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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Monday 28 February 2022

Stacking The Shelves [79]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Purchased (Ebooks):

Purchased (Paperbacks/hardbacks):

(These books were in the Spring 2022 Romance Readers Book Box UK!)

Gifted from Authors/Publishers:

I, unfortunately, didn't receive any paperbacks or hardbacks this month.

Sunday 27 February 2022

Book Blitz & Giveaway: She’s Mine [Protected 01] by Belinda Wright!


   She curls her top lip in a faint look of disgust, which ignites a flash of anger within me.
   ‘I’ve got to study.’ She goes to walk away but I catch her wrist and pull her back. Her eyes widen with shock at my physical action.
   ‘Dale, I appreciate this is your house and everything, but let’s just set some rules up front, shall we? I’m here for two weeks while your dad’s out of town, at his request, not mine. We don’t have to be best friends. I don’t care if you like me or not. I couldn’t care less, even. But while I’m here, I’m in charge, which means you will not leave this house without informing me first. I don’t care what you do, as long as it’s in this building, but I’d appreciate it if you would do me the honour of being civil when you speak to me.’
   Her gaze is fixed on mine; she doesn’t answer, her teeth biting into her lower lip.
   ‘Do we have an agreement? Because if we don’t, you’re gonna have to stay by my side the whole two weeks I’m here. And I can tell you, that wouldn’t be very pleasant for either of us.’ I don’t let go of her wrist, holding her close as I speak, waiting for her to react to give me something back that I can work with to understand where she’s at. Her eyes are the colour of warm caramel. The smell of her shampoo fills the air with floral and fruity tones. She is stunningly beautiful, even more so, up close. I rethink what I just said; maybe spending two weeks with her by my side wouldn’t be too unpleasant after all. If she’d only drop the attitude.


Life is good. Our business is growing. We’re successfully building our fight club empire and everything’s going to plan. Until one of the crime bosses asks me for a favour. Will I watch his daughter while he’s out of town? I know I should say no. I don’t do favours – for anyone. But in a moment of weakness, I agree. How hard can it be? I’m a champion fighter, after all, respected by all the crews, there’s no one who can take me on and win.

But I don’t reckon on Daleylah Martinez, the twenty-two-year-old daughter of the Spanish boss…


I’ve been waiting for this moment: Papa out of town- I can finally escape the house and enjoy myself. Then he turns up, Slater; one of my father’s gangster friends moves into our house to keep an eye on me. That’s the last thing I need. Well, he can forget it if he thinks I’m doing what he tells me. And there’s no way he’s stopping me going out with my friends. No way.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

I am a mum, reader and indie author. I love spending time at home with my girls or with my nose in a book. My debut novel The Executive Floor was published in 2019 following many years of stockpiling manuscripts. I write in the evenings after finishing work with a glass of wine in my hand.

Saturday 26 February 2022

Book Blitz & Giveaway: What Lies Beyond the Veil [Of Flesh & Bone 01] by Harper L. Woods!


   I lifted the first bite of cake to my mouth, flavors of vanilla and cinnamon on my tongue as I chewed. There was nothing hidden within it, just the sweetness of the cake itself as I watched the others around me chew theirs.
   I was through my second bite before something struck my tooth and I raised a hand to my mouth to pull it out. The ring glimmered in bronze against my palm, a sign of the shackle I’d spent my entire life knowing was coming. Death or prostitution were the only escapes from marriage in the Kingdom of Nothrek. Still, the clear symbol in my palm felt like a noose around my neck, like a death all its own.
   “Congratulations are in order; I see?” Adelphia said, her voice tentative. There was no joy on my face at the prospect of my pending nuptials. It didn’t matter that I had no knowledge of who my husband might be.
   Men were almost all the same, in the end. Looking for a warm place to stick their cock and a trophy to sow their seed.
   “It would seem so,” I said, smiling and trying to shrug off the dread coursing through my veins. I’d never believed in the fortune tellers who worked at the market every week, predicting which of the thirteen lives a person found themselves on in the cycle of reincarnation before the true death. I’d never put any stock in the magical items a person could purchase if they spoke the right words at the right stands.
   I wouldn’t start believing in prophecy just because it predicted something I’d always known was coming anyway.
   There was a soft thump behind us, the group going still as they looked over my shoulder at the circle. I turned slowly, following their gazes to where a single candle had fallen off its stone and extinguished the moment it touched the grass, as if by an unseen force.
   I swallowed, working out the placement for a moment before I turned back to the group with a shaky breath. The silence between them as they watched me rise to my feet spoke volumes about their belief in their Samhain traditions and the clairvoyance they brought.
   “I should get home,” I said, looking at the sun just cresting the horizon through the trees.
   Adelphia nodded, not even bothering to argue with me. There was nothing left to say.
   The only candle that had fallen was mine.

Once, we’d worshipped them as Gods.

For nearly 400 years, the Veil has protected us from the Fae of Alfheimr. In their absence, our lives have shifted from decadence and sin to survival and virtue under the guidance of the New Gods. I’ve spent my entire life tending to the gardens next to the boundary between our worlds, drawn to the shimmering magic like a moth to the flame.

Then, we died on their swords.

All of that changes the day the Veil shatters, unleashing the fae upon our world once again. The magic of faerie marks those of us they mean to take, but the Mist Guard protecting Nothrek will kill us all before they let the fae have us. There’s no choice but to flee everything I’ve ever known, not if I want to live to see my twenty-first birthday as a free woman.

Now, they’ll claim what’s theirs.

But before they capture me, Caelum saves me from the Wild Hunt. Fae-marked and on the run, he is able to fight back in ways I only dream of. From tentative alliance to all-consuming passion, our bond strengthens as the fae close in and evil lurks ever nearer. With my life on the line, he is everything I shouldn’t dare to want and a distraction I can’t afford. I can’t seem to stay away, not even with something greater on the line.

My heart.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

Enraptured by love. Captivated by fantasy. USA Today Bestselling author Adelaide Forrest writing spicy fantasy romance as Harper L. Woods.

Friday 25 February 2022

Cover Reveal: Hot Shot's Mistake [Tennessee Thunderbolts 01] by Gina Azzi!

Tangling up with my new physical therapist, Mila Lewis, is a mistake. One I can’t seem to stop making.

When I sign with the Tennessee Thunderbolts, I have two goals: prove my injury hasn’t benched my career and get back to New York.

But then, I meet Mila, the enigmatic therapist tasked with rehabbing my shoulder.

With her long ponytail, professional demeanor, and girl-next-door look, Mila is nothing like my usual type. She’s better—a good girl with sad eyes and a tragic past our small-town loves to dissect.

With the entire town up in her business, our budding connection is far from simple. I’m not staying, and Mila will never leave.

Deep down, I know I should walk away and let her find the happily-ever-after she deserves.

But I can’t. Not without showing her that it could be me.

And that may be the biggest mistake of all.

Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Author bio:
Gina Azzi writes emotional and captivating contemporary romance novels with heart-warming happily-ever-afters. She is the author of Boston Hawks Hockey, Second Chance Chicago Series, The Kane Brothers Series, Finding Love in Scotland Series, The College Pact Series, and Corner of Ocean and Bay.

A Jersey girl at heart, Gina has spent her twenties traveling the world, living and working abroad, before settling down in Ontario, Canada with her husband and three children. She's a voracious reader, daydreamer, and coffee enthusiast who loves meeting new people. Say hey to her on social media or through www.ginaazzi.com.

Thursday 24 February 2022

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Sharp Absence [Sharp Investigations 01] by Kate Anders!

When her final year of college turns into a disaster, Kenzie Sharp can’t wait for it to be over. Thankfully, her best friend is by her side, especially when dealing with the cheating ex-fiancé and his new girlfriend. With graduation around the corner, the best friends are making plans for a fresh start in a new apartment.

So when Kenzie arrives home to their apartment only to find her best friend not just gone, but completely moved out, she knows something is wrong. The university says she withdrew. Their friends haven’t seen her. And the police don’t think she’s missing.

Everyone knows when someone goes missing you’re up against a clock. With her back against the wall, Kenzie puts all her money on the line and hires a private investigator. Will Anderson is the definition of an unfriendly ex-cop, but together the two form an unlikely partnership to find her friend.

As the investigation heats up and more women turn up missing, Kenzie must put her life on the line to get the answers she seeks.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Kate was born and raised in Texas, and after almost a decade as an army wife, settled in North Carolina. She lives with her husband and their four dogs, Anders, Khaleesi, Patrick, and Charlie. Kate spends a great deal of her time reading new books from all over the romance genre, binge watching TV, practicing cooking and dreaming about learning to be a baker, and obsessing about all things nerdy.

Wednesday 23 February 2022

Release Blitz & Giveaway: DadBod by Kayt Miller!

Romeo "Rome" James is a single father in need of a nanny. He's got the perfect person in mind, the thing is, all he's done since he met Elizabeth Duncan is picture her in his home, in his bed. Now he's got the chance for at least one of those things. Will he be able to see her there and not want to more?

Very doubtful.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

I grew up in the midwest with a loving family including three brothers, one sister, and my parents who always fostered my creative side. I earned my bachelor's degree at Iowa State University, then I was off to the Savannah College of Art and Design for graduate school. After that, I returned to Iowa for work which led me, once again, to ISU for my master's degree in education.

I love to read and one day I was searching for a book. A book about a certain type of woman and a specific kind of man and I couldn't find it so, I wrote it. I called it Game Changer and it couldn't have been a more appropriate title. It changed my life in many ways. While my real job is teaching young people, my fun job is conjuring up characters and situations to write about.

My goal, as a writer, is to write stories that relate to all of us, to make readers laugh and maybe cry sometimes. I hope my readers can escape into a fantasy, one that's actually possible. Sure, some of the stories could be dubbed "Insta-love" stories but that's okay. I fell in love with my husband pretty damn fast and with my daughter the second I saw her. So, it's a thing, I swear.

Tuesday 22 February 2022

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Dead Ahead [Grave Talker 05] by Annie Anderson!


   “Are you carrying any weapons, ma’am?” the rather burly security guard asked, crossing his beefy arms over his chest as if he was prepared for me to lie.
   I raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow at the guard—courtesy of Sarina—and gave The Rock Part Deux a conspiratorial smile as I twirled a finger. “Would you walk into a place like this unarmed, sir?”
   Rock Two blinked at me before surveying the crowd of high-powered arcaners and letting out a little huff. “No, ma’am, I can’t say I would. Though, I’m still going to have to ask that you disarm yourself and submit to a pat down.”
   Sarina warned me this might happen, so I wasn’t exactly surprised, but I wasn’t happy about it either. Given the giant TSA-style metal detectors stationed at every entrance, there was no way I was getting through them without alarms going off.
   Still… “Any chance of a freebie pass for being the Warden—”
   Rock’s glare was glacial. “I was specifically told that everyone was to be searched regardless of status and no weapons of any kind could enter.”
   “And saying the beeping was due to a zipper—”
   “Would be the tenth such excuse I’ve heard tonight.” The guard sighed like this was the worst job in the world, and he’d really enjoy being anywhere else.
   “Fair enough,” I muttered, gathering my courage.
   I was going to be unarmed.
   Walking into the unknown.
   Surrounded by arcaners.
   In a dress.

Some secrets should stay buried.

After accidentally freeing a demon, ticking off the werewolf alpha, and possibly inciting a war, Darby Adler’s Warden job is in serious peril.

With the council up in arms and a literal god on her doorstep, Darby needs to figure her life out and pronto.

If she can’t, losing her job might be the least of her problems.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Annie Anderson is a military wife and United States Air Force veteran. Originally from Dallas, Texas, she is a southern girl at heart, but has lived all over the US and abroad. As soon as the military stops moving her family around, she'll settle on a state, but for now she enjoys being a nomad with her husband, two daughters, an old man of a dog, and a young pup that makes life... interesting.

Monday 21 February 2022

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Cruel Knight [A Savannah Mafia Romance 04] by M.A. Lee!


   “Are you stalking me? Let me remind you again, Ryder, that I am your boss. You should act professionally around me,” I spoke clearly.
   Ryder chuckled as he ran a hand through his dark hair. “You keep reminding me that you are my boss. That you are in charge,” he said, closing the space between us. He now stood in front of me again, towering over me. “I think you get off on being in charge. You love the power; it turns you on,” he said slowly.
   I drank in his words. Too shocked to speak, my mouth fell open as I glared back at this man.

“I never believed in fairy tales…that was until I met a dark knight.”

Ryder grew up envious of the Antoni Mafia Family. Watching from the outside, he always dreamed that one day he could earn his ranks and approval in one of Savannah’s most notorious crime families. Finding himself in the Army as a sniper, he returns back to Savannah with plans to prove himself and finally become a made man in the Antoni Mafia Family.

Abbigal grew up as a Las Vegas princess. As the daughter of a wealthy casino owner, she has spent her entire life under the glamour and bright lights of big cities like Vegas and Savannah. After the death of her father, Abbigail inherits a casino in Savannah. Knowing the industry, she is prepared for this new role. However, the Savannah Mafia families want a piece of the casino and won’t go down without a fight. Abbigail is up for the fight of her life and now a cocky, suave, man has gained her attention.
Like a moth drawn to a flame, Ryder finds himself intrigued by the one woman who isn’t interested in him. Trying to navigate a way into the casino and the Antoni Mafia Family, Ryder never thought he would also being finding a way into Abbigails heart, too.

Find out what happens when Ryder, has to earn his way into the Antoni Mafia Family and the heart of a Las Vegas Princess.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

M.A. Lee is the persona of a wife and mother. Her obsession with coffee and book boyfriends drives her to create steamy romance novels.

Sunday 20 February 2022

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Hot For Me [Balefire 04] by Tam Derudder Jackson!


A bonafide pop diva, all sass and scandal, Cristy Valor commands headlines wherever she goes. The tabloids love her—and love to hate her. From the first time her sexy alto voice rolls over me, she has all my attention. When she joins Balefire on our latest tour, she sashays across the stage in her wild-ass costumes and parties hard enough to keep up with my boys and me. She drives me batshit crazy—and I love every second of it.

Sex on stilettos.

Pure trouble.

Our sizzling chemistry could shoot a rocket into space, and it’s not long before I crave her. For
the first time in my life, I want to share everything with a woman. But Cristy is hiding
something, something that holds her back from giving me all of herself. She’s about to find out
that I’m a patient man—and I always get what I want.


Adam Tron is the poster boy for tall, dark, and sexy. His bass rhythms are enough to make me
cream my panties every time I hear them. Flirting with him during our live shows is a rush but
nothing compared to what happens when I finally give in to my lust and share his bed. The
problem is, sex isn’t all he wants.

For my entire career, I’ve set the narrative, teased the tabloids with scandals that kept them too busy to look into my past, too busy to discover the secret that could end the party for good.
Adam Tron could wreck me, steal my heart—and my music. I can’t let him in. I can’t let him
discover the secret behind the nightmares I have nearly every night. He thinks he can slay all my monsters, and it would be so easy to let him. But if he finds out the truth, will he still be hot for me?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

Tam DeRudder Jackson is the author of the paranormal romance Talisman Series and the contemporary romance Balefire Series. Her favorite “room” in her house is her patio where she dreams up stories of romance and risk. When she’s not writing her latest paranormal or contemporary romance, you can find her driving around in her convertible or carving turns on the slopes of the local ski hill. The mom of two grown sons, Tam likes to travel, attend rock concerts, watch football and soccer, and visit old car shows with her husband. She lives in the mountains of northwest Wyoming where she spends most of her free time trying to read all the books. Her TBR piles are threatening to take over her office, and she’s fine with that.

Saturday 19 February 2022

Book Blitz & Giveaway: A Blessed Darkness by Elexis Bell!


   I spur my feet to action, dragging myself into the room. Again, my heart falters at the sight of him, at the strange familiarity of him. I barely keep my jaw from falling open.
   Leaning back, propped up on one elbow, he sits with one foot drawn up to the edge of the cot. Oh so casually, he examines his nails. His vest gapes, falling open to the side, and his shirt clings to him.
   But realization dawns on me.
   He’s messing with me.
   His chest rises with a deep breath, and he glances up, rewarding me with a coy smile and confirming my suspicions. I balance the tray in the only horizontal opening in the bars. Without a word, he gets up and slinks toward me with an almost feline grace.
   He takes the tray gently and sits back down on his cot.
   Settling in at the desk, I take a long drink of the cool water. We eat silently, and I’m thankful for the time it affords me to calm my nerves. But I glance at him too many times as I eat.
   And more often than not, his eyes linger on me.
   He eats slowly, controlling his pace. But it makes me wonder.
   Does he not usually get this much food in one meal?
   My heart clenches, though I’m sure he’d bristle at the pity.
   Then, it hits me, as if all the stone and earth Luxitore ever created were falling down upon me, as if Jemarie were taking all the wind from my lungs…
   Does he have a family?
   No necklace of eternal bonds peeks out from the open neckline of his shirt, but given the scar on his chest, it may have broken when the magic hit him. My stomach plummets, and I tell myself it’s only out of concern for his possible family. With him here, they may not have food.
   It isn’t because he’s attractive. It’s because his family might be starving.
   But I know better. It’s both. The two concerns mix, curdling in my stomach.
   I finish my food shortly after Beluroan. Gathering my tray and cup, I move to take his. “Would you like more food or water?”
   The simple question surprises him. After a moment’s hesitation, he says, “Just some water, please.”
   Has no one ever shown him simple kindness?
   The lightning scar glares up at me in answer, making my own upbringing seem privileged. People turned their backs on me all the time, but no one turned their magic on me.
   He hands me the tray, then drains the remainder of his water in one long pull. My eyes linger on his neck, but I force myself to look away. Reaching through the bars, he passes me the cup. Our fingers brush, and gentle warmth flows between us. His hand lingers, and my breath hitches. Swallowing, I pull away.
   But I still feel his touch.
   Heat rushes to my face, and he drops his gaze quickly.
   I dart from the room, tripping over myself to get to the relative safety of the cold storage, or even just out of this room.
   I barely notice when I bump into the desk in the front lobby.
   I rush down the stairs and drop everything on the table in the corner. My hands shake, sloshing a few drops of water over the rim of Beluroan’s cup as I refill it.
   I need to get myself under control.
   What is this?

A dark connection. A deadly responsibility.

Sparks fly when Elairie, a mixed-blood elf living on the edge of society and serving as a night guard, meets her latest prisoner. Strange auras surround them, and a magical gravity draws her to him, despite what her associates might say about his race. But the connection they share comes with a dark side.

When Beluroan learns that he and his guard are Blessed Ones, hand-crafted by the Gods to stop a madman from recreating the Blood Magic of old, his veins run cold. Threatened with a return to the magical slavery such magic commands, fear grips him, and memories of his childhood Master fill his mind.

But together, their potential power frightens even the Gods. Can they overcome the prejudices marring their land and master their new magic in time to stop the man trying to enslave their country? Or will they succumb to their own power?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon or Barnes and Noble

Author bio:

I'm a nerd with a lot of hobbies and enough sarcasm and swear words to make a sailor blush, though, you'll never hear a word of it if I'm not comfortable around you. I've been an introvert since birth. When I'm writing, though, words come easily.

At the end of the day, I just want to write stories that make people feel something.