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Tuesday 8 March 2022

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Ruthless Saints [Sold to the Mafia Boss 01] by Ella Jade!

The last thing anyone wants is to be a dispensable member of the leading mafia family. But that’s exactly what Luciana is.

As a lowly cousin and the only female offspring in the Torrio mafia family, Luciana is just the bargaining chip her uncle needs to make an alliance with the Bilotti family. Luciana is terrified of essentially being sold off to a mafia boss, especially one as cruel as Romero, but there’s no saying no in her world.

Luciana tells herself she’s not being sold through the arranged marriage. That, like her uncle says, she’s just a spy. But from the moment she is drawn into Romero's world, it quickly becomes apparent he owns her—down to her every breath. And despite her reasons for being there, she can’t help but like how it feels.

She just might be falling for him, but is she just another prized possession “won” to a man who gets everything he wants…or is she more of a pawn in this dangerous game than she ever realized? And if Romero really does want her to belong to him, what will he do when he learns the truth?

If Luciana thought saying no to her family would be a deadly mistake, just wait until Romero finds out she’s only there to set him up.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

USA Today Bestselling author Ella Jade has been writing for as long as she can remember. As a child, she often had a notebook and pen with her, and now as an adult, the laptop is never far. The plots and dialogue have always played out in her head, but she never knew what to do with them. That all changed when she discovered the eBook industry. She started penning novels at a rapid pace and now she can't be stopped.

Ella resides in New Jersey with her husband, two boys, and two feisty Chihuahua writing companions. She can often be found creating sexy, domineering men and the strong women who know how to challenge them in and out of the bedroom. She hopes you'll get lost in her words.

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