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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Tuesday 30 April 2019

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Come A Little Closer [Georgia Boys 02] by Chrissy Brown!


   I blush and shake my head. “We should get started on the bedroom.”
   Kevin follows behind me, fiddling with his phone. I refill the paint tray and set it on the bedroom floor. Maroon 5’s “Girls Like You” starts playing. Kevin comes up behind me, puts his hands on my hips and begins to move them to the music. He presses against my back. My hands fall to my sides, and I tilt my head against his chest.
   “This is not helping my walls get painted,” I whine.
   “Come on, dance with me.” he pleads.
   I turn around and stare into his eyes. It would be so easy to get lost in them but I can’t. I won’t. My hips stop moving, but Kevin’s still dancing. I raise the paintbrush that’s in my hand and slap him in the face with it. Slap sounds violent. It was more like I grazed him with cream colored paint while my hand slowly moved in front of his face. Kevin stops dancing. His jaw hangs open.
   “Game on babe.”

Sophie was the love of my life. Okay, we were twelve the last time I saw her but still. I’ve tried everything to move on—whiskey, women, weed. Nothing seemed to fill the void. Now, ten years later, she shows up out of the blue. The problem, I’m not the boy she used to know. I have a reputation that could ruin everything. Still, I have to try. Even if nothing happens between us, having Sophie in my life as a friend is better than not having her at all.

Come A Little Closer is the second installment in the Georgia Boys Series. It can be read as a standalone novel.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

An avid reader who loves to write. When I'm not reading a book, I'm chasing around my twin girls or my two dogs. Visit my website www.chrissybrownauthor.com


Monday 29 April 2019

Blog Tour: Retribution [Nomad Biker Romance 02] by Chiah Wilder!


   The bathroom door burst open. Dakota whirled around and gasped: In the door was the good-looking biker.
   His hand went to the towel around his waist and he didn’t say a word.
   They stared at each other across the small space. Despite her mental, physical, and emotional upheaval something pulled tight down the line of her body and she blinked a few times. A quick shake of her head. But that only made the vertigo worse and she whimpered, hanging her head.
   “Fuck, stop breaking yourself.”
   He was next to her in what seemed like less than a second, his still damp hand supporting her elbow as she hunched over the chair feeling like she was going to faint all over again. “Follow me.”
   Dakota was useless as he led her back to the bed and set her up so she was lying on a mound of pillows while he clung to that awfully small towel. The biker made taking care of her seem like it was second nature, like they weren’t strangers. Drops of water from his damp hair settled across her clothing and sunk into her skin.
   “Why did you bring me here? What the hell happened?”
   Despite the fact that they kept eye contact, he said nothing. His emotions remained completely in check and his face gave nothing away—a blank slate. The least he could do was give her the rundown while she was pathetic and reeling. Instead, he threw a fast food bag in her lap and strode back into the bathroom and shut the door.
   “When you come out of there, I expect answers, biker boy,” she said.
   Silence from behind the door.
   “You have to come out some time.”
   More silence.
   Images of his finely chiseled chest with a smattering of hair covering it burned into her brain. Dakota shut her eyes and clenched her jaw. Yeah, like sheer stubbornness could clear away the stab of arousal that coursed beneath her skin.
   This is a crock of shit. So he has a good body.
   No reason to get all hot and bothered by it.

Cobra once wore the Steel Devils MC patch and his territory was Montana. Now his bottom rocker reads Nomad.

Cobra used to be the Enforcer in the Steel Devils MC, and his reputation for ruthlessness was well earned. After doing a stint in the penitentiary, he opted out of the MC life, and hit the open road. Still a biker and an outlaw, he goes where the road takes him. He hooks up with women for a while then when the restlessness sets in, he kisses them goodbye and is gone in the blink of an eye.

He doesn’t want anything or anyone crimping his style. He came from a background that taught him to trust no one and that loving anyone causes pain.

Yeah … he’s just fine on his own.

Then Dakota crashes into his life and turns it upside down.

The girl’s trouble.

She’s got a ton of baggage.

And she’s driving him crazy with desire.

Dakota has demons inside her that no one can chase away. The last thing she wants is a man in her life. Men only want to use and abuse women and she’s had her fill of them.

But then she meets Cobra, and even though her logic tells her he’s a dangerous and ruthless outlaw, her body wants him in the worst way.

As she gets to know him, a side of him comes out that Dakota doubts anyone has seen.

And just when she puts her guard down and trusts him, her world comes crashing down on her.

Can Cobra soothe the demons inside Dakota, and can she teach Cobra to let someone into his solitary life? 

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Chiah Wilder is the author of the successful Insurgents MC series.

Chiah's love of bad boys has inspired her Insurgents series. She loves an alpha male whose softer side is brought out by a passionate, spirited woman. Steamy, biker romances with rough, sexy bad boys are her guilty pleasure along with brownies, cheddar cheese, and movie marathons.

She is busy writing her next book in the series.

Chiah would love to hear from you. You can contact her at: chiahwilder@gmail.com

Visit her on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorChiahWilder/

Join the Chiah Wilder Newsletter to get the scoop on new releases, previews, free short stories, and a whole lot of other exciting goodies: http://eepurl.com/bACCL1


Sunday 28 April 2019

Blog Tour & Giveaway: The Good Inside Me by Barbara Russell!

Fun facts about Barbara!

 - My toes are prehensile. I can pick everything up with them.

- I’m dyslexic. I thought that ‘Breaking Bad’ was ‘Baking Bad,’ a reality show on cooking-impaired people.

- I believe that artichokes are weapons.

- I believe in Santa Claus. Sue me.

- I have more typos in my body than blood cells. I was entering my novel, The Heart Collector, in a local contest, and I had to choose a few categories: romance, steampunk, mysteries, and historical romance. The website kept saying that the genre “historical romance” didn’t exist. I tried again, but nope. Historical romance wasn’t an accepted category. I was getting quite annoyed until I realised I was typing “hysterical romance” haha. Imagine, a novel where people keep shouting.

Dragons, short-tempered archdemons, and hysterical damned souls—Shax is used to dealing with all that. He’s a young fire demon and lives in Hell, after all. What he’s not used to is being possessed by a human. A very good human and a pretty girl at that: sixteen-year-old Tolis. Despite still having control of his body most of the time, Shax can hear Tolis’s voice inside his head and feels what she feels constantly.

Shax’s mentor claims that Tolis hides an ancient, powerful grimoire, a book of spells, and proposes a deal: if Shax finds it, he’ll help Shax get work as a dragon keeper—Shax’s dream job. Tolis swears she doesn’t have the grimoire and asks Shax to help her father, whose soul is turning evil by the minute. Unless Tolis does something, her dad’s soul will end in Hell. Hoping to convince her to give him the grimoire, and not because Shax cares about the man’s soul, he agrees to help.
Goodness is overrated. Since Shax decided to help Tolis, his life has turned into a hurdle race. Thugs chase him, the scientists in Hell want to prod and examine the first possessed demon in history, and he can’t find the darn grimoire.

And the worst part? Due to the unavoidable presence of Tolis, who keeps intruding into his evil thoughts, Shax discovers an almost decent side of himself. In no time at all, he catches himself doing actual good deeds. Is he becoming—yuck—good?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

I’m an entomologist and a soil biologist, which is a fancy way to say that I dig in the dirt, looking for bugs. Nature and books have always been my passion. I was a kid when I read The Lord Of The Ring and fell in love with fantasy novels.

When I discovered cozy mystery and crime novels, I fell in love with Hercules Poirot and Sherlock Holmes. Then I grew up and . . . Nah, I’m joking. I didn’t grow up. Don’t grow up, folks! It’s a trap.

PS I hate gardening. There, I said it. Sorry fellow Kiwis.


Saturday 27 April 2019

Stacking The Shelves [45]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Purchased (Ebooks):

Purchased (Paperbacks/hardbacks):

Gifted from Authors/Publishers:
 For Review from Author/Netgalley/Edelweiss:

Friday 26 April 2019

Cover Reveal & Giveaway: Unsteady in Love [Fairlane 03] by Harlow Layne!

Everything I ever thought I knew about him, everything I thought he wanted was a lie.

Imagine one day calling your boyfriend, the love of your life, the man you planned to marry and have kids with only to find out his phone has been disconnected, and he’s joined the military.

How could someone love you if they ran away?

That was four years ago when he shattered my heart into a million pieces and today I find that same man on my doorstep… pleading for forgiveness and my hand in marriage.

Our relationship isn’t what I dreamt it would be. The only way to see it through is to keeping the past pain buried and protecting my heart. It shouldn’t be hard when he’s half a world away, but when tragedy strikes causing Holden to come back to me half the man he was when he left...

I must decide if he’s worth giving a second chance. With a past as checkered as ours, I’m not sure love will ever exist again.

Unsteady in Love is a stand-alone in the Fairlane series. The series has crossover characters from each novel. It is not required to read the books in order but it is recommended to enhance the reading experience.

Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks

Author bio:

Harlow Layne is a hopeless romantic who writes sweet and sexy alpha males who will make you swoon.

Harlow wrote fanfiction for years before she decided to try her hand at a story that had been swimming in her head for years.

When Harlow’s not writing you’ll find her online shopping on Amazon, Facebook, or Instagram, reading, or hanging out with her family and two dogs.


Thursday 25 April 2019

Release Day Blitz: The Perfect First [Fulton U 01] by Maya Hughes!

“How long do you last in bed?” Those were her first words to me, swiftly followed up with, “And how big would you say you are?”

Cue the record scratching, what?!

Persephone Alexander. Math genius. Lover of blazers. The only girl I know who can make Heidi braids look sexy as hell. And she’s on a mission. Lose her virginity by the end of the semester.

I walked in on her interview session for potential candidates (who even does that?) and saw straight through her brave front. She’s got a list of Firsts to accomplish like she’s only got months to live. I’ve decided to be her guide for all her firsts except one. Someone’s got to keep her out of trouble. I have one rule, no sex. We even shook on it.

I’ll help her find the right guy for the job. Someone like her doesn’t need someone like me and my massive...baggage for her first time.

Drinking at a bar. Check.

Partying all night. Double check.

Skinny dipping. Triple check.

She’s unlike anyone I’ve ever met. The walls I’d put up around my heart are slowly crumbling with each touch that sets fire to my soul.

I’m the first to bend the rules. One electrifying kiss changes everything and suddenly I don’t want to be her first, I want to be her only. But her plan was written before I came onto the scene and now I’m determined to get her to re-write her future with me.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Maya Hughes has always loved romance novels. One look at her Kindle is confirmation. She started writing her first romance novel while pregnant with her third child and she hasn’t looked back. Now, her romance writing addiction has replaced her romance reading addiction.

You can find her writing on her foldable keyboard and phone anytime inspiration strikes. Her sweet and steamy stories range from rockstars to small towns and everything in between. When she’s not writing, she’s playing with her three kids, running errands or vegging on the couch with the love of her life and biggest fan, her husband. 

Wednesday 24 April 2019

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Twist Tied [Love Between the Pages 03] by Heather Guimond!


If you’ve ever been left twisted in knots by your last book boyfriend...

Author Wyatt Chase is one kinky mo-fo, and I know kinky.

I’ve spent years devouring steamy stories that have left me fit to be tied, and as the assistant to his top rival, I’ve rubbed elbows with some of the dirtiest minds around.

To make my life imitate his art, I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse.

My readers think they know me from my stories, but I just have an imagination more fertile than a box of Miracle-Gro. When Clarisse Flores blindsides me with an unexpected proposition, I hesitate. She wants the Marquis de Sade, not some kinky fraud. Nevermind the fact she’s hell on wheels. Taming her should be a job for a professional, but one look into her hazel eyes and I’m willing to try.

What happens when a bossy, smart-mouthed, independent woman is determined to submit to a man who can barely tie his own necktie?

Something is bound to unravel...

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Heather Guimond is a Los Angeles native, a fact she's abnormally proud of. When she's not trying to write something that will make people laugh or rip their hearts out (or both!) she's either reading or doing her best to crack the whip on her three home-schooled teenagers. She loves all things witty and wise-cracking, as well most varieties of smart-assery. Other favorites include French roast coffee in copious amounts and the dirtiest Dirty Martinis she can find. More than anything, she hopes she writes books that stick with the reader long after the pages have been read.

Tuesday 23 April 2019

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Mayhem's King [Operation Mayhem 04] by Lindsay Cross!

They call him the quiet one.

But they don’t know him.

They only know him as the King of mayhem. The elite of the elite. The man his team relied on to save the unsaveable. Kingston Kenrich could save anyone…except those who he’d loved most. King thought he’d survived the worst, until his own teammate’s betrayal left him blind in one eye. Before, he lived for pain, now he lives for revenge.

Her compassion knew no bounds.

From the moment Laura Dawson’s daredevil brother, John, signed up for the Special Forces, she’d known one day she’d get the call that he’d been killed in action. But she’d never expected to be the one raising his young daughter. After a year as a stand in mother, she got an even bigger shock – John was alive. But he wasn’t the same.

When his old teammate, King, appeared in her house looking for John, Laura kept quiet. But something about the tall, dark stranger tugged at her soul.

King takes one look at Laura and feels his heart beat again. How could his betrayer’s sister evoke anything other than hate?

Fate throws them together into a turbulent world of adventure and pain. Laura fights to remain loyal to her brother while falling for the man who wants to see him dead. King is determined to make her see the twisted man her brother has become, all the while losing his heart to her more each day.

Will Laura and King choose love or loyalty? Or will fate take the decision out of their hands?

This incredibly emotional romance will take you through the highs and lows of new love, the treachery of betrayal and the uncertainty of danger in a heart pounding journey of discovery.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Lindsay Cross is the USA Today bestselling author of the Men of Mercy series. She is the fun loving mom of two beautiful daughters and one precocious Great Dane. Lindsay is happily married to the man of her dreams - a soldier and veteran. During one of her husband's deployments from home, writing became her escape and motivation.


Monday 22 April 2019

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Lead The Way [Dirty South 01] by Brittany Carter!


   One side of his mouth curled for a nanosecond. “You need to leave. Your brothers are gonna catch you.”
   She placed the carrots in her hand on the table behind him. “You’re not scared of my brothers.”
   “I’m not. But they’ll tan your hide if you get caught over here.”
   She shrugged. “I’m not scared of my brothers either.”
   His gaze dropped to her lips, and her heart began to patter. Thoughts drifted from her head, taking away her ability to speak. She leaned forward; one palm rested against his wide chest. Suddenly, he shifted, grabbed her waist, and placed her on the table behind them. With one hand on either side of her hips, he leaned forward. He smelled woodsy, like rain, earth, and man. It intoxicated her brain, filling her body with raging feelings. Feelings she’d never had before. Not once had Lucas ever made her feel so alive without touching her.
   Her mouth watered as he neared, his lips only a hairbreadth away from her own, the minty smell of his mouth had her head gone. His unruly hair was messy from the rain, and she reached up with her other hand to run her fingers through it.
   He caught her wrist; his thumb ran three slow circles around her pulse. Kiss me … please. She had no idea why her body betrayed her so easily. The tip of his tongue ran across his bottom lip. Melody couldn’t look away from it, even when he took his other thumb and ran it across her bottom lip. The tension weighed heavily down on her chest, begging for a release.
   Just one kiss would cure her, right?
   A deep grunt left his throat, and she just knew he’d kiss her. She knew he would lean down and put her out of her misery. Only one more inch and …
   “Go home,” he whispered against her mouth.
   Her heart sank with embarrassment. Rejection clogged her throat. She wanted to crawl into the dirt and die. Turning her head, she looked down at the shed floor. She was stupid for going over.
   Melody jumped down from the table, stopping at the door. “I know you didn’t do it,” she whispered. Thane leaned over the table again, palms flat against the wood, his eyes fixated on her. “You don’t know anything, Melody.”

Fresh off the high of college graduation, Melody James is back in her Podunk town. She needs a job, but first, she’ll spend a lazy summer with no agenda at all.

But life’s got other plans for Melody, ones she’d sooner ignore. When the next-door neighbor passes away, his son returns home to take care of his affairs. Thane Cohen hasn’t been home in ten years. The last time he was, someone accused him of murdering Melody’s parents. Now, after major efforts to recover his self-worth and start a construction company, Thane wonders if enough time has passed for him to clear his once good name.

At the time of the murders, Melody was the only person who didn’t believe Thane was responsible. But how could she even suggest otherwise when just about everyone in town was convinced of Thane’s guilt? Her brothers would never allow it. With nothing to lose before, Thane packed up and left, leaving the town and Melody behind. Now that he’s back, rekindling an old flame in Melody and proving his innocence are critical.

When several car windshields get broken and fires start unexpectedly, the world inside their little town is tossed upside down. With Melody’s brother against her, and Thane fighting every attempt she makes at breaking down his walls, Melody’s push for answers leads her to a frightening conclusion. Thane may actually know more about her parents’ death than she was lead to believe. Can she trust him, or has everyone else been right about him all along? Only time will tell if she can let love lead the way.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Brittany Booker Carter previously writing as Alla Kar. I'm a Christian, lover or romance, a wife and mother to a wild-child!



Sunday 21 April 2019

Book Blitz & Giveaway: What Matters More by Liora Blake!


   Anya managed a nervous smile and thrust her arms forward, with the baking pan perched in her hands like an offering—one she suddenly wasn’t sure would be welcome.
   “We made enchiladas for dinner,” she blurted out. “And we saved some for you. Tara said you can send her a thank-you note tomorrow. I kept them warm, and I have salad and some beer, too. Are you hungry?”
   JT’s gaze zeroed in on the pan in her hands and he simply stared at it, not saying a word, even when Anya cleared her throat to ease the uncomfortable silence. She felt a blush creeping across her cheeks, and a panicked thought hit her. One that if she hadn’t lost her mind earlier, she would have been able to see coming before she found herself with these damn oven mitts on her hands.
   Maybe this was a mistake.
   She could see how this must look, this show of domesticity on her part that he certainly hadn’t asked for or even insinuated that he wanted. But here she was, making him dinner and keeping it warm until he arrived home, like she was some proper Kennedy-era housewife—which, on so many levels, she definitely wasn’t. Even the outfit she’d changed into, a lavender floral mini dress, made it look like all she was missing was a cute little vintage apron to complete the look.
   Oh, God.
   Of course this was a mistake.
   Anya considered setting the pan on the ground and walking away without saying another word. But then JT locked his eyes with hers. A hungry, heated look was on his face, and because she was regretting this whole thing now, she wasn’t sure whether that look was for her or the enchiladas. Either way, she needed him to say something soon because she was about to drop this hot pan and swoon, although not necessarily in that order.
   “I’m starving,” JT rumbled. Then he made his way toward the door into the house, opened it, and invited Anya in with just the tip of his chin. She scooted past him in the doorway and swore that when she did, he actually grunted quietly as she passed.
   Even then, she still wasn’t sure what he wanted to eat first.

A sexy contemporary romance about what happens when a casual one-night stand becomes anything but casual.

JT Maxwell has it all . . . well, almost. He’s a US Marshal, he looks like he belongs in an aftershave commercial, and he has tattoos—lots of tattoos. Unfortunately, he’s also in debt up to his pretty blue eyeballs. Between that and his recent divorce, his personal life is nonexistent these days. But when a free-spirited artist approaches him for a no-strings-attached one-night stand, things suddenly start looking up.

Anya Alves’s life is a mess. She’s lost her job, caught her boyfriend cheating on her, and if it weren’t for the house-sitting gig she just landed, she’d be homeless. On top of all that, her creative muse has up and disappeared. If she doesn’t get it back, her burgeoning career as an artist will be over before it starts. But after indulging in a steamy hook-up with a guy who makes it easy to forget her troubles, she gets her mojo back.

The last thing she expects when starting her house-sitting job, is to see her sexy one-night stand again . . . living right across the street.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble or Kobo

Author bio:

Wife of one. Mom of three plus a Beagle.

Liora Blake is a contemporary romance author living in Colorado.

When she isn't writing, she's likely baking cookies she shouldn't eat, inventing elaborate excuses to avoid going for a run, or asking the nice barista to sell her another quad-shot Americano.

