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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Tuesday 31 October 2023

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Magic Medicine [Amber Legends 01] by Olena Nikitin!


   ‘We can eat in the hospital cafeteria if you’re busy, or if you don’t have time, I can pick you up after work for a proper meal.’ Leszek said this part much louder, and I noticed the waiting room grow quiet, with several heads popping out of the E.R. to eavesdrop on the conversation.
   ‘Fine, let’s go,’ I said, panicking and dragging him to the staircase. On the lower ground level was a corridor for the storage area that we often use as a route to the cafeteria, its quiet emptiness perfect for avoiding difficult conversations with colleagues and patients, but in my haste, I had forgotten one thing: Leszek and his overwhelming presence. As soon as we disappeared from the line of sight, the impossible man grabbed my shoulder, pressing me against the wall as his lips descended to my neck.
   ‘What are you doing? We are alone; there’s no need to pretend.’ I said, pushing him away, trying to find an excuse to break from his touch before it went too far. He inhaled deeply, and a shiver ran down his body as his nose trailed over my skin.
   ‘You promised me three months, Sara, and yet only this morning I find out you accepted a gift from someone else. Who was it? Nadolny? He is not for you, my little seer. He may have honour, but he is a dangerous man who would overshadow your light, moulding you to his desire. I cannot let that happen. We will go to your house so that you can pack for your move into my home,’ He said, and I found it challenging to focus on his words, his breath giving me goosebumps as it brushed over my neck.
   ‘And you? How are you different? All you can think about is how to lock me up,’ I said when he gently stroked my cheek.
   ‘No, Sara. I want to lift you to where your light burns brightest, but for now, you are in danger, and I will do what I must to ensure your safety. Gdansk is not safe for our kind, and until you can protect yourself, it would be suicide to be alone. I would never lock you up, my Firefly. My home is not your cage but your shelter.’ His eyes shone with tenderness laced with desire as he spoke, causing my heart to race in response. I wanted to protest and say something clever, push him away and go my own way, but I felt my hands sliding to his shoulders to pull him closer, feeling his heartbeat against mine.
   As the tension grew, Leszek suddenly frowned, his magic overpowering my senses, and he lifted my fingers to his nose, inhaling deeply and growling at what he discovered.
   ‘Why do you reek of Czernobog’s filth?’

Danger doesn’t lurk in the shadows. It barges in and smacks you in the face.

After years of working in the Emergency Department, Sara thought nothing could surprise her, but when the deceased victim of a stabbing opened his eyes and demanded his knife back, she knew her life had taken a bizarre turn.

Leszek had guarded the magic of the Nether before the first human set foot in his lands. His power was absolute, his authority unchallenged. The world might change, but even ruling from the shadow, no one, not even hardened criminals, dared to question his judgment.

When he was called to clean up the mess an unruly vampire caused in the hospital, Leszek barely contained his irritation when his power couldn’t make the stubborn doctor forget his existence. Instead, she looked him in the eye, challenging him to leave, and he listened.

Sara’s courage and audacity were intriguing, but her magic captivated him with its beauty. The magic she was unaware of. She may be human, but even humans have their uses, and Sara will soon learn there are consequences to capturing the undivided attention of the Tricity Mafia’s boss.

This fascinating woman might haunt his dreams, but Sara’s magic made her a target for a dangerous, emerging power, and Leszek has to decide if he will sacrifice her to save his domain.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Olena Nikitin is our pen name. We are an enthusiastic couple of writers who are fascinated by the fantasy/paranormal romance genre and decided to write a book we would love to read

Behind the Pen name:

Olga - is Polish, armed with a wicked sense of humour and typical Slavic pessimism she is the wicked witch from the East. She has written stories since childhood, initially mostly about her work. As an emergency physician, she always has a story to tell and often not much time to write.

Mark is a typical English gentleman whose charm, refined taste and an impressive collection of books were tempting enough to make Olga leave her homeland. Don't tease him too much; this man has an impressive sword collection and he knows how to use it. He also can fix everything, including

Polish syntax in English writing.

See more on our website: www.olenanikitin.uk

Monday 30 October 2023

Book Blitz & Giveaway: How it All Began [Timber Falls 01] by Fiona West!


   “You’re going all the way home for a birthday party?”
   He gave a big shrug. “I go home most Sundays, anyway. Makes my mom happy. It’s not that far. An hour, give or take. Less, the way I drive.”
   Farrah crossed her arms over her belly, even as the sweetness of his comment about his mom landed in her chest. “I shouldn’t be surprised that you’re a fast driver, given the speed at which you seem to enter relationships.”
   “Now, now, Miss Eastman, don’t think those kinds of thoughts about me. My intentions are pure. I’d have you back before curfew.” He leaned forward again, glancing toward the windows where Jefferson watched their interactions. “And best of all, I’d like to offer you something you can’t get on your own.”
   “And what’s that?”
   “Revenge,” he said somberly.
   Farrah sat back, her eyes wide. “Revenge? On whom?”
   He indicated toward the windows where Jefferson and their teammates were standing, and she felt herself go cold all over. “I don’t give a burnt brownie what he wants.”
   “I thought you might say that. So I should probably let you know that our mutual acquaintance over there dared me to ask you out.” Evan leaned forward, his elbows on his knees. “Now, that didn’t seem like much of a challenge, so I’m guessing he was hoping to embarrass you somehow, and I don’t appreciate that much.”
   She nodded slowly. She took a sip of her drink, then let out an enormous sigh. “We went on a few dates, Jefferson and me.”
   “Yes, I saw you arguing.”
   “I think everybody did,” she said, reddening. “He’s the reason I’m done with water polo players. One of several reasons.”
   “Except me, right?”
   She pressed her lips together briefly before tipping her head back and forth. “That remains to be seen. It’s a new rule, and I’d hate to break it before I even try it out.”

Trust is like car keys: easy to lose and hard to get anywhere without it…

Evan only intended to strike up a casual conversation with the stunning blonde with Goldie Hawn looks–now he finds himself trying to cross paths with her on campus every chance he gets. But his water polo teammate appears to have damaged his chances with Farrah before he could even ask her out.

Farrah’s been out with players from the water polo team before–and it’s always ended in tears. The handsome medical student who wants to help her get revenge says he’s not like them…but there’s only one way to know for sure.

Will a trip to his hometown seal the deal or prove this player’s all washed up?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble or Kobo

Author bio:

Fiona West lives in the Pacific Northwest. Writing romance is her favorite thing, followed closely by reading, knitting and drinking tea while looking out the window. When she’s not doing those things, she’s spending time with her husband and two kids. Her debut novel, The Ex-Princess, received a starred review from Publishers Weekly and was named one of their Best Books of 2019. The first book in her contemporary romance series, Could Be Something Good, also received a starred review from Publishers Weekly. Find out more about Fiona at http://www.fionawest.net or sign up for her newsletter at http://www.subscribepage.com/westwind.

Sunday 29 October 2023

Stacking the Shelves [99]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Purchased (Ebooks):

Purchased (Paperbacks/hardbacks):

I, unfortunately, didn't buy any paperbacks or hardbacks this month.

Gifted from Authors/Publishers:

I, unfortunately, didn't receive any paperbacks or hardbacks this month.

For Review from Author/Netgalley/Edelweiss:

Currently Reading:

Saturday 28 October 2023

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Lone Wolf by Gretchen S.B.!


   Her father stood, arms crossed over his chest, frowning over their Alpha’s left shoulder. No one in the pack looked the Alpha in the eyes except his mate, and possibly his children. Alpha Peters stood a yard and a half away from her father. His hands clasped in front of him, with a serious, concerned expression on his face. Next to him, only about a foot away, stood Richard, his expression smug.
   What does that expression mean? What does he have to be smug about? He cheated on me.
   Rip him a new one. Her wolf growled.
   “Ah, Emma, thank you for joining us. As I said to your father, I apologize for interrupting your evening meal.” The Alpha’s smooth, deep voice was cordial, as if they were discussing clothing options for a formal event. He was an older, slightly taller version of Richard. There was never any doubt the two were related.
   “Of course, Alpha.” Emma replied automatically as she came to stand only a few inches from her father. The anger vibrating off him was comforting. And she took a deep breath before looking at the Alpha’s chin, waiting for the older man to speak. Her nerves winding tighter now that she was close enough to smell Alpha Peters’ annoyance.
   “Your father informed me of the situation you and Richard find yourselves in. I, like several others, thought you were aware of his dalliances and had no problem with them. Honestly, I figured you were having a few yourself and were just more discreet than my son.” There was some disgust in his voice as he mentioned his son’s lack of discretion.
   Emma felt her wolf bristle with insult, but Emma forced herself to remain calm. It wouldn’t do anyone any good for her to show any anger or aggression towards the Alpha. So instead, she said nothing and waited.
   The Alpha sighed heavily. “I have come in an attempt to make amends with your family. Although you are not a beta family in my pack or an Alpha and another, Richard and I have come here so he can discuss a solution with you.” The older man turned to his son and motioned for him to step forward. “Richard?”
   What the heck is going on and why do I think things are about to get worse?
   Because they are. That sorry excuse for a wolf is hiding something. I can smell it on him. The growl was so thick Emma had trouble making out her wolf’s words.
   Richard took a step forward. Then he hesitated, but only for a moment, before a cocky smile reformed on his face. “I am sorry you had to find out about my dalliances in this way. I promise you, I planned to stop once our union was solidified. That is until the first child was conceived.”
   Union? What union? Does that mean he meant to continue to cheat on me for a year or more?
   Of course he did. He would see no reason to stop. Her wolf snorted. Emma could feel her furry counterpart pacing within her in agitation.
   “I see how my actions have affected you. Because of that, my father and I think it would be best to move up our timeline. Emma, I would like to ask for your hand in marriage. We can put this all behind us and start fresh as husband and wife.” He stepped forward again, opening a small box to show off a rather large, gaudy diamond ring.
   You hate diamonds, snorted her wolf.
   Before she could respond, she heard the soft growl coming from her father. “You insult my daughter.” Her father’s voice was so menacing it snapped Emma’s attention to him. Her father was an easy-going, lovable man. This was a side of him she never saw.
   “Do not snap at my son. Know your place, wolf.” The Alpha growled back. It was a warning, and everyone in the room knew it.

Stay with a cheating fiancé or else...

When engaged to the son of the alpha, Emma is told not to expect fidelity. Wanting more from life she flees the only pack she's ever known to try and rebuild her life on the other side of the state. Only to find there is more to her abilities than meets the eye. The wolves in her new home are fighting a war, each faction wants Emma and her budding magical abilities on their side.

Will Emma stay out of the fight?
Will her fiancé track her down?
Is there anyone Emma can trust?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Gretchen spawned in the Puget Sound region. After some wandering she returned there and now lives with her husband and the daintiest Rottweiler on the planet. When not drowning herself in coffee, as is custom in the Greater Seattle Area, Gretchen can be found at her day job or sitting at her desk in the home office, flailing her arms as she dictates to her computer.

Friday 27 October 2023

Release Blitz: Off Balance [Pandora Collection] by E.M. Shue!

From award-winning author E.M. Shue comes a forced proximity MC romance with a twist of fate.

Reaper’s life is made up of lies, his identity fake. For twelve years, Klay Ulrich has been deep undercover masquerading as the road captain for the Drago Defiance MC. His assignment is to bring down human traffickers running in motorcycle clubs. But when his eyes land on the beautiful wallflower from the Devil’s Handmaidens, something in him shifts. For the first time in a long time, he wants someone to know the real him. Reaper’s new mission is to make the quiet artist his while carrying on with his directive.

River “Jinx” Schmidt lives her life behind the scenes, quietly creating her art. Racing is the only thing that gets her out of the shadows and gets her blood pumping. When her club asks her to meet with the road captain from Drago Defiance MC to go over the upcoming racing season, she doesn’t expect the intense connection. Reaper is big, dominating, and in complete control of every beat of her heart and the breath from her body. Jinx is suddenly finding racing isn’t the only thing she craves.

When Reaper and Jinx find themselves stuck in a small town, locked down for twenty-four hours, Reaper will seize his chance and put everything on the line. But when they return to their normal lives, Jinx will have to deceive her club and best friend in order to protect Reaper’s secrets and him.

Caught up in the mystique of Pandora, Kentucky, where luck and fate are intertwined, Reaper and Jinx will learn good fortune depends on the choices they make. Whether they triumph over or succumb to a fabled 100-year-old curse is up to them.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

E.M. Shue is an Alaskan award-winning romance author. She is proudly featured in K Bromberg’s Everyday Heroes World, Aurora Rose Reynolds’ Happily Ever Alpha World, KL Donn’s Mafia Made Series, Susan Stoker’s Special Forces Operation Alpha World, and the soon to be released Devil’s Handmaidens MC Collection.

She published her first book in 2017 after having a dream that later became the Beverley Award winning, Sniper’s Kiss. Since then, she has gone on to win this award three more times with different books and has published over thirty titles.

Join Surprises from E.M. to be kept up to date on all her new releases and appearances.

Thursday 26 October 2023

Book Blitz & Giveaway: His Assistant’s New York Awakening by Emmy Grayson!


   The music slid over Damon Bradford's skin like a lover's caress. He sipped his cocktail, the smooth taste of gin lingering on his tongue. Better to focus on that then the slow, languid heat spreading through his veins as he watched her.
   The cellist.
   Music had never been an important part of his life. He knew the difference between classical and rock, paid hefty sums for bands and singers to perform at the various functions he hosted throughout the year. But the actual music had always been background noise.
   Whereas this...the rich, somber notes of her solo rising and falling with perfect precision, the languid tempo encouraging listeners to slow down, to forget the demands of life for just a moment...
   It was unlike anything he'd ever heard before.
   Just like the woman behind the cello was unlike anyone he had ever encountered before.

Will the CEO be able to resist when she lays her passion on the boardroom table? Find out in this steamy office romance from Emmy Grayson.

He’s utterly off-limits…
and the only man she’s ever wanted!

Temporary assistant Evolet Grey has precisely the skills and experience to help Damon Bradford win the biggest contract in his company’s history. But she’s also maddeningly attractive and testing the iron grip the Manhattan CEO always has on his self-control…

Putting her needs first has never come easily to innocent Evolet. But she can barely think straight in her new boss’s presence! She’d be putting everything on the line by revealing the powerful attraction Damon has awoken, but would walking away from it be the biggest risk of all?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon or Barnes and Noble

Author bio:

Emmy's interest in romance can be traced back to her love of Nancy Drew books, when she tried to solve the mysteries of her favorite detective while rereading the romantic chapters with Ned Nickerson. Fast-forward a few years when she discovered a worn copy of "A Rose in Winter" by Kathleen Woodiwiss on her mother's bookshelf, and she was hooked. Over 20 years later, Harlequin Presents made her dream come true by offering her a contract for her first book.

Wednesday 25 October 2023

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Bourbon Street Bachelor [Broussard Brothers 03] by Melissa Chambers!


   He walked up to her and put his hand on the bar near hers. “Look, I understand that we got started off on the wrong foot, but that’s been a while ago. Can we call it water under the bridge and move forward?”
   She perused the aisle. “Fine.”
   “So you’ll come over?”
   “Why don’t we start over?” he said.
   “Start what over?”
   “This conversation.”
   She picked up a brick of cheddar cheese. “This conversation was about avocados.”
   “Yeah, but avocados became secondary pretty quickly.”
   She stopped, letting out a hard breath. “All right. Let’s pretend for a minute that I didn’t date your brother.”
   “Let’s also pretend you didn’t cause our breakup.”
   He squinted one eye. “Technically, I probably didn’t cause—”
   “I just told you the disaster that my life is. Why would you want to be next in line for the freak show?”
   “Because I was right about one thing I said to Braxton.”
   “Oh yeah?” she asked, hand on her hip.
   “You’re cute.”
   Her cheeks turned candy apple red. “I can’t with this.” She started to walk away again.
   “All right, hang on. I’m gonna let you go this time, for real.”
   She lifted her eyebrows in question.
   “I just need to know one thing before I do.”
   She folded her arms over her chest. “Okay.”
   “We’re past the whole me calling you quirky thing and me breaking you and my brother up, right?”
   “If that ends this conversation, sure.”
   “So now, you’re only pushing me away because you’ve been hurt a lot and you don’t want to go there again.”
   She shrugged, tossing up her hand. “Whatever.”
   “So you may or may not be the slightest bit attracted to me?”
   She inhaled a deep breath, while her eyes slowly went to the ceiling. She let the breath out and stared at him, head cocked to the side.
   He grinned. “Say no more. Have a nice day, Calliope.”
   He tossed the avocado up in the air, caught it, and then headed to the register. He should spend more time at the grocery store, and he definitely wanted more time with Calliope.

Calliope’s been hurt too many times to let another man in, but Quentin Broussard’s about to turn her world upside down.

Calliope Koch sat on top of the world back in high school. Her dad treated her like a princess, so she believed she was one. Every guy wanted to be with her and every girl wanted to be her. But oh, how the mighty do fall…

Fast forward fourteen years, and Calliope has lost her father to another family. She’s been dumped more times than she can count. The only thing keeping her going is the dream of running her own clothing boutique. But the same guy who caused one of those breakups is taking that dream from her.

It’s Quentin Broussard, the older, artistic, mysterious Broussard brother who left home when he was eighteen. Three years ago, he called her quirky and convinced his brother to break up with her. Now he’s back in New Orleans and trying to take something from her once again.

She won’t fall victim to another Broussard brother’s smooth moves, no matter how hard this one’s knocking on her door. And she’ll try to ignore the fact that he’s making her feel like the princess she once believed she was.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

Melissa Chambers writes contemporary novels for young, new, and actual adults. A Nashville native, she spends her days working in the music industry and her nights tapping away at her keyboard. While she’s slightly obsessed with alt rock, she leaves the guitar playing to her husband and kid. She never misses a chance to play a tennis match, listen to an audiobook, or eat a bowl of ice cream. (Rocky road, please!) She has served as president for the Music City Romance Writers and is the author of the Love Along Hwy 30A series, the Before Forever series (YA), and Courting Carlyn (YA).

Tuesday 24 October 2023

Release Day Blitz: Scoring Fast [Scotia Storms 08] by Cathryn Fox!

As a bookworm in rural Nova Scotia, a girl who always orbited the popular crowd, I craved acceptance.

During my freshman year at Scotia Academy, I devised a plan to transform myself.

My reinvention, however, leads to a chain of unsettling events, blurring the boundaries between my true self and the façade I've created.

When a baby unexpectedly appears outside my dorm room, I'm forced to live with my best friend's brother Kace Andrews—a notorious hockey player who loves all the puck bunnies.

Well, all the puck bunnies except for me.

But soon enough, he begins to see beyond my disguise, which leads to soft kisses, tender touches and late nights between the sheets.

We’re on a journey of self-discovery as we play house, but when a reckless mistake catches up with me, bringing up old hurts Kace can’t seem to outrun, I question whether our love is enough to help rebuild our shattered trust in a world consumed by betrayal.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Author bio:

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Cathryn Fox is a wife, mom, sister, daughter, aunt and friend. She loves dogs, sunny weather, anything chocolate (she never says no to a brownie) pizza and red wine. Cathryn lives in beautiful Nova Scotia with her husband, who is convinced he can turn her into a mixed martial arts fan. When not writing, Cathryn can be found Skyping with her son living in Seattle (could he have moved any farther away?) shopping with her daughter in the city, watching a big action flick with her husband, or hanging out and laughing with friends.

Monday 23 October 2023

Book Blitz & Giveaway: The Mechanics of Lust [Mackenzie Country 02] by Jay Hogan!


   “Speech, speech!” A slow clap reverberated off the faded walls of the Oakwood pub’s back bar, which locals had affectionately named The Fleece.
   I put my back to the wooden bar and watched a furiously blushing Gil throw Holden a withering, you-are-in-so-much-trouble glare before stepping onto the small stage. He surveyed the crowd from under the Happy Fortieth Birthday banner, which had taken four of us an embarrassing amount of time and a few beers to finally get in place.
   I was amazed we’d managed to keep the surprise party a secret, but somehow we’d done it, and Gil had been stunned, tearful, and touchingly overwhelmed when he’d walked into the packed bar to a loud chorus of happy birthday that rattled the rafters.
   As I listened to his emotional thank you to everyone who’d turned up to celebrate, including some of his friends who’d flown in from Wellington, it was hard not to be charmed by the man. Not quite a year in the district and Gil’s name was almost as synonymous with Miller Station as Holden’s. This was partly due to their gay-couple status, but also because of the run of free seminars Gil had begun offering locally on grief, stress management, and rural mental health. The result was a bar chocka with birthday well-wishers.
   And I was one of them.
   Cue the shocked gasps of disbelief.
   Keeping my eyes on Gil, I shuffled sideways to let a man in at the bar behind me.
   “We must stop meeting like this.” The gravelly voice sent a shiver down my spine, and I turned to find a familiar pair of blue eyes dancing over my face.
   Luke Nichols. Dammit.
   Luke flashed that wicked smile that always made my dick sit up and pay attention and just, damn my bad luck. The man smelled of Tom Ford, summer, and trouble, and I cursed the familiar tingling sensation his proximity always managed to induce in my body. A fact that only strengthened my resolve to make sure he caught my eye roll. He did. But the amused smirk he returned my way didn’t help matters.
   “Well, look who the cat dragged in.” I tried not to lean in for another waft of that expensive cologne. “Guess there’s no show without Punch, right?”
   Luke gave an amused snort. “I guess not.” His gaze raked over me, head to foot, before he turned his attention to the small stage where Gil was winding up his speech. “Ah, the birthday boy.”
   I followed Luke’s gaze, pretending to listen while shooting covert glances back his way because . . . well, because I was an idiot. And because he looked so fucking edible. Dressed in dark-wash jeans paired with a crisp white shirt—open at the neck and with the cuffs rolled up to reveal the green silicone wristband he always wore—Luke looked annoyingly cool as a cucumber in the late January heat that had the rest of us layering on the deodorant.
   Smelling fresh from the shower, Luke brushed a stray lock of dirty blond hair back into place in a way that made me want to shove a hat over my own shaggy, auburn waves. A woven black leather cord hung around his neck and disappeared under his shirt, and a pair of trendy black loafers poked out from the bottom of his jeans. It pained me to admit it, but the man was effortlessly chic.
   Enough already. I refocused on Gil who was gesturing to Holden to join him on the small stage.
   “Get up here, baby.” Gil drew Holden in for a long, slow kiss that had the birthday crowd whooping and wolf-whistling.
   I waited for the once familiar knot of jealousy in my chest, but it never came. Wistful? Sure. Envious of what they had? Absolutely. But jealous still? I thought about it again. No. Maybe I was fooling myself, but I was going to take that for a win.
   Luke leaned in close. “Does this feel as weird for you as it does for me?”
   I glanced over my shoulder. “I’ve no idea what you mean,” I lied.
   His lips twitched in an almost smile that I chose to ignore. “Oh really?” he asked sardonically. “Because here we are, you and me, at a party celebrating my ex-husband’s birthday, thrown by his new love who just happens to be your best friend slash ex. One could be forgiven for saying it’s a bit of a mindfuck, right?”
   When I didn’t answer, he elbowed me gently. “Oh, come on. A little conversation won’t kill you.”
   I huffed. “Says you.” I was being a dick and we both knew it, but that was par for the course as far as things between us went.
   To be fair, Luke had attempted to build a bridge many times since our inauspicious first meeting. He’d arrived uninvited at the station the year before in an attempt to force Gil to talk and I’d been . . . less than welcoming. I might not have liked Gil much at that time, and I still didn’t know the whole story of what had happened between them, but to walk out on your husband six months after your daughter was killed in a car accident? The rest of Miller Station might have found a way to gloss over that fact and forgive him, even Gil. But as far as I was concerned, how much more did you really need to know about a guy?
   Not to mention, getting all buddy-buddy with the man would’ve meant having . . . conversations and likely being paired up to work when he helped out on the station. The problem was that any proximity to Luke brought with it a minefield of potential disaster best avoided.
   Luke was sexy as shit and his obvious interest in me might fizz in those wicked blue eyes. But he was trouble with a capital T, and I wanted no part of him for too many reasons to list. Although if I did happen to list them, right at the top would be the fact that my body lit up like a Christmas tree every time the man came within spitting distance.
   Not since those first times with Holden had I felt anything like that.
   Maybe not even then, and that fact just plain pissed me off.
   Too bad I was done with complicated men.
   D O N E.

I broke the rules and fell in love with my best friend. Newsflash—he didn’t feel the same. I had to stand by and watch him fall for someone else. Moving on hasn’t been easy since we all live and work on the same high country sheep station, but I’m finally getting there.

I’m building a new life, a new set of dreams, planning a different future, just me and my dogs. The last thing I need is Luke Nichols, the sexy, enigmatic, ex-husband of my nemesis, filling my head with a laundry list of cravings. Talk about complicated.

Luke is only in Mackenzie Country for a few months and I’m not about to put my heart on the line again just for a little fun. But the more I’m around Luke, the harder it is to remember exactly why Luke and I are a bad idea, the worst idea.

Things between us are about to go nuclear.

Maybe I’m wrong.
Maybe we can keep it simple.
Maybe I can satisfy my cravings and hold on to my heart.
And maybe pigs can fly.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Heart, humour and keeping it real.

Jay is a 2020 Lambda Literary Award Finalist in Gay Romance and her book Off Balance was the 2021 New Zealand Romance Book of the Year.

She is a New Zealand author writing mm romance and romantic suspense, primarily set in New Zealand. She writes character driven romances with lots of humour, a good dose of reality and a splash of angst. She's travelled extensively, lived in many countries, and in a past life she was a critical care nurse, nurse educator and counsellor. Jay is owned by a huge Maine Coon cat and a gorgeous Cocker Spaniel

Find Jay in all the places: https://www.jayhoganauthor.com/landingpage

Sunday 22 October 2023

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Realm of Midnight: A Limited Edition Fantasy & Paranormal Collection!

At the stroke of midnight, creatures of the realm come out to prowl.

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Saturday 21 October 2023

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Rejected by Ellie Scott!

Author Interview!

Do you see writing as a career?

I definitely hope so. I would like to start writing more than one book at a time. I am aiming to try that next month.

What do you think about the current publishing market?

I think there is so much opportunity for everyone.

Do you read yourself and if so what is your favorite genre?

Currently I read werewolf, vampire and dragon stories. I love to see how everyone takes a different spin on the stories. We have a lot of talented writers out there!

Do you prefer to write in silence or with noise? Why?

A bit of both. The noise doesn’t bother me unless I am writing a complicated scene.

Do you write one book at a time or do you have several going at a time?

Currently one book at a time; hoping to expand to a couple at the same time.

Pen or type writer or computer?

Computer all the way.

Tell us about a favorite character from a book.

From my books – The Beta’s Mate – Sam is a favorite character of mine. He was fun to write and see him evolve.

What made you want to become an author and do you feel it was the right decision?

I have always had an over active imagination. I remember being in school and wanting to write but always felt it was a crazy goal. I loved reading as a child and always thought it would be cool to do my own story. Now I truly believe it was the right decision.

Advice you would give new authors?

Try it – if you want to do it, there is a story to be told and someone who wants to read it!

What makes a good story?

I think that is up to the reader. For me I like turmoil, I like growth, I like to see the main couple get a happy ever after in spite of the challenges.

What is your writing process? For instance do you do an outline first? Do you do the chapters first?

I do a very brief outline and then the chapters write themselves. Sometimes the story follows the outline, but most times it strays off and takes a life of its own.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

Start writing sooner!

How long on average does it take you to write a book?

It depends on the story. For me it is usually a couple months or slightly more. I do not, personally, want a story to linger too long.

“I reject you, Alpha! I reject you!”

Elizabeth is an Omega ranked wolf; however, she does not realize she is an Aplha by birth. She has been rejected by her family, and her Pack, having suffered years of abuse by them. She is about to be given to the Pack Beta as his chosen mate when her fated mate finds her.
Will her fated mate reject her as well?

Exclusively available on GoodNovel!

Read the first 4 chapters FREE!!

Author bio:

Ellie Scott is a Canadian writer writing paranormal, romance - all things fiction.

She has two maltese fur babies Oliver and Benjamin.