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Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Release Boost & Giveaway: Contingent [Desert Eagles MC 02] by Alexandra Ayers!


Max Pearce has trouble on his hands. Not only is the FBI investigating his motorcycle club, the Desert Eagles, for counterfeiting, he has a bar to run full-time and a marriage to save. He loves his wife, Amy, but he can’t seem to get his priorities straight.

Amy Seong is on the fence. Separated from Max, she’s lonely and unsure if she should start dating again. Although she’s met someone, Amy misses Max and can’t fight her powerful connection to him. But what good is it being married to a man who never has time for his family. Maybe that’s why their teenage son, Owen, has been extra moody lately.

With a life changing parole hearing looming and Owen’s new interest in girls and riding ATVs leaving her frazzled, Amy has to figure out her next step. And with his club under fire, the feds breathing down his neck, and his family in jeopardy, Max needs to get his priorities straight, or he’ll lose everything he cares about, including the woman he loves.

Max’s club family and real family are at risk, but there’s one thing he can do to change all that. Will he take the right step for all their sakes?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

Alex is a California native who currently resides in the Bay Area. She has loved romance for as long as she could remember, from watching Titanic as young girl to True Blood as a teenager to Say Yes to the Dress as an Adult. After years of reading romance, she finally decided to try her hand at writing stories with characters that reflect the diverse world we inhabit. Outside of writing, Alex enjoys listening to podcasts while doing her makeup, reading comic books, stalking BeyoncĂ©’s every move, and watching The Golden Girls with a glass of wine. She enjoys talking to her readers and anyone with a great sense of humor, so feel free to drop her a message anytime!


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