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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Wednesday 31 March 2021

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Broken Prince [Cosa Nostra 01] by R.G. Angel!


Being the daughter of the Riverside monsters is a heavy cross to bear, one that twenty-one-year-old Cassie West can’t escape. But first she needs to get her ten-year-old brother out of social care. 
Social pariahs can’t be choosy and she finds a job as a live-in housekeeper at Hartfield Manor—a cursed job that no one wants. 
But as the days pass, she is intrigued and determined to figure out who is the man in the shadows. The mysterious owner of the manor whose obvious pain resonates with hers. 


How the mighty have fallen. 
Luca Montanari turned from an adulated powerful mafia underboss to a recluse, clinically alcoholic beast with a death wish in the blink of an eye.
All he wants is to be left alone, to soak in his pain and guilt—in his own version of purgatory—until Cassie West enters his life. She is everything he doesn't want and everything he needs. The fiery redhead starts to bring back to life parts of him he wanted dead. The closer she gets, the harder it is to remain the ghost he’d become. 

Who better than the daughter of monsters to love a beast?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

R.G Angel is a trained lawyer, world traveler, coffee addict, cheese aficionado, avid book reviewer and blogger.

She considers herself as an ‘Eclectic romantic’ and wants to write romance in every sub-genre she can think of.

When she is not busy doing all her lawyerly mayhem, and because she is living in rainy Britain, she mostly enjoys indoor activities such as reading, watching TV, playing with her crazy puppies and writing stories she hopes will make you dream.


Tuesday 30 March 2021

Release Day Blitz: Freefall [Wilde Boys Duet 02] by Sara Cate!

I’ve moved past what happened on Del Rey, and I’ve kept the secret of what I did—what we did—buried deep. But I’m afraid I’ll never move past what happened six months later in Amsterdam. 

When Ellis Prior, an old friend of my dad’s, walked back into my life, we became fast friends, and he showed me things I can’t forget—things that brought me to my knees. But I walked away from that life, and I never looked back. 

It's been three years, but I can no longer ignore it.
It awoke a hunger inside of me.
A craving for something new.
Something powerful.

Then, Hanna Thurber comes to Del Rey looking for a place to escape, and I’m all too eager to provide. This ballerina is anything but delicate, and the chemistry between us is electric. 

But the past won’t stay dead, and Ellis Prior finds his way to the island too. Suddenly, there is something pulling the three of us together. What starts as innocent and fun turns into an attraction that is undeniably forbidden. 

There are no secrets on the island. 
There is only us. 
And the truth I can no longer ignore.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Sara Cate writes steamy contemporary romance with high stakes and big feels. She has a soft spot for forbidden romance, age gap, lots of angst, and boys so bad you can't help but love them.

You can find more information about her at www.saracatebooks.com.

Monday 29 March 2021

Stacking The Shelves [68]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Purchased (Ebooks):

Purchased (Paperbacks/hardbacks):

(These books were in the Spring Romance Readers Book Box UK!)

Gifted from Authors/Publishers:

Unfortunately, I didn't receive any books from authors or publishers this month.

Sunday 28 March 2021

Blog Tour & Giveaway: She's Still the One by Kaci Rose!

Bro Code Rule #1 – You can’t have your best friend's younger sister.

What is it that guys I date don’t seem to understand what a causal relationship is?
That doesn’t mean to propose to me. This is why I packed up everything into my car and I’m now heading to my brothers.
Only he’s not there. His best friend Dallas is.
Dammit, he’s the reason none of my relationships have worked out. I compare them all to how he treats me.
When they go on tour and drag me along it’s hard to hide feelings in the small space of a tour bus. But my brother has made it very clear.
Dallas is no good for me. We both risk losing my brother if we go any further.

It sucks when you can’t have the one girl you love.
When the band I started with Austin’s brother took off girls were easy. It was less messy having flings.
Then she moves into the house with us.
Even when her brother has made it perfectly clear she is off limits I can’t seem to stay away.
She is still the only one who makes my heart race.
When her life is on the line because of the band's fame can we put our differences aside long enough to save her?
Can I convince them both I’ve changed, and I will be a one-woman man the rest of my days if she just chooses me?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Author bio:

Kaci runs on coffee, chocolate, and Oreos. She loves her book boyfriends with tattoos, muscles, beards, and a little dirty.

Kaci loves romance books and has been jotting down ideas since she was in high school and is now putting the ideas down on paper. She believes in satisfying, happily ever afters with a lot of steam on the way.

She was born and raised in Southwest Florida but is wholeheartedly a mountain girl. She has been reading as many books as she could get her hands on since grade school and loves to travel when she gets the chance.

Saturday 27 March 2021

Release Tour & Giveaway: First Comes Loathe [Blue Collar Bensons 01] by Lilly Atlas!

Conceited. Harlot. Easy. Addict.

A-list Hollywood actress, Scarlett, has been called every name in the book. Most she’s earned with her attention-seeking antics, high-maintenance personality, and bed-hopping. But even the most glamorous and sought-after actress can have a vulnerable center hidden beneath the glittery exterior. Years in the spotlight have battered Scarlett into a woman she no longer recognizes. Hitting rock bottom in a humiliating public display finally wakes her up to the disaster her life has become. It’s time for Scarlett to hang up her stage name, move somewhere no one will find her, and start over as plain old Michaela Hudson.

If there’s one thing mechanic Keith Benson hates, it’s a rich woman who thinks the world should bow at her feet. Someone like that hot mess of an actress Scarlett who can’t take a breath without wanting her adoring fans to shower her with love. Pretentious women make him sick. But he finds a doozy when he comes to the rescue of a standard motorist. Within five seconds, the gorgeous Michaela rubs him the wrong way. He wants no part of her, no matter how his body responds. Unfortunately, she moves onto his block and quickly befriends his siblings. He has enough problems, including an abusive father bent on screwing up Keith’s life. The last thing he needs is an uppity neighbor he hates but can’t get off his mind.

While settling into her new life is smoother than Michaela feared, it’s not all sunshine and smiles. She’s always worried someone will discover her true identity, and she can’t stop thinking about the grouchy neighbor she angered after long her first night in town. While she hopes to remain anonymous for as long as possible, she can’t avoid Keith forever. With a little work, they develop a tentative friendship, which turns complicated once they give into the scorching heat between them.

As they cautiously grow closer, Keith’s problems bleed into Michaela’s issues, wreaking havoc on an already tenuous connection. Is there any chance for the disgraced Hollywood star and the man who loathes her?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Lilly Atlas is a contemporary romance author, proud Navy wife, and mother of two spunky girls. By day she works as a physical therapist for a hospital in Virginia. Lilly is an avid romance reader, and expects her Kindle to beg for mercy every time she downloads a new eBook. Thankfully, it hasn’t happened yet, and she can often be found absorbed in a good book.


Friday 26 March 2021

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Rebel Rook [Everyday Heroes World] by Ren Alexander!

Dylan McGrath, rookie cop with something to prove and everything to lose.

Dumped. There, I said it. The day after my twenty-first birthday, my girlfriend of two years ditched me in front of an audience of coworkers and customers. For my response, I demolished a printer, a worthless job, and my sanity. Drinking my sorrows in a park with my BFF, a cop throws me into the back of a cruiser. It’s not my first ride or my greatest achievement, angering legendary law enforcement swarming my family tree, but who cares? Smelling fresh blood in the water, self-righteous, law-abiding family and friends gang up on me, drawing a line in the sand with a deal. Doing the unthinkable yet inevitable, I take it, but not without a fight.

Graduating from the police academy, I clash with field training officers who hand me off faster than a live grenade. Though my job is to enforce laws, I love to break rules and refuse to follow any leader. Now, on the verge of losing this job and embarrassing my family, the revered Malones, I’m reassigned to the Dragon, a tough sergeant who hates me for existing on her dime.

Vowing to make it through training, that notion is blown to smithereens when a gorgeous waitress graces my table. Natalia Welch wants nothing to do with me, distrusting police officers. Due to her horrifying past and association with certain people, the Dragon, my brother, and my cousin warn me to stay away from her. As if they’d stop me. Breaking through Natalia’s hard shell, we attempt a friendship that ignites until she freaks out after discovering our age difference. However, we find the more she avoids me, the more we crave each other, leading to a passionate explosion that could end my career or her life.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Ren Alexander writes steamy contemporary romance, including the Wild Sparks Series, and contributes to K. Bromberg’s Everyday Heroes Series from her desk in Motown—Detroit, Michigan. Yes, part of her state is shaped like a mitten, 8 Mile Road really exists, and Eminem is her neighbor and carpool buddy. Unfortunately, she and Slim Shady don’t ride in the same car. She’s still working on that part.

Writing her romance novels with a big dose of reality, the good and bad, Ren embraces the gritty and raw with a side of funny and crazy. No matter what, there is always an explosion. You never know what you'll get in her mixed bag. That's personal, anyway.

Ren lives in Detroit, Michigan, with her husband, two daughters, and two cats.

Thursday 25 March 2021

Release Day Blitz: The Crown of Fools [Underestimated 05] by Candice Wright!

The fates hadn’t always been kind to Sunshine...

Abandoned as a baby with nothing more than a blanket and a name
Katia ‘Sunshine’ Jones knows what it feels like to be alone.
With her childhood spent navigating the foster system,
She finally finds a home in the arms of a boy who becomes her entire world.
But six years later, a devastating tragedy rips her fairy tale to shreds,
And plunges Sunshine’s life into darkness.
Falling in love had been easy.
But trying to live without him is like trying to breathe without air.
Until they walk into her life and change everything,
Now the woman who clawed her way out of the dark
Might just get a second chance at finding her happily ever after
But with a war heading for Carnage

It seems fate hasn’t finished with her yet…

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Candice Wright is the international bestselling author of the Underestimated Series. Still relatively new in the business, Candice has just published her tenth full-length novel and has no plans for slowing down. Hailing from the sunny (sometimes) UK, Candice lives with her three slightly unhinged children and the long-suffering partner. When she isn’t busy raising the next generation of crazy, you can find her sitting at the computer writing words she hopes will resonate or snuggled up reading stories by the authors that cultivated her love of the written word.

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Release Boost & Giveaway: Contingent [Desert Eagles MC 02] by Alexandra Ayers!


Max Pearce has trouble on his hands. Not only is the FBI investigating his motorcycle club, the Desert Eagles, for counterfeiting, he has a bar to run full-time and a marriage to save. He loves his wife, Amy, but he can’t seem to get his priorities straight.

Amy Seong is on the fence. Separated from Max, she’s lonely and unsure if she should start dating again. Although she’s met someone, Amy misses Max and can’t fight her powerful connection to him. But what good is it being married to a man who never has time for his family. Maybe that’s why their teenage son, Owen, has been extra moody lately.

With a life changing parole hearing looming and Owen’s new interest in girls and riding ATVs leaving her frazzled, Amy has to figure out her next step. And with his club under fire, the feds breathing down his neck, and his family in jeopardy, Max needs to get his priorities straight, or he’ll lose everything he cares about, including the woman he loves.

Max’s club family and real family are at risk, but there’s one thing he can do to change all that. Will he take the right step for all their sakes?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

Alex is a California native who currently resides in the Bay Area. She has loved romance for as long as she could remember, from watching Titanic as young girl to True Blood as a teenager to Say Yes to the Dress as an Adult. After years of reading romance, she finally decided to try her hand at writing stories with characters that reflect the diverse world we inhabit. Outside of writing, Alex enjoys listening to podcasts while doing her makeup, reading comic books, stalking Beyoncé’s every move, and watching The Golden Girls with a glass of wine. She enjoys talking to her readers and anyone with a great sense of humor, so feel free to drop her a message anytime!


Tuesday 23 March 2021

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Brutal Savior [Brutal Reign 02] by Sasha Leone!

The Devil Killed My Father… So I Stole His Daughter.

Irish and Russian. We’re not supposed to mix.
It’s the law of the underworld. Mafia code.
But the Bratva princess is my key to revenge.
The perfect bait to draw her father out of hiding. 
So, I take her without mercy.
It doesn’t matter that she’s innocent of her family’s sins.
Her tender beauty is mine to use. 
And I plan to use all of her. 
The only problem is,
The more I take, the more I want.
Soon, she’s an addiction. An obsession.
And when the time comes to give her up,
I’m not sure I can.
… Even if it means war.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Sasha Leone writes dark, suspenseful romance novels about powerful mafia kings and the women who bring them to their knees.

Monday 22 March 2021

Book Blitz & Giveaway: The Final Dawn [Atrophy 05] by Jess Anastasi!

Rian Sherron is a lot of things. Captain of the spaceship Imojenna. Ex-war hero. Ex-assassin. For years, he’s traveled from one end of the galaxy to the other, both trying to escape his demons and get revenge on the shape-shifting aliens responsible for his slow demise into hell.

That all changed the day Rian rescued an Arynian priestess from slave traders. Ella Kinton is everything Rian both fears and admires. Ella is everything he never let himself admit he wanted. Together, they must face a harrowing choice—come together and defeat Reidar, or fall apart, leaving the universe in total chaos.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Author bio:

Jess has been making up stories ever since she can remember. Though her messy handwriting made it hard for anyone else to read them, she wasn’t deterred and now she gets to make up stories for a living. With a multi-award-winning science fiction romance series to her name, her books feature larger than life heroes with relatable vulnerabilities who find themselves in situations that push their resolve to the limit. Jess is a tea-addict who loves loud music, dancing in her kitchen and a good book on a rainy day. A fangirl at heart, she probably spends too much time watching too many TV shows. Jess lives in regional Victoria, Australia.

Sunday 21 March 2021

Book Blitz & Giveaway: La Famiglia: Dante: Part Two [La Famiglia: Elias 02] by Laura Sutton!

A crime boss. A meek accountant.

When she enters his world… will she be able to find her way out?

Will she even want to?

Cassie Lockhart is alone in the world, save for her beautiful and troubled sister, Amber. When Amber gets in over her head in the world of organized crime, Cassie dives headfirst into the darkness to save her.

Dante diRuggiero rules his world by taking what he wants, uncaring who he may hurt in the process. He can’t help but be intrigued by the shy, plain woman who comes to his club, pleading for the sake of someone else. He sees beneath her mousy exterior and finds a woman so loyal she would sacrifice herself for those she loves. It’s that loyalty that draws him in at first, and then her passion makes him burn.

When Amber’s poor choices force Cassie to choose between her sister and Dante, will she choose the person she has tried to protect all her life, or the man that would never betray her? Can Dante keep her safe from the war brewing in his dark world?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

I write steamy romances and the compelling, hot, sexy, heroes that dominate those pages and the heroines that fall in love with them.

My day-to-day is full of time at the beach, playing fetch with my dogs in my backyard, and often thinking up new ideas and worlds that help bring my books to life. I'm a small town Texas girl who likes to dream big and put those big dreams down on the page!