The bathroom door burst open. Dakota whirled around and gasped: In the door was the good-looking biker.
His hand went to the towel around his waist and he didn’t say a word.
They stared at each other across the small space. Despite her mental, physical, and emotional upheaval something pulled tight down the line of her body and she blinked a few times. A quick shake of her head. But that only made the vertigo worse and she whimpered, hanging her head.
“Fuck, stop breaking yourself.”
He was next to her in what seemed like less than a second, his still damp hand supporting her elbow as she hunched over the chair feeling like she was going to faint all over again. “Follow me.”
Dakota was useless as he led her back to the bed and set her up so she was lying on a mound of pillows while he clung to that awfully small towel. The biker made taking care of her seem like it was second nature, like they weren’t strangers. Drops of water from his damp hair settled across her clothing and sunk into her skin.
“Why did you bring me here? What the hell happened?”
Despite the fact that they kept eye contact, he said nothing. His emotions remained completely in check and his face gave nothing away—a blank slate. The least he could do was give her the rundown while she was pathetic and reeling. Instead, he threw a fast food bag in her lap and strode back into the bathroom and shut the door.
“When you come out of there, I expect answers, biker boy,” she said.
Silence from behind the door.
“You have to come out some time.”
More silence.
Images of his finely chiseled chest with a smattering of hair covering it burned into her brain. Dakota shut her eyes and clenched her jaw. Yeah, like sheer stubbornness could clear away the stab of arousal that coursed beneath her skin.
This is a crock of shit. So he has a good body.
No reason to get all hot and bothered by it.
Cobra once wore the Steel Devils MC patch and his territory was Montana. Now his bottom rocker reads Nomad.
Cobra used to be the Enforcer in the Steel Devils MC, and his reputation for ruthlessness was well earned. After doing a stint in the penitentiary, he opted out of the MC life, and hit the open road. Still a biker and an outlaw, he goes where the road takes him. He hooks up with women for a while then when the restlessness sets in, he kisses them goodbye and is gone in the blink of an eye.
He doesn’t want anything or anyone crimping his style. He came from a background that taught him to trust no one and that loving anyone causes pain.
Yeah … he’s just fine on his own.
Then Dakota crashes into his life and turns it upside down.
The girl’s trouble.
She’s got a ton of baggage.
And she’s driving him crazy with desire.
Dakota has demons inside her that no one can chase away. The last thing she wants is a man in her life. Men only want to use and abuse women and she’s had her fill of them.
But then she meets Cobra, and even though her logic tells her he’s a dangerous and ruthless outlaw, her body wants him in the worst way.
As she gets to know him, a side of him comes out that Dakota doubts anyone has seen.
And just when she puts her guard down and trusts him, her world comes crashing down on her.
Can Cobra soothe the demons inside Dakota, and can she teach Cobra to let someone into his solitary life?

Author bio:
Chiah Wilder is the author of the successful Insurgents MC series.
Chiah's love of bad boys has inspired her Insurgents series. She loves an alpha male whose softer side is brought out by a passionate, spirited woman. Steamy, biker romances with rough, sexy bad boys are her guilty pleasure along with brownies, cheddar cheese, and movie marathons.
She is busy writing her next book in the series.
Chiah would love to hear from you. You can contact her at: chiahwilder@gmail.com
Visit her on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorChiahWilder/
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