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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Monday 31 August 2020

Release Tour & Giveaway: Ruthless Bishop [Sinners and Saints 03] by Veronica Eden!


   “You’re still not forgiven. I’m only here because you’re blackmailing me. I wouldn’t come near you otherwise.”
   “You certainly were ready to come all over me before.” The glare I direct at him drops the temperature in the car by a few degrees. He blows out a slow, strained breath and grips the wheel with both hands. “Okay. Whatever. Noted.”
   We ride in silence for a long stretch. The drive to school isn’t long, and I realize I’m wasting a good opportunity for the details I’m desperate for.
   “So what’s our deal? Or rather, your deal that I have no choice but to accept because the alternative is…yeah, no thanks. Asshole.” I shift a little to face him better as we drive through Ridgeview, turning onto the tree-lined road that leads up to the school. “When did we get together? How did it happen?”
   Connor cuts a look at me from the corner of his eye. “We’ll keep it simple so it’s easy to remember. We’ve grown up as neighbors. Got together over summer or something. You’re the girl next door, what’s not to like about that?”
   I frown as he hitches a shoulder. “That’s unimaginative.”
   Amusement crosses his face. “We could always use the true version: you sent me a wrong number nude and I was like aight.”
   “You ass! We are not using that. And I wasn’t naked.”
   “Yet. Shortly after?” Connor hums, shifting in the driver’s seat. “So gloriously naked.”
   With a scandalized squeal, I swat his arm, overwhelmed by his proximity and what he’s saying. He drives me to things I never do.
   He laughs. The corner of his mouth tugs up in a crooked grin as he turns the wheel with the heel of his palm, entering the student parking lot.
   “You want a whirlwind romance, or something? I’m just trying to make it easy. It’s not like it’s real.”
   The words slice me and I suck in a pained gasp.
   It’s not real.
   For as big as his SUV is, I’m suffocated by being so near to him while my emotions spiral.
   Connor is my first actual boyfriend, but it’s all fake.

One wrong move and it’s over.

I was invisible until I wasn’t.

One mistyped number became the catalyst to my hell on earth when I accidentally sent a risqué photo to the blackmail king of Silver Lake High. Now Connor Bishop holds it as a bargaining chip over my head. I’ve become his doll, at his mercy in a corrupt castle.

Better do as he says or else, or else, or else…

His thumb is on the send button every time I try to buck his command. Can I survive a private photo going viral instead of living this life of torment?

It’s not right. Maybe it’s time his castle burns down.

Secrets and favors built my throne.

Meek. Shy. Wholesome.

Thea Kennedy was picture-perfect innocence until she wasn’t. The unexpected photo is the juiciest secret to land in my lap in a while. Who knew she was hiding luscious curves under frumpy sweaters?

With one racy selfie, Thea stepped into my world, where I control the board. I’ll trap the little mouse and won’t let her escape the depraved kingdom I built.

But there are darker monsters than me lurking in the shadows. They want to take a bite out of my little mouse. I don’t like sharing what’s mine.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Veronica Eden is the author of dark new adult romances + reverse harem romances with spitfire heroines and irresistible heroes. She loves exploring complicated feelings, magical worlds, epic adventures, and the bond of characters that embrace us against the world. She has always been drawn to gruff antiheroes, clever villains, and the twisty-turns of morally gray decisions. She believes sometimes the villain should get the girl and is a sucker for a deliciously devilish antihero. Veronica Eden is the pen name of romance author Mara Townsend. When not writing, she can be found soaking up sunshine at the beach, snuggling in a pile with her untamed pack of animals (her husband, dog and cat), and surrounding herself with as many plants as she can get her hands on. 


Sunday 30 August 2020

Stacking The Shelves [61]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Purchased (Ebooks):

Purchased (Paperbacks/hardbacks):

Fortress [Rocke 03] by L.G. Campbell
(These books were in the Romance Readers Book Box UK!)

Gifted from Authors/Publishers:
Currently Reading:

Saturday 29 August 2020

Release Tour & Giveaway: Love & Cherry Blossoms by Amara Kent!

Don’t ever fall in love. No good can come of it.


Rule Number One: NEVER sleep with the same man more than once.
I’m prone to falling for men, hard and too quickly, which has only ever ended badly for me.
It’s why I gave myself the rule with a strict no-returns policy.
I’ve never had any issues abiding to it, until he comes barging into my life.
He’s tall, sexy and oh so arrogant.
It was only ever supposed to happen once. One sexy experience on the plane, and then we go our separate ways.
He proposes one more night to truly show what it’s like to be with him.
He’s about to make me break my number one rule, and I’m not sure I’ll survive.


Rule Number One: NEVER give a woman your heart again.
Relationships… they’re more trouble than they’re worth.
I’m content living my life in the single lane.
That is, until she wanders into my life.
She’s unlike any woman I’ve ever met. Feisty, argumentative and happy to put me in my place.
We had one amazing experience on the plane, but it wasn’t not enough. I need more.
She’s making me want things I shouldn’t, and I’m not sure if I’ll survive it.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Amara Kent hails all the way from Australia.

She has been an avid reader ever since she was a little girl. From this, came a very wild and often weird and twisted imagination. She's always spinning stories of fantasy and steamy romance in her head.

When she's not trying to keep up with a million-and-one stories that comes to her, you can usually find her binge watching The Simpsons or Brooklyn Nine-Nine.


Head over to the Amara's Facebook page HERE to enter to win a paperback of Love & Cherry Blossoms and a $20 Amazon Giftcard!

Friday 28 August 2020

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Follow Me Down by Melissa Toppen!

For years I've been planning my escape.
Preparing for the day when I could leave home and never look back.
But when the moment came, it didn't happen like I had planned.
I didn't pack up my car and drive away, watching my old life disappear in the rearview mirror like I had always envisioned I would.
Instead, I ran—quite literally—as fast and far as my feet would take me.
I didn't know where I was going, only that I had to get away.
And that's when he found me…
Titus Driscoll.
He was unlike anyone I had ever met before.
A man who lived by his own code. Who answered to no one but himself.
He didn't care where I came from or why I was running.
He didn't care that my father was a powerful politician that would stop at nothing to bring me home.
Once he had me, I was his.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

Melissa Toppen is a USA Today Bestselling Author who specializes in New Adult and Contemporary Romance. She is a lover of books and enjoys nothing more than losing herself in a good novel. She has a soft spot for Romance and focuses her writing in that direction; writing what she loves to read.

Melissa resides in Cincinnati Ohio with her husband and two children, where she writes full time.


Thursday 27 August 2020

Release Day Blitz: My Salvation [Elite Securities 02] by Jennifer Hanks!

Nick Collins doesn’t believe he deserves salvation.

He’s spent years in the FBI chasing a man under the pretense of doing what’s right when all along, revenge has been his one true motive. After his life takes an unexpected turn, he vows to finish his mission and finally find the happiness he’s been denying himself for years.

That happiness lives less than a minute away.

And her name is Madeline Hughes.

Maddie has the ability to bring him back from the edge of the cliff he’s been balancing on. As his only weakness over the years, she became the one person with the power to keep the good inside of him from succumbing to the darkness.

And together they share a secret.

A secret that drives him with an intensity unlike anything he’s ever experienced and promises a future he never thought he could have, but first he has to prove he’s worthy.

It’s the biggest mission of his life.

But one he refuses to lose.

The town of New Hope should brace.

Because Nick Collins is finally coming home.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Jennifer Hanks is the author of The Dimarco Series as well as The Elite Securities Series. Her stories are contemporary romance and romantic suspense, all with the underlying message of the power and strength in love. She’s also a sucker for a Happily-Ever-After. Her love of reading and books in general started at a very young age and has steadily grown into a love of writing as well. She admits to being addicted to all things romance and has no plans of quitting her habit. Jennifer lives in Pennsylvania with her two children. When she’s not reading or writing, she can be found with her kids at their various activities. Her house is frequently filled with any combination of her children’s friends, nieces, nephews and a variety of pets.

Wednesday 26 August 2020

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Tempting the Prince [Sexy Misadventures of Royals 03] by Christi Barth!


   “Well, if you hadn’t noticed, I’m rather competitive. I won’t ever turn down a bet.”
   A ghost of a smile flirted with the corners of his mouth. “Nor will I.”
   Mallory took a deep breath. Yes, she was probably about to cross a line. But the Grand Duchess had labeled her family. Wasn’t family who you could trust to tell the truths that you needed to hear?
   Plus, watching Christian stoically try to ignore the potential awfulness of his future just clawed at her heart strings. Made her want to hug him, and stroke his head soothingly, and bake him some uber-comforting double chocolate Irish Cream brownies.
   “I also think it’s important to state for the record that you’ve inherited a crappy deal. Being told who you’re allowed to marry. Like you’re handed a prix fixe dinner menu, and you simply don’t have a taste for the three choices.” Mallory slowly shook her head, mindful of the weight of the tiara. “It’s not fair. You’re giving your whole life to this country. You deserve happiness.”
   “I haven’t done anything to deserve it. But I do want it.” Christian lifted her hand, pressed a kiss to the backs of her knuckles. Half bent, looking up at her from beneath heavy-lidded eyes, he could be a movie poster of Prince Charming. “I want you.”
   It was a moment—another one—she’d remember for the rest of her life. The stars, the softness of an oversized tree fern against her arm, the sweet scent of a night-blooming something, and the handsome prince giving her the most knee-melting of looks.
   Why did she have to be the party pooper? The adult in the room? Why couldn’t she turn off her responsibility-meter? “Oh, no. I mean, wow, but, we can’t.”
   “I can’t not want you, Mallory.”
   Well, she couldn’t lie to the man. Her good, Midwestern ethics wouldn’t allow it. “I haven’t stopped thinking about you, either. I keep trying. I think that’s why I tried so hard tonight to find someone appropriate for you.”
   “Appropriate? That sounds like a balanced diet with kale three times a week and no pasta. Like that menu you mentioned. Not at all what I want. So screw appropriate. I want you.” Christian surged forward. He locked an arm around her waist, splayed a palm across her nape, and kissed her.
   His tongue immediately entwined with hers. Because there was no polite, warm-up peck. From the heat of his kiss, Christian had been as…affected…by their coupling in the bar as Mallory. And he’d been lusting for more, exactly as she had. A week’s worth of pent-up lust packed quite a punch.
   It was grappling to see who could lick more, taste more. It was sloppy, wanton, wet proof of how much they wanted each other. It was a battle with no losers.
   It was perfection.

What happens when you mix an average American woman with a decidedly not average future King?

I can tell you from experience—a whole lot of complications.

You see, four months ago, my all-American sister, Kelsey, found out that she’s not actually my sister—she’s a princess of a country we’d never heard of. She begged me to come along when she was whisked off to her new palace, so here I am. An outsider who doesn’t fit in anywhere.

Now that she’s settled, I should go back to my exciting new career in New York. I absolutely should not stay in a country where I got shot (long story), where I suck so badly at the national sport that I accidentally murdered the symbol of the monarchy in front of half the country, and—oh yeah—where I can’t stop ogling Kelsey’s actual brother.

The Crown Prince.
The man who has to marry a very important princess. (not me)
The man who must create the next heir to the throne. (without me)
The man I absolutely can never be with. (remember that long story?)
The man who just gave me the best sex of my life…

Did I mention that it’s complicated?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

USA TODAY bestselling author Christi Barth earned a Masters degree in vocal performance and embarked upon a career on the stage. A love of romance then drew her to wedding planning. Ultimately she succumbed to her lifelong love of books and now writes award-winning contemporary romance, including the Naked Men and Aisle Bound series.

Christi can always be found either whipping up gourmet meals (for fun, honest!) or with her nose in a book. She lives in Maryland with the best husband in the world.

Tuesday 25 August 2020

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Bad Boy Best Friend by Hope Ford!

He's Breaking All The Rules

He's her BFF - Best Friend Forever
And he's off limits.
But now that she's single,
He wants to change the rules.
So why can't they be best friends with benefits?
Oh yea, because he doesn't like those rules either.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Bestselling Author Hope Ford loves writing steamy, sweet stories of curvy women finding love. With over ninety books, she feels that she has found her calling.

If you love your romance books with insta love, hot love scenes, and a sweet story, then please give one of her books a chance. You will be happy you did.


Monday 24 August 2020

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Caught Up In You [Indigo Royal Resort 02] by Claire Hastings!

Leona Filipe loves her job. As the head of housekeeping at the luxurious Indigo Royal Resort on St. Thomas, USVI, she has seen it all and has the wild stories to prove it. She works with her best friends, is close enough to see her family often, and has the perfect friends-with-benefits relationship. Life is pretty damn amazing. Except for the two weeks each year that Cullen Cruz stays at the resort. He is the only man who can get under her skin. But that is all he’s getting under. She made that mistake years ago, and it will never happen again.

Fresh off the news of his “retirement” from football, Cullen Cruz cannot wait to get to the Indigo Royal for his annual retreat before returning to England to figure out what’s next. Only this year, it’s been turned into a “working vacation” by his agent, who volunteered Cullen to run a skills camp for local kids. While that wouldn’t normally sit well, extending the trip to teach some kids how to kick a ball does mean two more weeks getting to see the woman he hasn’t been able to stop thinking about since their first, and last, encounter ten years ago.

When fate forces these two to confront what happened between them that night all those years ago, they find that there is more to each other than they realized, and that maybe they don’t annoy each other as much as they thought...

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Claire Hastings is a walking, talking awkward moment. She loves Diet Coke, gummi bears, the beach, and books (obvs). When not reading she can usually be found hanging with friends at a soccer match or grabbing food (although she probably still has a book in her purse). She and her husband live in Atlanta with their fur-child Denali.


Saturday 22 August 2020

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Play to Win [Southern Gentleman 01] by Ja'Nese Dixon!

Kamal’s an ex-football player. Jayda’s a single mother uninterested in another relationship until she sees Kamal with her daughter.

Every rejection will only make his victory sweeter. He plans to lick, taste, and devour her like the delicacy she is until the world, her ex, and Jayda recognizes his name tatted on every inch of her curvy body.

Kamal never plays by halves, and Jayda has a thing or two to show this deviously handsome player. But when the past runs an interference, they’ll learn in matters of the heart there are no rules.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

USA Today Bestseller, Ja'Nese Dixon writes tales of romance laced with strong women, stronger men, and family values that based on more than blood. Her happily ever afters are written to inspire. So, if you’re looking for a page turner that will leave you blushing, with your heart racing, and lying to yourself about reading “just one more chapter” then grab one of the authors twenty-something books.

Ja'Nese is an avid reader and coffee drinker living in Houston, TX with her husband, three adult children, and her spoiled diva dog. Want to learn more? Join her newsletter and get exclusive reads, all the inside details, and a first look at what's to come at www.janesedixon.com.


Friday 21 August 2020

Release Day Blitz: Cruel Seduction [Underground Kings 02] by Kelli Callahan!

Some people say blood is thicker than water.
Those people must not have ever been stabbed in the back by family.
My brother.
His blood is nothing but a stain on my life.

He set me up to take the fall, and I did five years behind bars.
He's my blood, but it isn't thicker than water.
Not until I make a river run red with it.
Now that I'm out of prison, it's exactly what I plan to do.

No one messes with me and gets away with it.
I'm going to take everything that belongs to me.
Including her. Gabriella Regio.
My brother's ex-wife.
He keeps her under lock and key like an animal.
And I'm going to set her free.

My brother locked her up for a reason.
The same reason he put me away.
Now his day of reckoning has arrived.
But with Gabriella?
It might just be mine too...

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Kelli writes hot and steamy romances with delicious alpha males who will not stop until they get the women they crave exactly where they want them. Kelli’s heroes are tough as nails, hot as sin, and underneath the rough exterior is a heart of gold begging to be unleashed. If you think you can tame them, you’re probably right, but it won’t be an easy journey.

Thursday 20 August 2020

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Fierce [Rosewood High 04] by Tracy Lorraine!

Everyone thinks they know me… but they’re wrong.

Fearless on the outside— a lie.

I’m a fraud, hiding behind a mask of perfection. My reality very different.

The captain. The leader. The Queen Bee.

None of it real— all just an illusion.

Perception is everything and I use it to get what I want, when I want, refusing to let anyone stand in my way.

Until he shows me that he’s not the man I expected. He’s not just the quiet one... the innocent one.

But the one to finally tear away the mask and look beneath the surface. The only one who sees me, gets me, challenges me.

He’s already changed my life in a way I never expected.
My secret could make us or break us, but I know one thing for sure... I’ll protect it fiercely.

That’s the real me. Chelsea Fierce.

The girl behind the mask with everything to lose.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Tracy Lorraine is a M/F and M/M contemporary romance author. Tracy recently-ish turned thirty and lives in a cute Cotswold village in England with her husband, daughter and lovable but slightly crazy dog. Having always been a bookaholic with her head stuck in her Kindle Tracy decided to try her hand at a story idea she dreamt up and hasn’t looked back since.
