Enemies to lovers…? No.
Forbidden Love…? Definitely not us.
Second Chance…? That one’s confusing…just like our relationship.
Soul Mates…? I’m not sure I believe in that stuff.
Fake Relationship…? Nope. We’re blood, guts, and reality.
Friends to lovers…? At times... yes.
We’re two different people on two different paths, looking for the same thing. The reality of it all is that one of us needs to fix the broken pieces to mend a hopeless mind and the other needs to view the alternate life that calls in order to finally be able to accept what it really is that they want.
Who is Nikki as a woman?
She is determined, focused, business-oriented, and motivated.
Who is Christopher as a man?
Well, he’s a broken one, but he’s determined to fix the pieces.

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Michelle B is a wife of twenty-seven years and a mom of two adult children. Always a movie girl, she never read any kind of books until the summer 2015 when a family member gave her a trilogy to read. Once she was finished with the series, she was hooked. After a year of reading voraciously and pushing away the urge to start writing her own story, she finally decided to take the leap and start putting finger tips to her keyboard. After five months she finished her first novel, Breath With Me. She then gave it to a few handfuls of women to see what their thoughts and feelings were. With overwhelming encouragement and demands, she finished her second novel of the Heart Series, Breathing Together. Michelle B is currently writing the fifth book in the Heart Series called Skinny Love, but that is not it for the Heart Series. There's a lot more to come for the Elite Eight.

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