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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Saturday 30 September 2017

Release Day Blitz: Selfless [Selfish 03] by Shantel Tessier!

I went against all I believed in and fell in love with what should have been a one-night stand! I fought it, tried to make up rules to prevent the inevitable, but somehow, he knew all along. He understood what I wanted and was willing to comply. I was the one who took him for granted. I was the one who made him walk away. And now, he’s gone and I’m left with nothing but my thoughts and regrets. He was never supposed to be my happily ever after. But my favorite love story ends in tragedy, so why wouldn’t mine?

I played the white knight, doing what every woman dreams of to win her over, yet it still got me nowhere! But what did I expect? I wasn’t the man she wanted! Nothing I could have done would have landed me the girl. I guess love is funny that way. One minute, you think you have the girl, and the next, you realize you were blinded. Walking away was hard, but watching her with another man was harder. Sometimes you have to pick your battles, and I know when I’ve lost. Love shouldn’t be a game, but I learned someone always loses. For once, I wasn’t the one being selfish, but I was the one who paid the price.

Check it out on Goodreads!
Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks
Author bio:

Shantel is a Texas born girl who now lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma with her high school sweetheart, who is a wonderful, supportive husband and their seven year old little princess. She loves to spend time cuddled up on the couch with a good book.
She considers herself extremely lucky to get to be a stay at home wife and mother. Going to concerts and the movies are just a few of her favorite things to do. She hates coffee, but loves wine. She and her husband are both huge football fans, college and NFL. And she has to feed her high heel addiction by shopping for shoes weekly.
Although she has a passion to write, her family is most important to her. She loves spending evenings at home with her husband and daughter, along with their cat and dog.

Friday 29 September 2017

Cover Reveal & Giveaway: Rewrite by Stephanie Rose!

Once upon a time, a girl loved a boy and he loved her back. They lived happily ever after.

But our story was never that simple.

I loved Josh with all I had, right until the day he left. Now, all these years later, he was back—and wanting me the way I’d always longed for him. Except now, I belonged to someone else. Someone who never left me the way Josh had. I figured that was the end of our story. I couldn’t alter the past.

I didn’t want to rewrite my future.

Brianna was always more than my best friend. She was the shining light in my black hole of an existence, and I loved her with every cell and bone in my body. I wasn’t good enough for her, though—more the villain than the hero in our fairy tale. When I had to leave, I vowed to come back a better man—for her. But when I finally did return, she wasn’t waiting for me anymore. She had someone new, her very own Prince Charming. Did that mean our story was over? I couldn't change our past.

It was time to rewrite our ending.
Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!
Author bio:

Stephanie Rose grew up loving words and making up stories. Being able to share them with readers is her dream come true. This lifelong Bronx girl loves Starbucks, wine and 80s rock. Her voice often gets mistaken for a Mob Wives trailer.
She married her prom date and has a seven-year-old LEGO obsessed son. She believes there is nothing sexier than a good guy who loves with all his heart, and has made it her mission to bring as many as she can to the page.

Thursday 28 September 2017

Stacking The Shelves [27]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Purchased (Ebooks):
Purchased (Paperbacks/hardbacks):

I, unfortunately, haven't bought any paperbacks or hardbacks this month.
Gifted from Authors/Publishers:

(Thank you Headline Eternal!)
 For Review from Author/Netgalley/Edelweiss:
Currently Reading:


Wednesday 27 September 2017

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Carry Me Home by Jessica Therrien!

   For the most part, I remember my childhood as dry weeds and dirt roads, warm sun and birdsong. The silky coat of a mare and filth of pigs in mud. Eighty acres of ranch land is an endless playground for any kid. And in those naïve years it was easy to ignore the beer on my father’s breath as I skipped off to fetch him another. My mother’s weepy eyes were nothing to ques-tion, because I didn’t know any better. But time chisels away that purity until there’s nothing left but truth.
   Neither one of my parents is happy.
   At seventeen, I’m ready to leave. The ranch of my youth is a wasteland of empty, overgrown pastures and rusting barbed wire fences. Much like their marriage, it’s tired and used up. There’s nothing left to give.
   Tonight, the air feels heavy. I can smell the tension in the ever-present cigarette smoke. At first the rising pitch of their voices doesn’t bother me. I’m used to them fight-ing. But my heart seizes when I hear him yell, and when Dad’s words become a throat-scratching, red-faced shout, my sister, Lucy, sneaks into my room.
   My bedroom has always been a sanctuary for her on nights like these.
   She doesn’t say anything. She doesn’t have to. We just listen to the rage as it filters through the walls.
   “I’m going out there,” she says.
   If she were younger I’d stop her. I’d take her little-girl hand and lead her into the quiet closet like I used to, but she’s fifteen now, and there’s no stopping Lucy from doing anything.
   My only choice is to follow her.
   I find her frozen in the hallway, stiff-legged as a terra-cotta soldier. Mom is just as still, back pressed against the far wall of the kitchen. Dad’s bloodshot eyes are wide and crazed. Wispy pieces of thinning, grey hair have come loose from his short ponytail.
   He’s pacing our living room, whisky glass in one hand, a rifle in the other.
“A riveting page-turner… Jessica Therrien broke my heart into a million pieces — and then put it back together again. This book will haunt and uplift readers long after they turn the last page.”
-KAT ROSS, best-selling author of The Midnight Sea

CARRY ME HOME is a fictional novel inspired by the true story of a teenage girl’s involvement in several Mexican gangs in San Jose and Los Angeles. The members of her crew call her, Guera, Spanish for “white girl” and it doesn’t take long for her to get lost in their world of guns and drugs.

* * *

Lucy and Ruth are country girls from a broken home. When they move to the city with their mother, leaving behind their family ranch and dead-beat father, Lucy unravels.

They run to their grandparents’ place, a trailer park mobile home in the barrio of San Jose. Lucy’s barrio friends have changed since her last visit. They’ve joined a gang called VC. They teach her to fight, to shank, to beat a person unconscious and play with guns. When things get too heavy, and lives are at stake, the three girls head for LA seeking a better life.

But trouble always follows Lucy. She befriends the wrong people, members of another gang, and every bad choice she makes drags the family into her dangerous world.

Told from three points of view, the story follows Lucy down the rabbit hole, along with her mother and sister as they sacrifice dreams and happiness, friendships and futures. Love is waiting for all of them in LA, but pursuing a life without Lucy could mean losing her forever.

Ultimately it’s their bond with each other that holds them together, in a true test of love, loss and survival.
Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon or Barnes and Noble

Author bio:

Jessica Therrien is the author of the young adult series Children of the Gods. Book one in the series, Oppression, became a Barnes & Noble best-seller shortly after its release. Her trilogy has been translated and sold through major publishers around the world, such as Editions AdA (Canada), EditionsMilan (France), and SharpPoint Press (China).

Aside from her Children of the Gods series, Jessica is the author of a kid’s picture book called, The Loneliest Whale. Her award-winning stories can also be found in a published anthology of flash fiction.

Jessica currently lives in Irvine with her husband and two young sons. She is working on an a YA suspense thriller series and a middle grade fantasy series.

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Tide of Deceit [Coastal Redemption 01] by Tamra Lassiter!


   I’m met with the hard chin of a man. His mouth is pressed into a thin line that seems to tighten his entire expression. But his eyes. His dark eyes are a mixture of blue, brown, and gray, all at the same time and so full of concern, I catch my breath.
   Oh. My. Gosh.
   I’m in the arms of a complete stranger.
   I need to say something to Cassie to keep her from crying. Is it possible Betsy could be in some kind of trouble? Sure. But the odds are not likely. I don’t know if it’s the way she felt in my arms outside, or if I’m just becoming soft, but I can’t let her cry.
   “You poor dear. This is just awful.” A pair of soft arms reach around my neck, and then I’m enveloped in bosom and a cloud of Chanel. There’s no need to hold my breath, however, because the woman’s squeezing me so tightly, I can’t breathe anyway. After a very long hello hug, she releases me.
   I can’t blame her for wanting a drink, but alcohol and that level of tired don’t mix well, especially when she’s not walking home from here.
   Sure there’s the cop side of me who notices peoples’ drinking habits, but I don’t typically worry about them.
   My arms move around her. This time, she makes no move to get away. She looks up at me like she did yesterday and blinks a couple of times. There are no tears in her eyes this time. They’re just blue.
   It’s so frustrating. I don’t ever want men to take care of me. I avoid relationships with all people who are too clingy and won’t let me do simple things for myself, like pull out my own chair. Since I’ve known Tanner, he’s held me, driven me where I need to go, interfered when a jerk hit on me, opened almost every door, and even guided me with his hand on my lower back.
   And I liked it.
   “I wasn’t sure if you were going to punch him or kiss him.”
   “Punch him, for sure.” But only because kissing him didn’t work out so well for me last night.
Cassie Taylor’s aunt Betsy is missing from her gated Palm Coast community. But when Cassie goes looking, she finds a body, and more questions–who was the murdered man to her aunt? Why did she mail Cassie a fabulous, expensive diamond bracelet? And what does her aunt’s tearful neighbor know that she’s not telling?

And not least, does hunky deputy Tanner just want to keep Cassie from meddling in his case? Or is he staying close because he feels the same tidal attraction she does?

Tanner Reid is a good man and a dedicated deputy. He can’t get involved personally with the lovely, spirited Cassie–not when she’s involved in a tangled case of murder and possible kidnapping. He must first find the murderer and her aunt.

But when diamond robberies deepen the plot, danger threatens Cassie herself. When he’d like nothing more than to roll over her like a coastal high tide, can he keep her safe, and keep his hands off? And will they solve the case before someone else dies–possibly Cassie herself?
Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks
Author bio:

I live outside Washington, D.C. with my wonderfully supportive husband and two daughters, one of which is approaching her teenage years. Help us all! If that isn’t enough, we have a Great Dane and an English Bulldog to keep us on our toes. It’s crazy around here, and I love every minute of it!

Writing is my third career. I didn’t set out to be a writer, it was just meant to be. My Mechanical Engineering degree from Virginia Tech prepared me well for my first career as an Engineer/Program Manager. My second career was in Human Resources. Long story, but I figured it out. I believe the best start for a writing career is to be a reader first, and I’ve been an avid reader my whole life. I’ve loved to read ever since I picked up my first Nancy Drew mystery in the fourth grade. Now, I love reading just about everything, but I don’t read sad books. I don’t watch sad movies either for that matter, no matter how many awards they’ve won. Life’s too short, and who needs all that strife to bring us down?

Many of my words have been penned late into the evening, which explains why I’ve never viewed whatever television show you recommend to me. I would, however, love to hear your recommendations for a great read!


Sunday 24 September 2017

Release Blitz: Double Crossed [Cobras MC 01] by Colbie Kay!


Thirty years ago I had everything I wanted until one drunken night destroyed it all.

Twenty-four years ago my life was destroyed once again. My daughter was taken from me and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it.

Now I have my daughter back and the life I lost all those years ago. Seems like everything should be perfect, right? Wrong.

As secrets unfold, people get crossed and lives are changed forever. Will I be able to hold everything together? Will I gain new beginnings or lose again? Will two motorcycle clubs still coexist when everything is said and done?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon
Author bio:

Colbie Kay was born and raised in Kansas where she still resides today with her husband, kids, and their English bulldog Rubble. In 2015 she decided to give her passion of writing a go and published her first book. As an avid reader herself, Colbie loves to write her favorite genres and has so many authors that have inspired her.
Colbie is a stay at home mom to her two wonderful kids. When she is not writing she loves to sit down with a good book and read. Loving her readers, Colbie hopes to one day meet all of you at book signings.

Saturday 23 September 2017

Release Blitz: Rock Me [Jaded Ivory 01] by Rebecca Brooke!

I am not a victim.

At least that’s what I wanted to believe. What I wanted the world to see. Five years of trying to find the girl I hid from the world.

I wouldn’t let the bullies win. I couldn’t.

What was I supposed to do when he walked into the building? He’d made my high school years a living hell.

But, he doesn’t recognize me.

How do I prove he didn’t break me? Simple, take him home for a one-night stand.

At least it sounded like a good idea at the time.

Check it out on Goodreads!
Buy your copy from Amazon
Author bio: 
Rebecca Brooke grew up in the shore towns of South Jersey. She loves to hit the beach, but always with her Kindle on hand. She is married to the most wonderful man who puts up with all her craziness. Together they have two beautiful children who keep her on her toes. When she isn’t writing or reading (which is very rarely) she loves to bake and binge watch Netflix.

Friday 22 September 2017

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Five [Mister 0.5] by J.A. Huss!


   “You want a kiss?”
   “Mmmhmm,” I say, closing my eyes as I picture it. God, I’ve dreamed of this moment for ages. “I really need one, Five.”
   His mouth touches my earlobe. Lips caress the soft skin of my neck. “Like this?” he asks.
   “Yes,” I practically moan. “Just… like… that.”
   “Do you want more, Princess?” he asks, his voice low now. Growly. Filled with so much promise.
   “More, please,” I say, in my sweetest princess voice.
   “Then promise me, baby. Just say those two words. ‘I promise.’ And as soon as you do that, I’ll give you everything you want. OK?”
   “Five,” I moan. “Just—”
   His hands come up suddenly. He cups my face, stares into my eyes with the most sincere expression I’ve ever seen on him. And underneath that sincerity, I see… fear. “Promise me.”
   “Five,” I say, unable to stop staring back. This is everything. Everything I’ve always dreamed of. Five pressing me up against a wall. Me, the only thing on his mind. Except I’m not the only thing on his mind, am I? No. Those creeps from the past are back. That’s why he’s here. And even though I’d normally not give in so easy, I know this is not a game. So I say, “I promise. Now stop talking, you stupid genius, and kiss me already.”
   He smiles. Leans in. I close my eyes, ready for it. Finally gonna get what I want.
   But then he moves his mouth to my ear and nibbles on my lobe. “Good girl,” he coos. “But I’m not sure I believe you, Princess. I can feel those wheels turning inside your head. They’re grinding hard.” He presses his hard cock against my hip when he says that last part. “So I’m gonna hold off on that kiss until I get back tonight. And if you’ve been good, and if you’ve held up your end of the—”
   “What?” I say, pushing him back. “You will do no such thing, Five Aston! I want a fucking kiss and I want one right now! I’ve waited six years for this, and denying me is practically emotional abuse. Now stop fucking around and kiss me, goddammit!”
   “Who’s the boss of you, Rory?”
   I huff out some air. “Me.”
   He smiles. It’s a big, genuine, I’m-gonna-teach-you-who’s-boss smile. “Wrong answer.
Five Aston has known Rory Shrike for as long as he can remember. He played with her in the sandbox. He went to every damn horse show just to be supportive. He helped her with her French, walked her home from school, and faked his test scores just to stay with her a little longer and not be sent off to college early.
But eventually he had to move on.
And so did she.
Never has a second chance meant so much to a boy who loves a girl.

A standalone book that is also a spin-off of the Rook & Ronin Series and prequel to the Mister Series. You can read it first, you can read it last. It doesn't really matter because it's f*cking Five.
Check it out on Goodreads!
Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, or iBooks
Author bio:

JA Huss is the USA Today bestselling author of more than twenty romances. She likes stories about family, loyalty, and extraordinary characters who struggle with basic human emotions while dealing with bigger than life problems. JA loves writing heroes who make you swoon, heroines who makes you jealous, and the perfect Happily Ever After ending.

You can chat with her on Facebook (www.facebook.com/AuthorJAHuss), Twitter (@jahuss), and her blog, New Adult Addiction (www.jahuss.com).

If you’re interested in getting your hands on an advanced release copy of her upcoming books, sneak peek teasers, or information on her upcoming personal appearances, you can join her newsletter list (http://eepurl.com/JVhAr) and get those details delivered right to your inbox.


Thursday 21 September 2017

Release Day Blitz & Giveaways: Kingdom of Honor [Kingdom Journals 03] by Tricia Copeland!

Jude only knows one thing: he must rescue Camille. It doesn’t matter what must be done to save her from the evil coven, he will do it. But when she returns, will she still have her magic? What will his role be? How does he fit into the trinity’s prophecy? Find out in this urban fantasy adventure novel that finds the Kingdom Journals characters traversing the globe in search of Camille, and the key to breaking an age-old curse.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon
Author bio:

Tricia Copeland grew up in Georgia and now lives in Colorado with her family. Her books include the clean new adult Being Me Series, Is This Me?, If I Could Fly, Thinking You Know Me, and the final installment, Being Me, as well as a young adult novellas, Drops of Sunshine and the Lovelock Chronicles, Lovelock Ones: Native One, published in The Butterfly Box. If she’s not out running, you can find Tricia at
www.triciacopeland.com or your favorite social media.
Tricia has teamed up with Big Hugs Little Envelopes and Superior Earth Essentials to bring you an amazing opportunity to win a Kingdom Journals inspired mug, two Kingdom original scents, and a signed Kingdom of Honor paperback! Got to Tricia’s Instagram account @authortriciacopeland to enter through 11AM Mountain time Sept. 22! Winner announced noon mountain time!
If you’ve been following the series, here is a unique chance to get the Kingdom of Honor ebook FREE! Leave a text review on Amazon for Kingdom of Darkness and send Tricia the link via email at tricia@triciacopeland.com! She’ll send you a link to download your free copy of Kingdom of Honor. Free copies are limited, so don’t miss this opportunity! It doesn’t have to be long, just leave an honest review. (Verified purchase only)

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Promo Tour: Rebel Song [Rebel 03] by J.C. Hannigan!

Becky Miller has been damaged by love before—many times.

After narrowly escaping the abuse of her lover, her son Aiden’s birth healed her broken family in ways Becky could have never imagined. She swore she would never trust herself, or her child, to another man again.

Just when things started looking up, the Miller family tragically loses their mother. Each of the Miller siblings mourn in their own way. Brock takes charge of arrangements, Braden loses himself to the bottle, and Becky grieves by propositioning her brother’s best friend for an intended one-night stand.

Travis Channing isn’t just her brother’s best friend; he’s a known womanizer—not to mention a chart-topping country singer. But Becky hopes one pleasure-filled night with Travis might temporarily numb the pain she’s experiencing.

As one night turns into more, Becky struggles to remain in control of her developing feelings, but Travis isn't content to keep things casual any longer.

Can Becky find a way to let go of the guilt of the past and look forward to a future with Travis? Will Travis be able to break through her barrier and show her the love she so desperately deserves?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon
Author bio:
J.C. Hannigan lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband, their two sons, and their dog. She writes contemporary new adult romance and suspense. Her novels focus on relationships, mental health, social issues, and other life challenges.

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Sledgehammer [Hard to Love 02] by P. Dangelico!

   “I’ll help you pack.”
   Yeah, not happening, but I’m too tired to argue with him. Glancing around, his eyes fall on my unmade bed––and stay there.
   “Are you here to do a health inspection, or help?”
   That snaps him out of whatever is going on in his head. I get down on all fours, my attention momentarily diverted as I grab my suitcase from under the bed. Bad move. Real bad. Because when I glance up, I find him in the process of opening the top drawer of my dresser.
   “No! Not that one!” I screech.
   Too late. Too effing late. Vaughn is staring at the contents of the drawer, his expression frozen. Until I see his lips move. He’s counting them. Oh dear, he’s counting them. His eyes grow a little wider. He finally reaches seven and stops. Little does he know that eight is in the Amazon box near the front door.
   “Don’t touch,” I say, with an exaggerated smirk.
   A quick scowl darkens the perfection that is his face. “I wasn’t planning to.” His attention returns to the contents of the drawer. When he starts to close it, I decide to double down because it’s that kind of night.
  “Might as well leave it open. I have to pack those.”
   That perfectly styled head slowly turns in my direction. I get a blank, assessing stare. He thinks I’m messing with him, but I’m not. When I continue to stare back in silence, he blinks twice and rubs his face.
   “You’re bringing all of these?” he says more than asks, his tone reeking of disbelief. His doubt earns him a one shoulder shrug.
   “I can’t bring Jamie and leave Wes. Those two are an item. Sometimes I’m in the mood for Gabriel, sometimes Garrett. And Zeke has abandonment issues. He’ll get upset if I leave him behind.”
   Guilty as charged. I name my vibrators after my book boyfriends. If you have a problem with it, get on your high horse and go file a complaint with the Bureau of I Don’t Give A Stinking Shit.
Amber Jones is in a pickle. And when I say pickle, I mean deep do-do. She knew she shouldn’t have gone to her ex’s New Year’s Eve party. And she reeeaally didn’t mean to almost burn down his house. It was the chafing dish’s fault, dang it! Now she needs a good lawyer, stat. But where to find one?

All work and no play make Ethan Vaughn a very sad and lonely lawyer. Not to mention horny. He really shouldn’t have agreed to help his best friend’s wife’s bestie with her imbroglio. Now she’s remanded on bail––and living in his house. The woman is a walking, talking category five hurricane. And considering his track record with women, he needs to stay as far away from this one as possible. Problem is, he just can’t seem to make himself.
Check it out on Goodreads!
Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo or iBooks

Author bio: 
P. Dangelico loves romance in all forms, shapes, and sizes, cuddly creatures (four legged and two), really bloody sexy pulp, the NY Jets (although she’s reconsidering after this season), and to while away the day at the barn (apparently she does her best thinking shoveling horse crap). What she’s not enamored with is referring to herself in the third person and social media so don’t expect her to get on Twitter anytime soon. Oh, and although she was born in Italy, she’s been Jersey Strong since she turned six.