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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Thursday 31 March 2022

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Death Wish [Deception Duet 02] by K. Webster!


   What have I done?
   Disgust at my naivety has my stomach churning. It’s the fear, though, that has every muscle tight with tension and every hair on my body standing on end.
   I did this.
   To myself. To us.
   I try to glean a sense of what I’m in for, scanning his bedroom for clues. It’s too normal for this situation. His bed is unmade from the morning before and clothes are scattered all over the floor. There’s a picture of him and his brothers framed and sitting on his desk. Nothing says that he’s a kidnapper...or worse.
   A sob of horror tries to make its escape, but Scout’s hand is clamped almost painfully over my mouth. His arm around me is powerful and unyielding. I’m trapped.
   Walked right into the one he set for me.
   Now I’m all alone with Scout. In his bedroom.
   Flashes of the bathroom at school assault my mind. Any pleasure I thought I got from it is erased in an instant. Whatever pain he inflicts on me this time will be worse because I won’t enjoy one second of it. On Friday, when it happened, I cared about him. Thought he was sick. Craved his touch and attention. Needed the promise of safety he offered.
   What a joke.
   And I’m a damn fool for falling for it.
   “You won’t scream,” Scout says, voice cold and sharp like an icicle, piercing its way into my heart. “Because if you do, I’ll tape your pretty mouth shut. Plus, you don’t want to upset your little sister.”
   I gag and tears flood my eyes. Though the urge to scream and hope someone will hear is high on my list of wants, I know that I won’t. Not if it means risking Della’s safety. I got her into this mess and I’m going to have to get her out of it.

All I wanted is for my little sister Della to be safe and happy. And maybe, in brief stolen moments, I dreamed of a happy ending for myself with a brown-eyed man. That hope has turned into sharp, bright fear. There’s only survival now.

I’m the daughter of a controlling and cruel billionaire, so I understand about power. But I find myself fighting anyway. I find myself testing them.

I have claws and I bite. I’m not going down without a fight.

It’s like I have a death wish.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Author bio:

K Webster is a USA Today Bestselling author. Her titles have claimed many bestseller tags in numerous categories, are translated in multiple languages, and have been adapted into audiobooks. She lives in "Tornado Alley" with her husband, two children, and her baby dog named Blue. When she's not writing, she's reading, drinking copious amounts of coffee, and researching aliens.

You can easily find K Webster on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Goodreads!

Can't find a certain book? Maybe it's too hot for Amazon! Don't worry because titles like Bad Bad Bad, This is War, Baby, The Wild, and Hale can all be found for sale on K's website in both ebook and paperback format.

Wednesday 30 March 2022

Release Blitz & Giveaways: Rock and Troll [Mystical Matchmakers 01] by C.C. Wood!

Mystical Matchmakers
Out of touch with times?
Have trouble connecting?
All immortals welcome.
Find the paranormal romance you’ve been searching for.

Dylan is a wood nymph who's tried everything. Even human dating apps. But none of it has worked.

Surely punching your date in the nose because he can't keep his hands to himself is a sign that he's not right for you.

Except there's a postcard from Mystical Matchmakers in her mailbox. Maybe she can give love another try.

Clay is a troll who likes his life just fine. He’s a little lonely, but it’s hard to find a date because…well, the whole troll thing.

Then, his meddling, baby-crazy mother signs him up for Mystical Matchmakers. She promises to get off his back about making grandtrolls if he follows through. Clay figures a few bad dates are the price for some peace and quiet.

However, things don’t go according to plan when he meets Dylan.

They’re an unlikely pair, but somehow, they’re a perfect match.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy here

Author bio:

Born and raised in Texas, C.C. Wood writes saucy paranormal and contemporary romances featuring strong, sassy women and the men that love them. If you ever meet C.C. in person, keep in mind that many of her characters are inspired by people she knows, so anything you say or do is likely to end up in a book one day.

A self-professed hermit, C.C. loves to stay home, where she reads, writes, cooks, and watches TV. She can usually be found drinking coffee or a cocktail as she spends time with her hubby and daughter.

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday 29 March 2022

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Halftime [First Down 02] by Jennifer M. Miller!


   "Remember how I told you my name is Megan Grace?" She knows my entire life story, I just left out the tidbits about Chase.
   "Judging by the size of those biceps and big blue eyes you-- left out the juiciest parts! How dare you?"
   "Be quiet," I whisper through clenched teeth, "he’ll hear you." I filled in the gaps of my story. How my dad meant everything to me, how we’ve been friends since we were young but as we grew up things changed. He became more than a friend.
   She took another look through the opening on the shelf, "He’s hot, please tell me you tapped that?"
   "I wish. We were way too young for that. We almost kissed. Once."

Angst. Passion. Heat.

Meghan and Chase… The story continues.

Total opposites with a troubled past,

Meghan Grace and Chase Harrison are far from end game.

Interceptions from an ex. Flags are thrown. The play clock is ticking...
If they can’t face the past, they’ll lose each other forever.

Don't miss this suspense-filled sports romance; one click now.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

USA Today and internationally bestselling author Jennifer M. Miller writes sports romance as well as paranormal romance for Creative Words Press.

When she’s not writing, Jennifer travels across the United States with her family in an RV. At each destination, she draws inspiration for her next story.

Whether its worlds with magic and werewolves or a budding flame between the star wide receiver and his coach’s daughter, she always adds a healthy dose of steam and humor.

If you like Jennifer’s angsty characters and witty dialogue, she recommends you also check out Lucy Score and Emelia Rose. They're kind of her idols. Subscribe to Jennifer's newsletter for a free book and updates on her latest releases!

Monday 28 March 2022

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Hunt Her [Come for Me 02] by Kelly Finley!

Is the hottest love worth a lethal life?

Charlie Ravenel wasn’t supposed to fall in love on the job, not with the Sexiest Man Alive. But her record of following rules is shot to hell. As a bodyguard and former Marine, she’s ruthless at protecting women. As one with dark secrets, she was safe until she fell for him.

But how could she resist? He’s wanted by millions… yet he only pursues her.

Daniel Pierce is a sexy, A-list celebrity—a dream on the screen and a beautiful beast in bed. When Charlie walked onto set, this alpha male met his match and his greatest love. And… he met danger.

What threatens them more? A stalker intent on revenge? Crazed paparazzi and fans for the alluring couple? A past Daniel can’t tell her about? Or a haunt Charlie fears?

If they can survive it all, there is such passion and love between them, and a surprise future they must protect.

There’s only one problem—everyone is hunting her now.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Kelly Finley is fiction author of contemporary romances featuring bada** women and grown-a** men. She lives in the Carolinas with her husband and family. A rebel with many causes, she fancies black leather, dirty jokes, and smart mouths.

Thrilled by a flipped script and ticked off by women portrayed as weak, she noticed how many steamy, sexy heroines were missing, particularly from suspense and military romance. Her friends shared the frustration and told her to practice what she has taught for twenty years. Her books feature characters we champion and love—ones with shameless heat, brave hearts, and whip-smart minds.

She's most likely at her keyboard right now, putting the next heroine on the page.

Sunday 27 March 2022

Stacking The Shelves [80]!


Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Purchased (Ebooks):

Purchased (Paperbacks/hardbacks):

I, unfortunately, didn't buy any paperbacks or hardbacks this month.

Gifted from Authors/Publishers:

I, unfortunately, didn't receive any paperbacks or hardbacks this month.

For Review from Author/Netgalley/Edelweiss:

Saturday 26 March 2022

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Last Resort [The Collector Trilogy 03] by Amelia Wilde!

Emerson LeBlanc lost more than an acquisition. He lost the woman he loves.

There’s no redemption for a man with his past. No future for a relationship built on stalking and kidnapping. At least that’s what he believes. When he meets Daphne again, she’s not a piece of art. She’s a woman determined to paint a new path. For herself. For him. Except the ocean holds more than shadows. It holds danger that could ruin them both.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Author bio:

Amelia Wilde is a USA TODAY bestselling author of steamy contemporary romance and loves it a little too much. She lives in Michigan with her husband and daughters. She spends most of her time typing furiously on an iPad and appreciating the natural splendor of her home state from where she likes it best: inside.

Amelia is a USA Today best selling author from northern Michigan. Be her friend!

Friday 25 March 2022

Sale Blitz & Giveaway: The Opposite of Wild [Clover Park 01] by Kylie Gilmore!

Unleash the wild woman…?
Ex-cop Ryan O'Hare takes one look at buttoned-up control freak Liz Garner and just itches to loosen the woman up. Not that he’s into her. Because a woman like that comes with way too many expectations. Not to mention, she practically works for him, and he didn’t hire Liz to watch after his beloved Harley-stealing Gran so he could turn Liz loose in his bed. Still, there’s something about her, a hidden wild side, that makes him wonder what it would take.

Liz must be crazy to work for the insensitive, arrogant, horribly…hot man she's avoided for years. Unfortunately, she needs the money and Ryan's grandmother needs a keeper. (Midnight tango lessons and ziplines with Gran, anyone?) Ryan's rare smile and swaggering confidence have Liz torn between throwing her favorite pinot grigio at his head or throwing herself at him. Can this control freak find a way to let loose with the tough, no-strings guy who once broke her heart?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Grab your free copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Apple Books or Google Play

Author bio:

Kylie Gilmore is the USA Today bestselling author of over fifty humorous contemporary romances. Her series include Unleashed Romance, the Rourkes, the Happy Endings Book Club, Clover Park, and Clover Park Charmers. With more than three million downloads of her books, readers all over the world love escaping into her hilarious feel-good romances featuring strong bonds with family, friends, and community.

Kylie lives in New York with her family, a demanding cat, and a nutso dog. When she's not writing, reading hot romance, or dutifully taking notes at writing conferences, you can find her flexing her muscles all the way to the high cabinet for her secret chocolate stash.

Find out more about Kylie and her books at https://www.kyliegilmore.com

Thursday 24 March 2022

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Mermaid of Sicily [Mermaid of Venice 02] by Jincey Lumpkin!


   Gia arrived at the base of the Eiffel Tower in disguise. An auburn wig, a pair of large sunglasses, and a wooly cap hid her identity. She approached the brown awning of the Jules Verne restaurant with supreme caution, hyper vigilant of her surroundings and potential threats. It was then that she was met at the front door by two of Q’s men.
   “Are you here for Signor Mosca?” one asked.
   “Unfortunately,” Gia chirped, sarcasm thick in her voice.
   “This way.”
   As they entered the restaurant, Gia discovered that Q had paid enough money to clear the place out completely.
   How much had that set him back?
   People waited months for a reservation—it couldn’t have been easy to compensate all those angry patrons overnight. The men escorted Gia into the glass elevator. As it rose, they passed through level after level of the brown iron that Mr. Eiffel had twisted himself.
   The men took Gia all the way to a table that was situated in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.
   “Thank you gentlemen,” Q said, patting them on the back. “I have asked the chef to set up a table for the two of you in the kitchen. Please enjoy your meal. We will come to you when we are ready to go.”
   He shuffled toward Gia and took her hand in his. Gia resisted the urge to pull away, her stomach lurched in revulsion to his touch.
   “Signorina Acquaviva, I have been looking forward to spending time with you since we met in Athens..."

The glamorous Gia Acquaviva struggles to maintain her freedom and hold onto her business empire. A Sicilian mob boss nips at her tail, hoping to lure her into his sick fantasies. Meanwhile, the global media hunts Gia, attempting to hold her accountable for a string of murders. Can the world’s most famous mermaid escape their net, or will she be caught?

Dive into the extremely glamorous life of Gia Acquaviva, an ultra-rich Venetian mogul with a portfolio of clubs and casinos around the globe. Gia harbors dark secrets––and an underwater graveyard filled with the bones of her former lovers.

Her family’s roots descend from the mythological sirens of ancient Greece, but she’s taken every precaution to protect her anonymity and the existence of other mermaids. Gia lures in men with a beguiling façade, but inside lurks a deeply troubled soul, severely damaged by a mysterious past.

Fans of Killing Eve and Big Little Lies will love Mermaid of Sicily, a sexy psychological thriller with lush fantasy elements. The chic mystery and European hot spots of Patricia Highsmith’s The Talented Mr. Ripley with a juicy splash of the lavish lifestyle in E. L. James’s 50 Shades series. This is not the Little Mermaid you grew up with. Gia’s out for blood.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Google Play

Author bio:

JINCEY LUMPKIN is a writer and creative director in Luxury Beauty. She is the author of the Mermaid of Venice fantasy thriller series. Recognized as a thought leader on women and culture, Jincey has written more than 50 columns for the Huffington Post and Playboy. She headlined Sex Week at Harvard and gave an infamous TEDx talk, “Are Robots the Future of Sex?” She has been profiled by Dateline NBC, Vice, and GQ, among others. Out Magazine listed her in its "OUT 100", naming her as one of the world's most influential LGBTQ+ people, alongside celebrities like Laverne Cox and Ricky Martin.

Wednesday 23 March 2022

Book Blitz & Giveaway: The Curse of a Kingdom [The Wicked Kingdom 02] by Abbey Fox!


   She wrapped her hands tightly around the terrace’s balusters. “Well, for someone who just claimed I wasn’t a prisoner when your guard almost killed me, you sure treat me like one.”
   Arkimedes hovered closer and his body brushed hers, his energy a mist of cool air against her heated skin. “Don’t fool yourself. I did that because you are to be Devon’s bride.”
   Nava raised a brow, feeling the wave of dangerous fire churn between them. “In that case, can I at least move next to my fiancé? I sure would love to spend some time with him.”
   Arkimedes held the railing so tightly his knuckles turned white. Nava was sure it would explode under the pressure of his power at any moment. “You are to stay here, where I can keep my eyes on you.”
   “One would think you are jealous of your brother, sir.”
   “Don’t flatter yourself.” His eyes dropped to her lips.
   The swarming heat that took over her body left her breathless, and she pulled away. Being so close strengthened his emotions within her, and she didn’t need to feel his jealousy when he was so clearly trying to be an asshole. “Speaking of, when will I see Devon?”
   A fake smile appeared on his handsome features. “Are you going to stay out of trouble if you do?”
   “Is that what betrothed people do?” Her words came out harsher than she’d intended them.
   His nostrils flared. “Good girls do."
   "Who says I'm good?"
   A wave of burning desire that was all him had her blood boiling. She gulped at his darkening gaze. "No, I supposed you mustn't be."


When Arkimedes is kidnapped by The Dark Ones, Nava Forrest is forced to make a bargain with the devil. But when Nava comes face-to-face with her beloved, he has no memory of her, their soul bond or the past eleven years of his life.

Under the cover of a fake engagement, Nava must hide her soulmate bond, navigate the Copper Kingdom’s deadly court, and field off demon attacks in the nearby forest. All whilst attempting to trigger her soulmate’s memories and convince him to flee. But this new version of Arkimedes is cold, ruthless, and determined to solve the mystery of why he was abandoned as a child.

Yet the soulmate bond won’t be denied. Nava and Ark are drawn to each other, and her delicate web of secrets is threatening to unravel…

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Abbey Fox has always loved storytelling. Ever since she was little, she used to create characters for fun, get immersed in their life stories, worlds and magic systems. This naturally progressed onto writing, her first story being a cringy teenage highschool Romance, which she wrote at the age of thirteen in a notebook that was half falling apart by the time she wrote ‘the end’.

As time has gone by she has dived into writing other genres, from YA Fantasy, to Mystery Romance, Sci-fi Apocalyptic YA and a plethora of short stories. Now she is focusing on her love for Adult Fiction, in the Fantasy Romance/ Paranormal Romance genres.

Her debut Novel, The Curse of the Crow is coming out later this year, a part one of an enthralling series set on a magical world where soulmates are real and kingdoms are corrupted by power.

When Abbey is not writing, she enjoys spending time with her husband and her four year old son, tending to her indoor tropical jungle and painting fun characters with watercolors.

Tuesday 22 March 2022

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Gauge [The Bang Shift 07] by Mandy Harbin!

A forbidden romance years in the making…

FBI agent-turned-mercenary Duke “Gauge” Osborne doesn’t hesitate to jump in front of a bullet when a mafia soldier comes gunning for his Bang Shift teammate, but even in death he can’t escape thoughts of the woman he broke all his rules for. He’s hardly seen her since he was forced to break her heart all those years ago, so when he wakes up in agony at the hospital, he’s shocked to find her by his side.

Special Agent Viola Lane has avoided Gauge for years—since the night he’d dumped her after taking her virginity. Gauge left her devastated, but she pulled up her big girl panties and moved on. Married, divorced, and now talking to a new man, she’s determined to find her happily ever after. When her team learns Gauge has been shot, she rushes to his bedside. He’s an assignment, nothing more, which is why she agrees to temporarily move in with him after he gets released. A mistake, she quickly learns, as unresolved feelings come roaring back to life.

With Viola back in his sights, Gauge won’t miss his shot. He’ll do whatever it takes to win her back …except tell her the truth.

Old enemies. Unexpected allies. First loves. Everything changes when the threats lurking in the shadow finally come to light.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

Mandy Harbin is a USA Today Bestselling author who writes unapologetically hot, unconventional romance. She is a Superstar Award recipient, Reader’s Crown and Passionate Plume finalist, and achieved Night Owl Reviews Top Pick distinction many times. With over a decade of publishing experience, she served several years on the board of her state’s romance writing chapter, including two terms as president. When she is not bringing bad boys to their knees on the page, she is living her best life with her husband and bossy dog.

Monday 21 March 2022

Cover Reveal: Travis [The Booze Brothers 01] by Kaleigh Clark!

He’s used to working the land. She grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth. Are these opposites the perfect ingredients for a happily ever after?

Travis Cabrera doesn’t have time for distractions. And the middle of harvest season is the worst possible moment for the busy vineyard co-owner to have a magical meeting with his gorgeous new neighbor. But there’s something about her helter-skelter approach to life that he can’t resist, so the caring vintner vows to get to know her better…

Claire Hansen’s survival skills are half-baked at best. So when the spoiled twenty-three-year-old orphan gets kicked out of the family mansion with instructions to prove she’s a responsible adult, she’s desperate for a get-rich-quick gimmick. And after she samples her sexy neighbor’s welcome pie, the ditzy heiress’s delighted tastebuds launch a reckless recipe-stealing plot.

Accidentally promising his parents that he’ll hunt down an impossibly large loan, Travis can’t decide if playing temporary lovebirds with the girl next door is a diversion or a delight. And though she’s wracked with guilt after learning she’s run off with a long-guarded secret, Claire risks their rapidly growing attraction with yet another luscious lie.

Can this star-crossed couple whip up a love filled with sugary passion?

Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Pre-order your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Kaleigh Clark has dreamed of seeing her name on the front of a published romance novel since she was a little girl scribbling love stories in notebooks instead of doing her homework. In 2014, she made half of her dream come true—she published her first book under a pseudonym. Over the next seven years, Kaleigh had become a bestselling author of over twenty novels.

Even though Kaleigh had achieved amazing success, she still dreamed of seeing her name on the front of the books she wrote.

After going through a rough period in her personal life, Kaleigh had found the kind of love she’d spent years writing about. So in late 2021, she made the decision to start over and publish romance novels written about the love she has instead of the kind of relationship she only dreamed about. But this time…she’d do so under her name, Kaleigh Clark.