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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Sunday 31 March 2024

Stacking the Shelves [104]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Purchased (Ebooks):

Purchased (Paperbacks/hardbacks):

Gifted from Authors/Publishers:

I, unfortunately, didn't receive any paperbacks or hardbacks this month.

For Review from Author/Netgalley/Edelweiss:

Saturday 30 March 2024

Book Blitz & Giveaway: The Professor [Tanglewood University 01] by Skye Warren!


   “What’s going on out here?” Professor Stratford asks.
   Panic pricks every inch of my body. “Nothing.”
   He peruses me with deep interest, his dark gaze taking in my tense stance, my messenger bag clutched to my chest like a shield, the anxiety I’m barely holding back. He turns to Brandon, who shifts his weight, trying to look innocent but with defiance coming through.
   “Brandon?” he asks, his voice low.
   I hadn’t realized he would know him. After all, Professor Stratford is new to campus. And he teaches an advanced class in the Humanities Department, something Brandon doesn’t need to take as part of his MBA track program.
   “Talking to my girlfriend,” Brandon says, his voice tight. “Or do you have a problem with that? Maybe you’d like to get a transcript of our conversation.”
   My eyes widen. That’s a super intense way to speak to a professor, especially one who did nothing more than step outside his own office. And it sounds weirdly… personal. “We’re not…um… We’re not dating anymore.”
   Brandon glares at me, even more pissed off with an audience. “Maybe we would be if you hadn’t gone and slept with—”
   An involuntary squeak escapes me.
   The man I slept with is standing right beside us, watching us with too-perceptive eyes. “Do you need assistance, Ms. Hill?”
   “No, thank you. I’m done talking with him.” I turn to Brandon. “Please leave.”
   My ex-boyfriend gets a sulky expression. “I didn’t mean to get so mad, Annie. It just took me by surprise, that’s all. Let’s meet up after class.”
   “She asked you to go,” comes Professor Stratford’s voice, silky with threat.
   Brandon doesn’t seem to recognize the danger. “I’m an adult now, Dad. You can’t tell me what to do anymore. You can’t send me to my room or ground me.”
   For a second, a sweet second, I think it’s a joke. The way Daisy rolled her eyes and said, okay, Mom, when I asked her to put her seat belt on in the cab ride over to the hotel.
   For that second, I can believe that these two men, my past and present, my ex-boyfriend and my one-night stand, aren’t related to each other.

New York Times bestselling author Skye Warren, delivers the sizzling first book in a brand new trilogy, The Professor, a forbidden, student/professor, ex-boyfriend’s dad romance.

One night only with a handsome stranger.
Older. Alluring. Savage. Dominant.
No last names or expectations.
Just raw, carnal, filthy pleasure.

I never thought I would see him again.
Until the first day of class. He’s my new professor.
And my ex-boyfriend’s father.

He has a world of secrets in his eyes and the weight of the world on his shoulders. I should stay away from him, but the more I try, the more consumed he gets.

His possessiveness is rivaled only by his secretive nature. He knows everything about me, but mystery surrounds him. Shadows threaten the entire university…and our forbidden love.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

Skye Warren is the New York Times bestselling author of dangerous romance. Her books have sold over one million copies. She makes her home in Texas with her loving family, sweet dogs, and evil cat.

Friday 29 March 2024

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: My Hero [Iron Fiends MC 04] by Winter Travers!

The cameras are rolling…

The Iron Fiends never wanted trouble. Yarder had signed on for the reality TV show to make life easier for them. Line their pockets with money in exchange for putting their day-to-day life on TV. Easy.

Or not.

Trouble is barrelling down on them, and if Yarder doesn’t figure out who is after them, the whole world will see their downfall play out on TV.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy here

Author bio:

Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author Winter Travers is a devoted wife, mother, and aunt turned author who was born and raised in Wisconsin. After a brief stint in South Carolina following her heart to chase the man who is now her hubby, they retreated back up North to the changing seasons, and to the place they now call home. Winter spends her days writing happily ever afters, and her nights being a karate mom hauling her son to practices and tournaments.. She also has an addiction to anything MC related, puppies, and baking.

Thursday 28 March 2024

Release Day Blitz: Sole Survivor by Candice Wright!

There’s a murderer on the loose.

One who kills without hesitation and remorse.

When Rue Anderson, the killer’s tenth victim, is found in a shallow grave at a children’s park, it sends shockwaves through the local community and sparks a media frenzy.

But there is a difference between Rue and the nine victims that came before her.

Rue survived.

Left with a scar on her soul and her memory in tatters,

Rue finds herself drawn to Valen Ward, the dark and enigmatic man who reminds her there is more to life than just existing.

But Rue’s future is as uncertain as her past.

And though Valen holds her close, he might also be the reason Rue’s world was torn apart.

Every secret has the power to break her, but nothing proves to be more fatal than the truth.

Not when she’s the sole survivor.

And he’s the prime suspect.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Candice Wright is the international bestselling author of the Underestimated Series. Hailing from the UK, Candice lives with her three slightly unhinged children and the long-suffering partner. When she isn’t busy raising the next generation of crazy, you can find her sitting at the computer writing words she hopes will resonate or snuggled up reading stories by the authors that cultivated her love of the written word.

Wednesday 27 March 2024

Book Blitz & Giveaway: A Strange Affinity by Rebecca Rook!


   Glory adored her new magician's studio.
   The space was outfitted as a smith’s shop, furnished with a long workbench, a wall hung with gently worn but serviceable tools, and a small, portable blacksmith’s forge. She was awkward with many of the tools at first but grew better and more proficient by the day. Glory worked long into the evenings, well past the end of her classes. She came to love the feeling of being surrounded by scraps of different metals: gold, silver, copper, and iron. It felt like being surrounded by friends, or family. It was hard for Glory to describe but she felt that each metal had a different personality.
   Glory thrived under Jacinda’s tutelage. She went on to master a series of ever-challenging tasks she had set before her: Molding new shapes, melding metals together, and extracting the elements. Soon each new task seemed easier than the last.
   In a recent conversation, Jacinda had warned Glory these new skills were among the easiest for a magician. True transformation of physical properties was much harder, and in some cases, impossible without several years of further study.
   “Lead to gold?” Glory had asked, skepticism and humor in her voice. She remembered reading such silly tales among her father’s library.
   Jacinda had chuckled. “Not quite. You’re bound by the chemical properties of the source material. But with study and practice, who knows what’s possible? The magical properties of metal are vastly understudied and largely composed of myths and legends about alchemy. And because there are so few metal magicians, we still don’t know what they — you — are capable of.”

A Strange Affinity is a hypnotizing cross between the television show Deadwood and Tamora Pierce’s renowned Tortall Universe. This young adult fantasy novel, set in an alternate nineteenth century American Wild West, will appeal to fans of Vengeance Road and Retribution Rails by Erin Bowman, Revenge and the Wild by Michelle Modesto, and Upright Women Wanted by Sarah Gailey.

In the Wild West, magic is real.

When two strangers arrive in her small town, Gloriana Rue learns that she has the magical ability, or Affinity, to manipulate metal. She also learns that her mother was a renowned magical scholar but had abandoned the world of Affinities. Glory is desperate to know why her mother hid her past, and so agrees to attend an academy for magicians in the hopes of finding answers.

Glory is soon immersed in magic and mystery when she stumbles upon a disturbing discovery: A killer is hunting magicians throughout the American West – and he’s getting closer. Only by seeking out her mother’s secrets can she stop him and save her newfound family.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Rebecca Rook designs tabletop games, manages a little free library dedicated to sequential art and comics, and lives in the Pacific Northwest with two wonderful dogs. She writes young adult fiction in the fantasy, thriller, and horror genres.

A 2021-2022 Hugo House Fellow in
Seattle, WA, she also attended the 2021 Tin House YA Fiction Workshop in
Portland, OR. Rebecca was selected as one of the 100 invited writers to participate in the Write Team Mentorship Program’s curated Pitch-a-Thon event before being chosen as a Mentee for the 2021 Program. Prior to this, she completed the wonderful Yearlong Workshop for Young Adult and Middle Grade Fiction at Hugo House.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday 26 March 2024

Release Day Blitz: Wild Ride [Rookie Rebels 09] by Kate Meader!

Chicago Rebels hockey player Dex O'Malley has been a naughty boy ... again.

Only his latest stunt isn’t quite like when he was caught with his pants down at a nightclub or was cited for drag-racing on Lake Shore Drive or even that time he said a few critical things about his teammates on a hockey podcast. Oops. This time, Dex is in real trouble, the kind that could get him kicked off the team and out of the league. And that cannot happen. Hockey is the only thing he’s ever been good at. The only thing he cares about. He’ll do whatever it takes to rehab his rep, even if it means cleaning up dog poop and suffering the steely-eyed disapproval of his new no-nonsense “boss” at the animal shelter, Ashley Adams.

Ashley has enough on her plate between her low-paying job, her high-maintenance family, and a love life she’s trying to resurrect after her divorce. She’s already mom to an amazing nine-year-old; the last thing she needs is mothering a celebrity volunteer with more money than sense. But the troublemaking f-boy needs Ashley to sign off on his good deeds so he can get back to what he does best: lighting up lamps both on and off the ice. And while a guy like that could never interest her mind, it seems her body is not on the same page. Sure, Dex O’Malley is too young, too hot, too flighty for Ashley to take seriously, but maybe a brief ride on the wild side might fit the bill …

Only that’s not enough for Dex. What happens when this notorious player decides the older, single mom is the hottest woman he’s ever met and that he wants to light her lamp … forever?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy here

Author bio:

Originally from Ireland, USA Today bestselling author Kate Meader cut her romance reader teeth on Maeve Binchy and Jilly Cooper novels, with some Harlequins thrown in for variety. Give her tales about brooding mill owners, oversexed equestrians, and men who can rock an apron, fire hose, or a hockey stick, and she’s there. Now based in Chicago, she writes sexy contemporary romance with big-hearted guys and strong heroines - and heroes - who can match their men quip for quip.

Monday 25 March 2024

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Harleigh Sinclair and the Ice Crusade [Harleigh Sinclair 02] by Tamara Grantham!


   My boots sank into a foot of snow. I followed in Jagg’s and Elijah’s footsteps. The beams of our flashlights cut through the darkness like razors. The moonless night brought no light. When we left the glow of the cabin behind, I felt as if we walked into a wall of inky blackness.
   With so little to see, I focused on my other senses. Sounds of our footsteps shifting through the snow. The howl of a wolf far in the distance. The bite of icy cold on my nose and tips of my ears. The deep tenor of Jagg’s voice just ahead as he spoke quietly to Elijah. Why had my heartbeat suddenly sped at the sound of his stupid voice?
   I shook my head and did my best to force the thoughts from my head. Why on earth was I still attracted to the man? Maybe because on a very few occasions, he could be a decent person, and I had to admit, he’d handled Sienna well. It could’ve been easy for him to intimidate her to make her stay inside, but he’d chosen to use kindness instead. I had to respect him for that.
   But it didn’t matter, anyway. Finding Gael and reuniting him with his family were my top priorities. My own personal romantic feelings for a certain brutish, uncivilized gazillionaire didn’t matter.
   I shone my flashlight over the ground and on the bushes, looking for any stray footprints or broken branches, but saw nothing. As I searched, I ran straight into Jagg as he stopped abruptly in front of me. He reached out and grabbed my arm, helping to steady me. The scent of his leather jacket surrounded me and filled me with a sense of unanticipated calmness.
   “Careful there,” he said in a deep whisper, his lips close to my ear, which did nothing to abate the onslaught of butterflies flitting through my stomach.
   My flashlight’s beam wavered, so I had to hold it with both hands.
   “I haven’t found any trace of them.” I spoke quietly, feeling that if I spoke any louder, I would wake whatever spirits haunted this place.
   “I haven’t either,” he said. “But it’s impossible to see anything out here.”
   The sound of the wolf’s howl grew louder, until it didn’t sound like a wolf at all, but more humanlike.
   “You hear that?” Jagg asked.
   “Yeah,” I answered. “Wolf?”
   “Let’s hope so,” he answered.

Finding lost artifacts is my specialty, but when an Inuit artifact is hidden in the wilds of Alaska, finding it could be more difficult than I’ve bargained for.

My name is Harleigh Sinclair. I’ve been using my abilities as a Neotact to find ancient relics with special powers. After teaming up with a man named Jagg Ransom—a Crimson Knight with a mysterious past—we’re on the search for five lost artifacts with immense powers.

Our current quest takes us to a remote village in the Alaskan wilderness. But when we arrive, we’re greeted by angry villagers who blame us for the disappearance of one of their trackers. He’s been kidnapped by my former coworker, and the two are on the path to find the relic before us.

If we can’t find the relic first, the object will fall into the hands of an evil organization called the Blood Raiders. Worse, we’re not alone. The Inuit artifact is guarded by a giant beast of lore—one that would rather see us dead than accomplish our mission.

But failure isn’t an option. If the Blood Raiders succeed in obtaining the relic, they’ll use it in a plot to destroy the world as we know it.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

Tamara Grantham is the award-winning author of more than a dozen books and novellas, including the Olive Kennedy: Fairy World MD series, the Shine novellas, and the Twisted Ever After trilogy. Dreamthief, the first book of her Fairy World MD series, won first place for fantasy in INDIEFAB’S Book of the Year Awards, a RONE award for best New Adult Romance, and is a #1 bestseller on Amazon with over 200 five-star reviews.

Tamara holds a Bachelor’s degree in English from Lamar University. She has been a featured speaker at multiple writing conferences, and she has been a panelist at Comic Con Wizard World speaking on the topic of female leads. For her first published project, she collaborated with New York-Times bestselling author, William Bernhardt, in writing the Shine series.

Born and raised in Texas, Tamara now lives with her husband and five children in Wichita, Kansas. She rar
ely has any free time, but when the stars align and she gets a moment to relax, she enjoys reading fantasy novels, taking nature walks--which fuel her inspiration for creating fantastical worlds--and watching every Star Wars or Star Trek movie ever made. You can find her online at www.TamaraGrantham.com.

Sunday 24 March 2024

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Once Again Mine by Maia Ambrose!


   “Next up on our segment of StarShocked…you know her, you all love her. Our special guest today and your favorite media personality, Savannah Davis!”
   I inhale deeply and exhale with just as much force. My publicist Juan said this was the best way to curb the rumors. In his words ‘You have to show the public that wonderful news anchor they fell in love with initially.’
   I would rather show them what my middle finger looks like, but then I might as well kiss my job goodbye.
   “That’s your cue Miss Savannah,” one of the production crew urges me forward. Bracing myself, I step onto the stage, raising my hand in a fake princess wave to cover my eyes from the glaring light; my practiced smile turns on as I walk towards Brittani.
   Brittani Hayward is the host of the BeTalks and whom I’ve known for eight years. We were co-hosts on the Morning Tea, but the show got canceled, and Brittani was let go while I became the main anchor on KBLE - a multinational news channel and the leading media platform in New York. Brittani has held a grudge against me ever since then.
    Fortunately, we have never had to cross paths, and I made sure to stay out of her radar. But one vicious rumor later and Juan’s anxious ass sends me straight into her net to ‘get right with the streets.’ He feels her show is the best way to stop people from talking since she has the right influence and audience to shift the public’s opinion. It’s supposed to be an easy win, but I’m pretty sure Brittani has other plans.
   This thorn of a rumor is about me having an affair with my boss Liam Walsh, the CEO of KBLE Media. It started a week ago and has gotten worse. The media buzz alleges that I had an affair with him when he was still married to his recently divorced wife and now people are questioning if my position as news anchor was earned or gifted.
   It’s all bull, but when it comes to my line of work, the public’s opinion matters. BeTalks is a chance for me to break my silence and lay the rumor to rest once and for all, yet I wish it was on a more unbiased pathway.
   She welcomes me with a large grin full of pearly whites and glossy lips, a smile that has all the signs of viciousness and malintent. The first image that comes to mind is the Cheshire Cat. I involuntarily gulp.
   “Brittani, I’m so happy to be here,” my false smile grows wider. We hug before she leads me to the seats and takes the couch opposite me as I take mine.
   “Of course,” she says before turning to the audience, “You guys may know this, but Savannah and I go way back,” she tells them before turning to me, “Isn’t that right Savannah?”
   “Oh yeah, our glorious Morning Tea days,” I reply to her even though that is not what we should discuss.
   Brittani laughs a little too loudly, “Ah the memories, you were so ambitious and driven then it was almost scary. Look at us now, both successful anchors of our talk shows.”
   “I’m a news anchor on KBLE news, not a talk show,” I tell her and watch with satisfaction the slight slip in her smile.
   “Right. So, girlfriend,” she leans in, and I instinctively lean back, “How has it been?”
   “Should we really be catching up on live television?” I ask her, my smile still in place and she laughs loudly again. What the hell is this?!
   “You are right, you are right. We will catch up later over a bottle of chilled Chardonnay, like the ol’ days,” the audience laughs along with her, “Well then, let’s just cut to the chase. StarShocked rules are simple, the audience gets to ask you questions, any question no matter how shocking and you have to answer them no matter what within eleven seconds. No holds barred. Are you ready?”
   Hell no.
   “As ready as I’ll ever be,” I respond.
   She claps, and the audience follows suit, “Let’s get started…”
   The first few questions are basic like what my skincare routine is like, my preferred diet, and which female celebrity I would agree to a one-night stand with.
   “Okay so my question is about the current buzz about you,” the man holds the microphone and stares straight at me. The entire room seems to hold their breath suddenly as he nails the elephant in the room, “Are the rumors true? Did you have an affair with Liam Walsh?”
   I feel Brittani’s spiteful eyes on me, and I sit up straight. This is what I planned for, I rehearsed for this.
   It’s going to be a walk in the park. Hold your head up, you got this Savannah.

Ex-flame alert! My high school sweetheart’s back home unannounced.

She’s got me hooked with those mesmerizing eyes and curves that won't stop
Stranded in a snowstorm?

Not complaining when her velvety brown sugar skin warms things up.

I crave the love we had -

But she's got real grown woman problems,

And a controlling streak that drives me wild—especially in the bedroom.

Our fiery encounters are louder than my fire truck's horn.

Sure, she's used to the public eye, but all I want is her attention.

If she gives me one more chance, I'll risk it all for that forever kind of love.
Even if it means leaving everything behind.

Just hoping I survive long enough to make it happen.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Maia Ambrose is an African American Steamy Romance author from the Midwest who believes in the power of love and everything it has to offer. Her stories illustrate the dynamic of contemporary interracial relationships between strong, resilient black women and heart-throbbing, irresistible white men. Maia believes there's truly someone for everyone and aims to inspire more love energy in the world with her work.

Maia is a notorious night owl, who frequently burns the midnight oil, coming up with creative romantic ideas. When she's not writing her BWWM stories, she's spending time with the people she loves most and practicing self-care.

Saturday 23 March 2024

Release Blitz: Mac Truth [Voodoo Troops MC 09] by Jewelz Baxter!

Ayden “Mac” Monroe returned from duty years ago to discover his life plans had been shattered. He turned to the club and buried himself in building his business. Now, he keeps a tight rein on all he has, including his emotions.

Lorelei Kennedy is a strong and confident, curvy woman who has let her own dreams fall to the wayside to pursue a career. When her livelihood is stripped away, she returns to the only family she has and finds herself fighting daily with her new boss.

Now, as they stand at a crossroads together, Lorelei holds Mac’s destiny in her hands. Will Mac lose everything?

Or does Lorelei have surprises of her own?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Jewelz Baxter lives with her husband in Louisiana near their children and grandchildren. She values her family and loves supporting their grandchildren's sports and hobbies.

Over the years Jewelz filled notebook after notebook with stories in her spare time. With her husband's encouragement, she shared those stories and received positive responses from others; prompting her to follow her dream and take the plunge of publishing.

When not writing or spending time with family she can be found on a Harley exploring the backroads with her husband. Jewelz has her own bike but confirms there is nothing like being on the back seat wrapped around her man.

Friday 22 March 2024

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Invocation [Days of Iron and Clay 01] by Aileen Erin!


   Gabe threw me to the ground and slapped a hand over my mouth, cutting off my scream. We were both in spirit form now, and he felt so real.
   This all felt so real.
   “Stop it,” he whisper-yelled as he hovered over me. His eyes were different here, brighter. And his aura was darker. Darker than I remembered it being, as if it were eating all the light around it. “Remember what I said. No talking. You’ll get us caught. There’s no one who can save us from this place.”
   He was right. I knew he was right. But I couldn’t stop the panic.
   I hadn’t been back here—not fully, not for longer than a minute—since I escaped all those years ago. I’d been back to pull souls out, but not like this. This was so much worse.
   I’d never recovered from the trauma.
   I’d been here for a mortal year, but it felt like a millennium. It aged me beyond my peers and taught me a lot about myself, but the cost…
   Nightmares, flashbacks, freak-outs with my powers, and I still had problems with all of it after eleven years.
   And I’d vowed to never come back.
   Yet here I was.
   Pinned to the fire-hot ground in Hell.

From USA Today Bestselling Author Aileen Erin comes an all-new action-packed, romance-filled paranormal series.

There are three things I know without question.

One: demons are real.

Two: humans make awful mistakes that get them in demonic trouble more often than you’d think.

And three: I’m the only one who can help them.

I straddle the line between the mortal and spiritual realms every day. People might think they’re two different places, but they’re not. They lay on top of each other. It’s messy, and that’s why so many people need my help. Since I was little, I’ve been called all kinds of names—unusual, abnormal, even insane. Which is fitting, since they keep throwing me in to mental facilities. I’ve been in and out of them my entire life.

But no matter what people say, no matter what I’m risking, I will always help those in need.

Because there’s an endless war carrying on all around us, every minute of every day. One that can’t be seen by mortal eyes. But I can see it, the spiritual battle for mortal souls, and I’m working hard to make sure my father is on the losing side. He — Astaroth, Satan’s general— is why I can do this. He’s why I’m not normal. I can’t have friends, a life, or a boyfriend. I won’t be selfish enough to drag someone into this fight. But I’m not lonely. Not exactly. I have my mom. She’s my rock, my best friend, my partner. She helps me do what needs to be done, and she’s never afraid when it feels like I’m always afraid.

Because I hear my father whispering my name each night, his taunts echoing through the spiritual realm. He’s hunting me, and I know the day will come when I must face him again.

Every portal I open could be the one that finally pulls me back to Hell, and I wonder if I will brave enough, strong enough, good enough to fight him.

My name is Samantha Catherine Lopez, and I am Nephilim. This is my story.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble or Apple Books

Author bio:

Aileen Erin is half-Irish, half-Mexican, and 100% nerd–from Star Wars (prequels don’t count) to Star Trek (TNG FTW), she reads Quenya and some Sindarin, and has a severe fascination with the supernatural. Aileen has a BS in Radio-TV-Film from the University of Texas at Austin, and an MFA in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University. She lives with her husband in Los Angeles, and spends her days doing her favorite things: reading books, creating worlds, and kicking ass.

Thursday 21 March 2024

Release Day Blitz: From Puck to F*ck [Me to We Collection 01] by M. Lane!

I accidentally bid on a date with hockey star Rake Hanson, AKA Mr. Puck-Head, at a charity auction.

Now I’m stuck with him.

He’s the poster boy for everything I can’t stand in a guy – sports nut, ego, and that annoying thing called charm.

Some “prize.”

While his grunts and one-word answers threaten to drive me up the wall, at least he’s nice to look at with those broad shoulders, strong jawline, and big… hands. Regardless, he’s an unrepentant grouch. If he ever smiles, I have no doubt his face will crack.

Our date, where I must beam for the cameras and pretend I don’t loathe every second of it, is destined to be a frosty disaster. It goes even worse than I imagine, involving a chartered flight to Vegas, too many cocktails at a roulette table, a wedding chapel, and a couple drunken “I do’s.”

And now his sports agent won’t let me dump his sorry ass until the end of the season.

So I, Petal Parker, am stuck in this bizarro world of stinky jocks, gossip columns, and flashy parties.

But the touches… and the glances… threaten to melt the hard ice around my heart. As the final buzzer of the season nears, I find my fake relationship with Mr. Puck-Head skating dangerously close to scoring the real thing. Ditching my fake husband is suddenly no longer as urgent as his deep, sexy kisses.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

M. Lane is the not-so-stealthy alter ego of USA TODAY bestselling contemporary romance author Mika Lane. She's OBSESSED with bringing you sassy stories with imperfect heroines and the hot dudes they bring to their knees.