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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Monday 30 September 2019

Release Day Blitz: Alma Underwood Is Not A Kleptomaniac by Lacey Dailey!

Alma Underwood is NOT a kleptomaniac.
But she does take things that don’t belong to her.

The best part about working as a maid in her parent’s motel is pocketing all the random objects people leave behind. From old ticket stubs to the glue that comes with a toupee, Alma has discovered it all and stored it in a tub beneath her bed.

Her greatest treasure isn’t what she found in room six at Great Lakes Motel, but it’s who she discovered in an old, abandoned train car behind her house.

His name is Rumor, and he certainly won’t fit under her bed.

After a quick scan of Rumor’s surroundings, it becomes crystal clear that he’s not just hanging out in the train car for a place to escape. He’s living in it.

With determination heavy inside her, she does the only thing that makes sense to her...
She brings him home.

Turns out, he’s looking for a treasure of his own, and who better to help him find it than her?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

The best place to find Lacey is with her nose in a book. She’s a sucker for a good love story and a happy ending that has her swooning. When she’s not obsessing over giving her own characters a happy ending, you can find her in the dance studio empowering young dancers and giving out tons of stickers. Thanks to her mother’s pizzeria, Lacey can make a delicious pizza.

When she’s not putting on her dance shoes or inhaling a slice of pizza, she’s in front of her computer binge watching romantic comedies and penning stories with love so powerful, it’ll last a lifetime. As a recent graduate of Central Michigan University, Lacey intends to keep inspiring people through dance and lots and lots of words. She currently lives in Central Michigan surrounded by her family and unpredictable weather.

Sunday 29 September 2019

Release Tour & Giveaway: Burning Love [Slow Burn 01] by Jacie Lennon!

EZRA FIELDS IS A FIREFIGHTER AND SINGLE DAD. Spending his days fighting flames in Nashville, TN, his best nights are spent at home with his favorite girl—his daughter, Livie. With no time for distractions, he has no room in his life for other females—not even a sassy blonde-haired beauty and the first woman to spark his interest in years. Ezra doesn’t have the time to get involved. So, he walks away without getting her name, or giving his…

HANNA HAS NO INTEREST IN SETTLING DOWN. She can’t even commit to a hair color, an address to call home, or a man. Too busy with her career as a traveling nurse, a relationship is the last thing she needs or wants. So, it’s inconvenient when she falls—literally—for the one person as uninterested in love as she is. At least that’s what she’ll keep telling herself.

Will a spark turn into a wildfire, or will their love go down in flames?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Join the Release Party on September 27th here

Author bio:

Jacie Lennon is a dental hygienist whose guilty pleasure is writing romance. She lives in Tennessee with her husband and kids. Her home is fiercely protected by a basset hound, a Cavalier King Charles spaniel, and a tabby cat. When she’s not writing, she’s reading, playing with her kids, or devouring an entire container of Oreo Thins in one day.



Saturday 28 September 2019

Stacking The Shelves [50]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month. 

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Purchased (Ebooks):

Purchased (Paperbacks/hardbacks):
Gifted from Authors/Publishers:

The Wrong Side of Kai by Estelle Maskame (Read)
(Thank you, Ink Road!)

 For Review from Author/Netgalley/Edelweiss:

Friday 27 September 2019

Release Day Blitz, Review & Giveaway: Desperately Seeking Landlord by Micalea Smeltzer!

Publication date: 27th September 2019
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 star
Synopsis: It was just supposed to be a fling.
It would end and we’d go our separate ways.
I should know by now nothing in my life is ever that simple.

When Jamie Miller knocks on my door ten months after we ended our … whatever it was, I promptly punch him in his smug face, for no other reason than I feel like it and he deserves it.

It’s probably not the best way to handle things, but I’ve never been good at doing things properly.

When he tells me he’s my new landlord, my whole world is rocked.

But Jamie? He wants to prove to me he’s more than an egotistical jerk and for some reason he’s decided he wants me.

I don’t think love is in the cards for me, and definitely not with Jamie, but he’s determined to prove me wrong.

I really enjoyed the prequel book to this one and I was excited for this book to release because I knew that the main characters were secondary characters in the prequel book, so I was looking forward to reading their story! I received an ARC of this book and had luckily just finished my current read, so I was able to started reading straightaway! After reading this book, I can say that I really enjoyed it and it only took me a few sittings to read because I didn't want to put it down! The plot developed at the perfect pace and it kept me intrigued and wanting to read on and see how things were going to develop! There was also plenty of romance in the plot, which allowed for some seriously hot scenes! The ending of this book was left at the perfect place and summed up the characters story beautifully! The characters were also amazing and made this book even better! Miranda was the main female character, and in this book she was very straight with her love interest and they had some very funny and hot scenes together! Miranda also had a lot of doubt in her mind about being able to love someone and having someone love her! She did come a long way in this book and she learned a lot about how easy she was to love and how much she wanted a family of her own! Jamie was the main male character and love interest of Miranda! Jamie had a secret in this book which I wasn't expecting! It did explain a lot about Jamie and the way he acted with women in the first book! I loved Jamie in this book! He was a busy guy and had a good job! Jamie also had a lot of money, but he acted very normal and I honestly wouldn't have thought that he had a lot of money lol! Jamie was also amazing with Miranda too and it was easy to see his feelings for her grow! I loved that this book was written from both Miranda and Jamie's point of views! The synopsis gives the impression that the book may be written from only the female character's point of view, but the prequel book was written from dual point of view, so I'm really happy that this book was too! It helped me connect more with Miranda and Jamie and it helped me understand them as well! It allowed for more things to happen in the plot as well, which helped as the characters did do things alone and didn't spend every second of the plot together! They were both dealing with their own situations as well! I'm not sure if there's going to be more prequel books to this one and the other book or if this is the final book! I would love to read more books with the characters from this book and the prequel book, but I don't think that there will be more books! I now can't wait to see what this author is going to release next! I've read pretty much all of this author's books that have released, so can't wait to read more from her! The cover for this book is also seriously hot! I love it a lot and I love how well it matches the cover for the prequel book! The cover image suits the book as well and the cover model is hot as Jamie! Well, from what I can see of him lol! Big thank you to Micalea and Give Me Books for an ARC of Desperately Seeking Landlord!

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Hi. I’m Micalea. Ma-call-e-uh. Weird name, I know. My mom must’ve known I was going to be odd even in the womb. I’ve written a lot of books. Like a lot. Don’t ask me how many, I don’t remember at this point. I have an unhealthy addiction to Diet Coke but I can’t seem to break the habit. I listen to way too much music and hedgehogs have taken over my life. Crazy is the word that best sums up my life, but it’s the good kind of crazy and I wouldn’t change it for anything.


Thursday 26 September 2019

Release Day Blitz: The Plus Ones by Kayley Loring!

Love changes people.
I’m the first to admit that I, Keaton Bridges, used to be an immature, entitled ass.
Okay, maybe I’m the second to admit it—after Roxy Carter.
That loudmouth.
But I’ve seen what true love has done for my friends, and I want it for myself.

Somehow, I’m the only single guy left.
Somehow, she’s the only single girl.
The only time Foxy Roxy hasn’t been a loudmouth?
That time we were making out at our best friends’ wedding.
And every time we’ve seen each other in the five years since then,
because she refuses to talk about it.

Well, she’s going to have to talk to me now.
It’s the dead of winter, and our six best friends were planning a getaway
at a Caribbean couples-only resort.
One of the couples had to drop out, and I refuse to be left out in the cold.
All Roxy and I have to do is pretend to be in love for one week so we can
spend some much-needed time with our favorite people.
And all I have to do is pretend I’m not dying to kiss her again.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Before writing steamy romantic comedy novels, Kayley Loring got a BFA in creative writing from a Canadian university and had a fifteen-year career as a screenwriter in Los Angeles (under a different name). She mostly wrote PG-13 family comedies that studios would pay her lots of money for and then never make into movies. In 2017 she decided to move to the Pacific Northwest and write about all the fun stuff that she wasn't allowed to write about in those PG-13 scripts. Now she’s breathing cleaner air and writing dirtier words. It’s an adjustment she’s happily getting used to.

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Sale Blitz: Decidedly With Love [By the Bay 03] by Stina Lindenblatt!

From the author of sexy romantic comedies comes the story of a meddling grandmother searching for lifelong love. For her hockey player grandson…

Fake boyfriend Rule #1: never fall for your fake girlfriend.

I run Aphrodite’s Boutique, a store that specializes in all things love-related. A store that I adore with all my heart, and which is at risk of being shut down and replaced with a condo development.

To save it, all I have to do is pretend to be Travis Hamilton’s girlfriend.

Sounds simple enough. Right?

Except he and I have a history together...but he doesn’t seem to remember me.


My feisty, well-meaning grandmother raised me after my parents died, but now she’s determined to help me find The One. But when most women I meet tend to be puck bunnies or women only interested in my hockey-player salary—and let’s not forget the nutcase of an ex-girlfriend—why bother?

Only a fake girlfriend will deter my grandmother’s matchmaking scheme.

Too bad the one woman who can help me is the sexy redhead who wants to assist me as much as she wants her eyeballs dunked in hot sauce and barbecued.

To convince her, I promise to help her with her own dilemma. But sometimes fire and ice really do mix. Now I have to decide if love is in the air—and if together Emma and I make something hotter. Something stronger. Something real.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy for $0.99 from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Apple Books or Google Play

Author bio:

Born in Brighton England, Stina Lindenblatt has lived in a number of countries, including England, the US, Finland, and Canada. This would explain her mixed up accent. She has a kinesiology degree and a MSc in sports biological sciences. In addition to writing fiction, she loves photography, especially the close-up variety, and currently lives in Calgary, Canada, with her husband and three kids.

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Conjuring Wrath [Seven Deadly 03] by Michelle Gross!


   “Wait,” she mumbled. “How does this work?”
   “Scared?” My lips tipped upward.
   “Do you really just disappear? Is that what we’re going to do?” She pushed a palm against me. “Jesus, why are you so big?”
   She barely came up to my pecs, and now she was patting her hand along the hard ridges of my abs not having a clue that she was petting wrath. Delicate fingers traced over my shirt. Her small curious touch seeped through the fabric, tingling and heating every inch of skin she outlined. There I went again, being oddly overwhelmed by her. I pushed her hand away, distancing myself from the sensations she stirred. She was so small next to me. How could something so tiny affect me?
   “Is that an eight pack?” Her nails dug into my abdomen as she started counting, not bothered that I had already pushed her fingers away once.
   Fucking Hades! She was the little engine that never shut up.

Reapers are the peacekeepers—the balancers of life and death, good and evil. They’re the police of the Underworld in a way. They keep both worlds balanced just enough so that the King of the Underworld can never escape his prison.
For the day his reign stretches into the human world, all things good will come to an end.
This is the story of a dark king who cursed seven siblings with sins, and how far those seven went to protect both worlds from the end of days when an old entity challenged the Dark One’s very reign.

Conjuring Wrath

The age of the Reapers has ended.
With the new threat of the Harvesters and the approaching end, the troubles are here to stay.
Barron Reaper, the bearer of wrath, knows that more than anyone. With the sin of rage in his veins, his life is a chaotic mess of gloom. The vicious immortal has never stopped or relaxed a moment in all his years to feel hope. Especially not when another problem arises on top of everything else. An old demon tradition is being brought back on the blood moon.
The worlds are crumbling around his feet, but that doesn’t stop fate from forcing them together.
Gwendolyn Dolson is stuck in a hospital waiting on a chance at life that she will never get when she witnesses a cloaked figure slip through a patient’s door. Seconds later, a man dies in that room.
This dying girl is about to find out how drastically life can change.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Michelle is from a small town in Eastern Kentucky where opossums try to blend in with the cats on the porch and bears are likely to chase your pets—this is very true, it happened with her sister’s dog. Despite the extra needed protection for your pets, she loves the mountains she calls home. She has a man and twin girls who are the light of her life and the reason she’s slightly crazy.

As a kid, she was that cousin, that friend, that sister and daughter, the talker who could spin a tale and make-believe into any little thing so it was no surprise when she found love in reading, and figured all these characters inside her head needed an outlet. They wanted to be heard, so she wrote.

The voices keep growing faster than she gets the time to write.

The stories are never going to end. That’s perfectly okay, though. We never want to stop an adventure.

She writes and loves many different genres so sign up to her mailing list to keep updated on her releases!



Monday 23 September 2019

Cover Reveal: The Second We Met [Fulton U 02] by Maya Hughes!

Dear Jerk Across the Street, sorry for accidentally walking in on you and catching an eyeful of your—equipment. And hard pass on the open invitation to join you in the shower “anytime”, A-hole.

That’s the note I should’ve written. Instead I sent a pleasant and apologetic version.

Had I known Phoenix “Nix” Russo would’ve been the neighbor from hell, I’d have told him right where he could shove my words.

Nix is the big man on campus with everyone lined up at his games to make sure he knows it. Sure, he’s got piercing green eyes, abs that don’t quit and a smile that could set fire to a set of panties from a hundred yards away, but he’s also the biggest pain in my ass.

Dear Pink-Haired Menace, learn how to take a joke and stop being such a kill-joy...

Elle Masterson called the cops on one of my parties—again. My sweet talking usually gets me out of trouble, but this time it got me into a nice pair of silver handcuffs. Now I’m on a reputation rehab tour with a stop at a spring break community service project.

Guess who’s my new boss?

Now we’re shoulder to shoulder, sweaty, tired and…she’s not anything like I expected. There might just be a heart under that hardass exterior. She’s invading my dreams and I can’t shake the feeling she’s the key to unlocking a piece of me that I’ve hidden away.

It’s only a matter of time until she finds out why I’m really here.

Maybe I can break through her walls and into her heart before that happens...one screw at a time.

Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Author bio:

Maya Hughes has always loved romance novels. One look at her Kindle is confirmation. She started writing her first romance novel while pregnant with her third child and she hasn’t looked back. Now, her romance writing addiction has replaced her romance reading addiction.

You can find her writing on her foldable keyboard and phone anytime inspiration strikes. Her sweet and steamy stories range from rockstars to small towns and everything in between. When she’s not writing, she’s playing with her three kids, running errands or vegging on the couch with the love of her life and biggest fan, her husband.

Sunday 22 September 2019

Release Tour & Giveaway: Redemption by Nicole Dykes!


Four years ago, my life changed forever.
Some see it as a vast improvement.
I’m not so sure. The guilt from my betrayal has haunted me from day one.
I knew my past would catch up to me. So when it comes crashing back into my life, I know the time has come to finally make it right.
My path to redemption won’t be easy. But I've always been up for a challenge.


My life was never golden, but I had everything I needed. Then four years ago, everything changed.
I lost everything important to me, including myself.
I’m not certain I’m capable of forgiveness. So when the past comes back into my life, there will be no absolution for him in my heart.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Purchase a signed limited edition cover of Redemption here!

Purchase a Redemption book box here!

Author bio:

I grew up in a small rural town in Kansas and currently live in a suburb of Kansas City. I love to read books that have main characters that are seriously flawed. I love to write and have been writing since I was in grade school.

I'm a mama first but spend my nights writing all the stories 💜

When I wrote the first book in my Monroe Family Series I never dreamed it would be a 10 book series and have a spinoff, but here we are!


Saturday 21 September 2019

Blog Tour: The Wrong Side of Kai by Estelle Maskame!

Publication date: 19th September 2019
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: Vanessa Murphy doesn't do relationships.

With a father who doesn't notice her, it's easy for her to sneak around with her latest fling, Harrison Boyd. But when an explicit video of Vanessa hooking up with Harrison is leaked the morning after she ends things with him, her life is thrown into chaos.

And Vanessa wants payback. Enter Kai. With his own vendetta against Harrison, Kai proposes revenge, and the two pair up to ruin Harrison Boyd's life. At first, they are nothing more than an illicit partnership. Teammates working towards the same mission.

But – between late-night stakeouts and crime committing – Vanessa is drawn into Kai's life. And, as the two grow closer, she finds herself letting Kai into hers.

I've read this author's DIMILY series and I enjoyed that series, so I was excited to read more from her! I knew about this book releasing and I was looking forward to reading it! I then received an email from the publisher asking if I'd like to be on the Blog Tour and I instantly said yes! I started an ARC as soon as I received it, and after reading, I can say that I enjoyed this book! The plot took me about three sittings to read and I found that it developed at the perfect pace and it kept me wanting to read on! The plot also have a revenge theme to it, which added a lot to it and helped the plot develop! There was also some romance in the plot between the main character and her love interest! I loved the way the romance developed and that it was slow to develop! I liked that the author did that because I felt like the romance couldn't be rushed! The characters were also amazing and made this book even better! Vanessa was the main character, and in this book she went through a horrible situation that had a big impact on her! I did feel for Vanessa because her trust was violated and she did feel betrayed by someone she thought she could trust! Vanessa then wanted revenge in this book and I do think she took things a bit too far! She did feel guily though, which told me a lot about the kind of person she was! Kai was the love interest of Vanessa! I loved Kai a lot in this book and he was there for Vanessa and helped her a lot! Kai was also very chilled out and he was an intrguing character! Kai also had his own reasons for wanting revenge in this book and it did make more sense after his reasons were revealed! It explained Kai's anger and why his trust had also been betrayed! I did feel for Kai because of what he went through, but it did lead him to Vanessa! This book was only written from Vanessa's point of view! I wasn't sure if it was going to be after I read the synopsis, but it does make it sound more like it's only going to be written from one point of view! I loved this book only being written through Vanessa's eyes and I didn't feel like any chapters had to be written from Kai's point of view! I mean, I wouldn't have minded to have gotten inside his head, but I felt like I got to know a lot about him anyway! I can also completely understand why this book is a standalone! The plot was wrapped up and all the questions raised were answered! I would love to have read more on Vanessa and Kai, but the ending of this book was left at the perfect place for them! I've also read all of this author's books apart from her other standalone book, so I'm definitely going to read that one soon and I can't wait to see what this author is going to release next! The cover for this book also suits the book perfectly! I love it a lot and It would definitely draw me to the book if I didn't already know the author's name! I like that it doesn't exactly have cover models on it too! Big thank you to Ink Roads for an ARC of The Wrong Side of Kai and for having me on the Blog Tour!

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

(Please click on the image to enlarge it!)

Author bio:

ESTELLE MASKAME started writing at the age of thirteen and completed the first three books in her international bestselling Did I Mention I Love You? series when she was sixteen. She is also the author of the “highly addictive” standalone novel Dare to Fall. Her YA fiction has attracted passionate, loyal fans all around the world, with rights sold in seventeen territories … and counting. Estelle won the Young Scot Arts Award in 2016, and was shortlisted for the Young Adult award at the Romantic Novel of the Year Awards. Estelle grew up in the fishing town of Peterhead, Scotland, where she lives with her family.

Friday 20 September 2019

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: My Madame [Cameo Gentlemen’s Club 01] by Savvi V!

The king of the Vegas underworld may have everyone else fooled with his dark, brooding eyes, hard body, and expensive suits, but not me.

I knew Gideon Kane back when he was a mere prince under his father’s twisted thumb. Back when he wanted nothing more than to escape that legacy and this town, and take me with him.

As princess of the elite Cameo Gentlemen’s Club, I was raised in a world of sensual pleasures and sinful fantasies. My own tarnished legacy, created by strong, independent women who understood where true power lies.

Who also happened to be in business with the mob.

And I stupidly fell for the heir to that empire, heart and soul.

Until he shattered me.

That’s ancient history now that I’m at the helm of Cameo and someone is viciously murdering my dancers and escorts. It’s my bad luck that Gideon’s organization heads up my security, so I’m forced to work with him until this killer is brought to justice—or until I spontaneously combust from the sizzling chemistry we still can’t escape.

Sex is just sex, however. And nobody said a thing about love. Or trust. After all, the princess learned a few tricks from her prince once upon a time . . .

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Savvi V is a dynamic writing duo of two friends who came together over their shared love of hot, alpha heroes, feisty, smart-mouthed heroines, and smexy, melt-your-panties romance. We also love ogling tatted up guys, coffee of all kinds, and indulging in dessert first! We hope you'll join the fun because it's all about the V with us!
