the gut. Ouch! Austin turned as the woman beside him pointed toward the field at the gigantic screen above the scoreboard. His eyes widened as his and Casey’s image stared back, squarely tucked within the shape of a pink heart, the words KISS CAM emblazoned in bold.
   Casey roared with laughter and yanked his hat from his head. Her bright blue eyes sparkled in the stadium lights, her gaze hovering over his mouth. Leaning in, Austin pressed his lips to hers as the fans erupted in cheers, their claps freezing the moment. The lights faded. The cold bleachers melted away, and all that existed was the quirky girl in his arms, the girl who had unknowingly mended his soul with the stitch of a baseball. He deepened the kiss, bathing in the sweet contentment consuming his heart.

Because when you least expect it… and when you’re least ready for it… love happens.

Casey McDaniels lacked direction, spending the better part of her youth boyfriend hopping, partying, and bartending – her dreams, career ambitions, and education put on the backburner in favor of a social life and steady paycheck… that is, until a new lawyer moves into town.

When sexy, smart, and brokenhearted Austin Templeton relocates from Los Angeles to Chicago, Casey can’t help but put her former lifestyle aside in favor of the sweet romance that erupts between them. Finding more than just her heart set ablaze, Austin’s own professional ambition ignites a fire beneath her – pushing her forward into uncharted territory.
But one thing’s for sure… his career will always come first. When an unexpected promotion threatens to take him back to California, Casey reels, forced to choose between the man who captured her heart and the newfound path to success he led her down.

With her heart torn down the middle, Casey leaves the choice in Austin’s hands. After all, what’s more important? A job… or love?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

Julie Navickas is an award-winning, nationally recognized contemporary romance novelist, known for her keen ability to tell heart-wrenching, second-chance love stories through relatable characters with humility, humor, and heroism. She is also an award-winning university instructor and serves as the executive director of The Writing Champions Project. Julie earned master’s degrees in both organizational communication and English studies with an emphasis in book history, as well as a bachelor’s degree in public relations, graduating cum laude from Illinois State University.


Saturday 26 November 2022

Stacking The Shelves [88]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Gifted from Authors/Publishers:

I, unfortunately, didn't receive any paperbacks or hardbacks this month.

For Review from Author/Netgalley/Edelweiss:

I, unfortunately, didn't receive any review copies this month.

Friday 25 November 2022

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Irish Rebel [Brooklyn Kings 07] by L.K. Shaw!


   “So,” Caitlín says, interrupting my musings. “How long have you worked for Uncle Carrick? I don’t remember seeing you the last time I was here.”
   Not sure what she hopes to gain, I answer her question. “A little over ten years.”
   “How come I never met you until yesterday?”
   I cast a quick glance in her direction. “Have you met every person that works for your uncle, then?”
   “All the ones he trusts enough to babysit,” Caitlín retorts.
   “Obviously not,” I say drily.
   “What do you do for him, exactly?”
   My fingers tighten their grip around the steering wheel. I’ve never hidden what I do. Then why am I so hesitant to tell her? I keep my mouth shut.
   She pivots in her seat to face me. “You must be the one who tortures and kills people for him, then. You remind me of my best friend’s brother-in-law, Pierce. He’s got the same ice-cold demeanor as you and that’s what he does.”
   I force myself not to flinch at her description. Ice-cold. I’ve certainly been called worse, I suppose. Still, I’m not sure I like Caitlín having that impression of me. It’s for the best, though. She should understand the type of man I am. A killer. Maybe that will keep her from pushing me too far. Not that I’d ever hurt her. But a bit of fear never hurt anyone.
   “How many men have you killed?”
   As if that’s a question I’m going to answer.
   “I almost killed someone once,” she says with extreme nonchalance after the silence continues.
   My head snaps in Caitlín’s direction. She laughs the same glorious laugh from five years ago. The one that held me riveted. That drew me in. It’s the one that makes her whole being light up.
   “You should see the expression on your face.” She cackles and then mimics bugged eyes and open mouth.
   My lips flatten and I turn back to the road. I didn’t look like that.
   “Seriously, though, I kind of sort of almost did.”
   I assume this is another one of her games. To say something this outrageous so I’m forced to feed my curiosity. Because, damn it, I am curious. Fine, I’ll bite. “Who did you almost, kind of sort of, kill?”
   Caitlín waves her hand around. “Some Polish guy. I would have got him, too, if Jack hadn’t screeched like a girl and thrown off my aim.”
   If I remember correctly, he’s her eldest brother. “Where and when did this happen?”
   “About four years ago, on a raid.”
   Who the hell lets a twenty-year-old girl put herself in that kind of danger? “Your family let you go on a raid?”
   She snorts. “Of course they didn’t. I snuck in.”
   That makes more sense. No wonder I’ve been assigned this job and what Carrick meant when he says Caitlín is reckless and needs protection from herself. It does put her in a new light though. Maybe she’s not as innocent as I’ve assumed all this time.
   She swivels again in her seat and her attention turns to our surroundings. A desire to get to know her rises up, but I squash that idea. It’s best to keep my distance. I can’t help but sneak a few glances in her direction though. At the way her dress rides up to mid-thigh exposing creamy porcelain skin. The barest hint of cleavage that’s just enough to make a man wish for more.


After finally convincing my over-protective family to let me visit my uncle in Dublin, I know this may be my only chance to experience everything I’ve always wanted: Adventure. Excitement. Freedom.

Until I’m introduced to the man assigned to be my bodyguard. With his silver-flecked hair and wicked scar, Roarke radiates power and danger. Everything I’m drawn to. Except, he’s also the one standing in my way. I push all of his buttons, until one night I push too far.


They call me a killer. And with each death I cause, my soul turns a little blacker. As an enforcer for the Irish mafia, I’ve always done what’s been asked of me. Including becoming the reluctant bodyguard for a woman who shines so bright, I’m afraid of tainting her with my darkness.

Caitlín tests my patience at every turn, determined to make my life hell. Even worse, she tempts me with her smart mouth and lush curves. In a moment of madness, I forget she’s off-limits and cross a line I can never come back from.

Now I’m torn between loyalty to the family I owe everything to—including my life—and the woman who just might be my salvation.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

LK Shaw is the bestselling author of the sexy, sinful suspense. She resides in South Carolina with her high maintenance beagle mix dog, Miss P. An avid reader since childhood, she became hooked on historical romance novels in high school. She now reads, and loves, all romance sub-genres, with dark romance and romantic suspense being her favorite. LK enjoys traveling and chocolate. Her books feature hot alpha heroes and the strong women they love.

Want a FREE short story? Be sure to sign up for her newsletter and download your copy of A Birthday Spanking, a short story set in the Doms of Club Eden world! http://bit.ly/LKShawNewsletter

Wednesday 23 November 2022

Release Day Blitz: The Christmas Agreement by Sharon Woods!

I didn’t know he was a billionaire and a single dad the night he was stranded with me and only one bed.

Marc has been in my bar a few times before. We often exchanged a few words, but this time was different. His flight was delayed and then cancelled, so I joined him for a drink after closing and got to know him… really well.

As good as he looked in suits, nothing prepared me for Marc without one. Or the way he held me afterwards, despite me telling him I never do that.

Whatever. What’s one night of rule breaking? I’d never see him again anyway.

Except, when I finally land a prestigious architecture trainee position in New York, I find myself on his doorstep.

Marc’s full of surprises.

He never mentioned he had a daughter.

This is a complication I don’t know if I’m ready for. It was supposed to be one night of harmless fun, but now he won’t let me go.

And I don’t know if I want him to.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

An author of Contemporary Romance. I enjoy writing love stories with a HEA. Born and living in Melbourne, Australia. With my beautiful husband and two children. Lover of romance books, coffee and chocolate. I started reading romance during my maternity leave. And then, I wanted to write my own stories and in lockdown took a shot. And it's been the best decision.

Tuesday 22 November 2022

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Hunted [The Dhampyr Series 01] by V.M. Nelson!


   What started out as a routine task to find blood turned into an onslaught of pain. I rubbed my eyes, allowing the darkness that filled my head to fizzle away. My hands, tender from scraping against the gravel, grasped at the cold metal fence. I flinched as my cuts burned against the steel. I’d done this to myself. The thumping under my skin and my lack of balance were all a result of ignoring my need to feed.
   Now here I sat, watching my blood as it dripped down my leg and pooled onto the sidewalk. A tingling sensation ran through me as I flicked out the tiny shards that had embedded themselves in my skin. My body helped to push them out in an effort to heal itself. This was not part of tonight’s plan. I stared back up at the fence—my nemesis. Razor-sharp wire wrapped itself around the top of the rusty, twelve-foot-high chain-link barricade.
   Take the shortcut, Tasi. It’ll be quicker and safer, Tasi. What a stupid idea.
   Under normal circumstances, I could dart up the fence, hop over the barbed wire, and gracefully land on my feet. My overall dexterity might have won me a gold medal in gymnastics, but that was so not happening in my current condition.
   An ache thundered through my body as I reached for the fence again. I hoisted myself up for the first time since tumbling off. With one last labored breath, I ran my hands down my pants, dislodging the remaining rocks from my newly healed skin. Nearby, a rustling sound echoed through the alley. My breath caught. The metal garbage cans clanked together as if they were being tossed around. If I were human, I wouldn’t think twice about the commotion. Lucky for me, I knew better. It was probably setting up to kill its next victim. There were a few shady-looking dive bars and run-down nightclubs in this area. The repetitive pounding of music stemming from different directions would drown out all screams. This was a perfect feeding ground.
   Over the past few months, these creatures had become my reality. Since I was thirteen, I’d known of their existence, but only recently had I been in the same vicinity as them. And when they were around, you didn’t want to be, so it was time to go.
   With a quick pivot in the opposite direction, I ran. I didn’t get farther than a few feet before my shoelace caught in the grate and my chin scraped against the ground. More blood dripped from my body.
   Tasi, seriously—what else can go wrong?
   Wrapping the shoelace around my fingers, I yanked until it released itself. By the time I tucked it into my shoe, it was too late. It had heard me. The pounding in my ears was no longer from the nightclubs but the pavement, and it was getting louder. I’d piqued its interest. Rather, my blood had piqued its interest.

Tasi, an eighteen-year-old, head-strong, blood-drinking, dhampyr, has been hidden away in a small town in Maine since the death of her parents. Though she had trained to fight and kill vampires, she never believed those skills would be useful in her mundane life. That’s where she’s wrong.

In one moment, her life changes forever, and her aunt’s final words ring in her head.

They want your blood.

Now orphaned and charged with protecting her sister, Emily—a sister who doesn’t know what they are or that she’s about to endure a life-threatening change—Tasi has no other choice but to follow directions left for her. She is to find an ally who lives in New York City. This is the only way Tasi will figure out why she and Emily are being hunted before they end up drained of their blood.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Author bio:

V. M. Nelson is the author of The Dhampyr Series. She writes upper young adult paranormal, urban fantasy with a touch of romance thrown in. When she isn’t writing, you can find her playing video games.

Virginia resides in Minnesota with her partner and three children. She has always had an obsession for myths, legends, and fairytales. If asked, she would prefer to live in an alternate universe with vampires and fairies.

Monday 21 November 2022

Blog Tour & Giveaway: A Shimmer of Magic [The Crystal Mages Trilogy 01] by Jane Shand!

Author Post!

I think I have always been a writer – or at least a storyteller! When I was little my dolls would go on adventures in made up worlds where often the Princess would rescue the Knight! When I was about eleven a friend of the family offered ‘The Lord of the Rings’ to us to read. That was when my true love for all things fantasy began. I loved the idea of magic, and it was all about escapism for me. I always made-up elaborate games for myself and my friends to play, or my toys, and it wasn’t much of a stretch to begin writing them. I wrote mostly for fun although I did try to get a novel published when I was about 22, but I had no clue what I was doing so of course it was rejected!

Then in 2017 I found Writing Magazine in a shop, read it, and was fired up to get serious about writing. I joined a short story course, and I wrote another novel and sent it to an agent and a small press. The small press gave me some valuable feedback. However, by then I had started writing The Shard and joined a novel writing course. With the help of that course I created a book I was proud of. After a lot of research into publishing I chose to self-publish and published The Shard in 2020 on Amazon. At this point I began to see myself as both a writer and an author and I hoped to make it my career.

In late 2021 I decided to take my books to all the other retailers too. I now have four books published with A Shimmer of Magic having just gone live. A Shimmer of Magic is the first in a trilogy (The Crystal Mages Trilogy), book 2 should release in July 2023, and I am writing book 3 ready for publication in Autumn/Fall of 2023. I am also starting work on a new series set on the same continent as The Crystal Mages Trilogy.

Elin believes she will never belong.
Her magic is too dangerous.

This is the first book in The Crystal Mages Trilogy, a young adult coming-of-age epic fantasy series.

Elin is pulled into a dangerous quest and her life is changed forever when she is found by Kamaria, a mage with her own issues, and a group of rangers. Kamaria is desperate to prove herself and Elin could be the key.

Elin struggles with her burgeoning friendships, learning to control her magic, and her feelings for the grey-eyed ranger, Kai. All while contending with renegade mages, assassins, and deadly creatures from legend. She also learns secrets from her past and the reason why her parents abandoned her as a baby.

She discovers that her dead parents have bequeathed her a heavy responsibility, as well as a key. A key that could release a dark mage.

Elin will need to rein in her dangerous magic before evil is unleashed across the world.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy here

Author bio:

Jane Shand has always been an avid reader of fantasy and mystery and is an author of YA Fantasy.

She got hooked on fantasy after reading ‘Lord of the Rings’ at a young age and was determined to write books full of magic and adventure.

She lives in Hampshire, England with her family and two cheeky cats who would love to help her write.

She has published The Darkling Duology plus a prequel novella, a standalone book, and is now working on The Crystal Mages Trilogy which will be followed by a longer series set on the same continent.

Sunday 20 November 2022

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Fighting for King [Star Studded 02] by Gillian Archer!


   I almost stepped on Briar before I saw her.
   Curled up on the floor next to Zoe’s bed, Briar was fast asleep, her hand curled around the bed frame next to Zoe’s head. The two of them snored softly in rhythm. I couldn’t help but smile at the sight. Zoe was a handful at bedtime. She never wanted to sleep. I think she was afraid she’d miss something big.
   But I knew from experience just how uncomfortable the floor in Zoe’s room was. I couldn’t let Briar sleep all night there.
   I leaned down and gently shook her shoulder.
   Briar groaned and curled into herself.
   Damn, that was cute.
   And not something I should be thinking.
   Annoyed at myself, I shook her shoulder a little harder.
   She curled away from me again.
   I was debating between leaving her or picking her up when she opened her eyes and gasped. She sat up and moved to put herself between me and Zoe before I could reassure her.
   “Briar, it’s me,” I whispered. “I didn’t think you wanted to sleep all night on the floor.”
   “Oh. King.” Her hand came up and pressed against the center of her chest. “You scared me.”
   I tried not to notice how the movement pulled her shirt to outline her tits or the fact that she clearly wasn’t wearing a bra. Damn. Shaking my head, I muttered, “Sorry.”
   I didn’t know if I was apologizing for scaring her or for my un-boss-like thoughts.
   “Zoe wouldn’t fall asleep tonight.” Briar lurched to her feet and blearily brushed at her tiny sleep shorts that I definitely wasn’t looking at. “I guess I fell asleep waiting for her to fall asleep.”
   I smiled and pivoted from Briar to Zoe’s softly snoring little body. “Yeah, I’ve been there. Some nights it’s just easier to let her sleep in my bed. I know she’s supposed to sleep on her own, but I just can’t do the back and forth all night long. I need to sleep too.”
   “You’re a good dad.”
   My eyes snapped back to Briar and I shrugged. “Some days it doesn’t feel like that. My publicist was just telling me a good dad would… Never mind. Anyway, you don’t have to sleep on the floor tonight if you don’t want to. You should get to bed.”
   I took one last look at my sleeping daughter then headed for the door. I’d gotten a few feet down the hall when Briar’s quiet, “Wait,” stopped me.
   I turned and found her standing behind me with her arms crossed over her chest. She bit her lip, then shook her head. “Please don’t let anyone ever let you think you’re not a good dad. You do everything you can for your daughter, and I’m not talking about monetarily. You put in the time. She knows you and loves you—wants to be with you. And that’s what makes you a great dad. Anyone who says otherwise has ulterior motives. Or they don’t know you.” Her cheeks turned pink as she looked away. “I’m not saying that I know you. Because I don’t. But I’ve seen all kinds of parents. And you’re definitely one of the good ones.”
   “Thanks, Briar. That means a lot.”
   And it did. Being a parent was so hard, especially since I was doing this on my own. I didn’t even have the best example from my parents—past or present. They’d divorced when we were in elementary school and then used us as weapons against each other. I couldn’t remember the last time I saw, or even spoke to, either of them.
   “Right. Well. I should be getting to bed. Zoe gets up early.”
   “Me too. Although I should’ve told you, I have a later call time tomorrow, so I get to have breakfast with you guys in the morning.”
   Briar beamed. “Great.” She flushed and shook her head. “I mean, Zoe will be so happy to see you. She’ll be thrilled.”
   I hitched a shoulder. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
   “’Night,” I repeated, taking a step back in the direction of my bedroom.
   And yet I lingered and watched Briar walk away in the opposite direction toward her room at the other end of the hall.
   Not that I noticed how her tiny sleep shorts clung to her heart shaped ass.
   Because that wasn’t something I would do.

The Nanny Factor! Is there something more going on between Actor Kingston Grier and his new nanny? Stay tuned…

Kingston: Who knew it would be such a challenge finding a nanny who could focus on my daughter without getting sidetracked by trying to get into my bed? I can’t even make eye contact without them thinking I’m flirting. I’m not.

Until Briar arrives, and finally we have a nanny who’s there for Zoe. But why does this Mary Poppins have to be so damn hot?

Briar: My divorce left me with more than my share of trust issues. Not that I’m looking at my new boss that way. Kingston might be a Hollywood hunk, but the guy has the personality of a potato. His daughter couldn’t be more different. One look into her doe eyes, and I am in love.

Somehow Kingston and I go from barely speaking to talking all night long. And our attraction becomes impossible to deny. Just when everything’s finally going right, intimate pictures of us are leaked and the fallout is insane. When I signed up for this job, I knew I’d do anything to protect Zoe—I just never expected how much I’d want to fight for King.

Check it out on Goodreads!

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Author bio:

GILLIAN ARCHER has a bachelor’s degree in mining engineering but prefers to spend her time on happily ever after. She writes the kind of stories she loves to read—the hotter the better! When she’s not pounding away on the keyboard, she can be found chasing her preschooler, or surfing the couch while indulging in her latest reality TV fixation, or reading awesome romance ebooks by her favorite authors.

Gillian Archer lives in the wilds of Nevada with her amazing husband, ridiculously smart little girl, and goofy dog.

Saturday 19 November 2022

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Ravaged [Burned, Inc. 02] by Naima Simone!

From USA Today bestselling author Naima Simone comes an electrifying romance about a pro basketball player and a graphic novelist who can’t seem to stay in the friend zone.


It’s no coincidence that my family’s breakup service is called BURNED Inc. I know what it’s like to be dumped. I’ve been there.

Long story short, I’ve got a rule when it comes to my love life: no athletes. As it happens, my best friend, Jordan, is a professional basketball player. He also has a delicious body and sexy tattoos.

But rules are rules.


Miriam is my best friend. She’s also the love of my life, the woman I’ve been dreaming about since we met. But she doesn’t do athletes.

I get it. I really do. And I just want Miriam to be happy. Which is why I set her up with a teammate to help her find the man she deserves—even though I can tell she’s into me from that one hot-as-hell night we shared months ago. Still, rules are rules.

But here’s the thing: I’m a competitor.

And sometimes you have to break the rules to win.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Published since 2009, USA Today Bestselling author Naima Simone loves writing sizzling romances with heart, a touch of humor and snark. Her books have been featured in The Washington Post and Entertainment Weekly, and described as balancing “crackling, electric love scenes with exquisitely rendered characters caught in emotional turmoil.”

She is wife to Superman, or his non-Kryptonian, less bullet proof equivalent, and mother to the most awesome kids ever. They all live in perfect, sometimes domestically-challenged bliss in the southern United States.