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Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Finding You [Bad Boy Series 01] by S.K. Hartley!

Publication date: 29th September 2013
Paperback edition: 193 pages
Source: Kindle
Rating: 4 stars
Synopsis: 'I will always take care of you'

My pain started when I was just ten years old, it was the day my mom got that dreaded phone call. Life has never been the same....

'I will always protect you'

I am all kinds of broken....

I have known Logan White since forever, he is my brothers best friend and my secret protector. I used to have nightmares that drew me into a dark place and when the nightmares got too much, Logan was by my side. The nightmares are few and far between now, but my life is centered around the tragedy of my past.

Logan is the definition of 'man whore', with girls lining around the block to drop their panties at the click of his fingers. But after an unexpected moment things change. Now Logan is somebody else; hot, sexy and so damn delicious and I want to know him. Desperately.

But then there is Angel Walker who is far from the angelic nature of his name, with eyes so hypnotic that I lose my inhabitation’s just by staring into them. But he is a broken man who just screams sin. He doesn't want to protect me or care for me, He just wants me.

Do I want the man who can cut through all of my pain or the man who could cause me more?

Fists will fly, hearts will shatter and desire will be fueled.

I had been wanting to read this book since I first discovered the author's Facebook page and then I took part in her Cover Reveal! I desperately wanted to read the story behind the hot cover, so when I saw Blog Tour sign ups, I quickly signed up! I started this book shortly after I got my ARC and then I had a hard time remembering what had happened in it when I went to write my review, so I re-read it! I really enjoyed this book, but I did have some issues with it as well! The plot of this book was pretty amazing! The synopsis tells you the plot focuses on a love triangle, but in a way it focused on so much more than that! I'll admit that I didn't enjoy the love triangle because it infuriated the crap out of me most of the time! I enjoyed it to start with and then I felt like the main character just liked messing about and hiding her true feelings! Beneath the love triangle though this book was about the main character finding herself! I do think that by the end of this book the main character did start to find herself, but I hope in the next book she really finds herself! The plot did keep me interested and it was a good pace to keep me wanting to read on! Especially the ending, which showed the real reason for the love triangle playing a big part in the story! The characters were amazing, but I did have a few problems with the main one! The main character was Neva and I loved her up until just over half way through this book! Now, you know this book mainly focused on a love triangle from what the synopsis says, so when Neva slept with one of her love interests that wasn't her boyfriend... Well, I sort of lost some respect for her! Trust me, I wanted her to end up with the guy she slept with, but I think she went about it the wrong way! Apart from that, Neva was a pretty likeable character! I did feel sorry for her for what she had been through and her struggles, but she had a really amazing support network! Logan was one of the love interests of Neva and he was seriously hot! I loved how he had always been there for Neva for most of her life and how much he protected her! I could also see how much he loved her! Angel was the other love interest of Neva and I didn't like him as much as I liked Logan! He was still hot and such, but I just didn't get the same vibe off him as what I did with Logan about his intentions with Neva! Plus, the ending sort of backed up my vibe lol! I would seriously have given this book 5 stars for the ending! It was amazing and so unexpected! I'm really looking forward to reading the next book in this series! I enjoyed this one, so I can't wait to see how the story is going to progress! I also can't wait to see what else this author has up her sleeve as her writing style is fantastic! The cover for this book is seriously hot! It suits the book and the characters so much! Big thank you to S.K. Hartley for an ARC of Finding You and to Enticing Journey Book Promotions for having me on the Blog Tour!

Finding You Cover
Finding You Cover
Buy your copy from Amazon, Amazon CA, Amazon UK , Smashwords
Author bio:

S.K. Hartley is a mother, wife, avid reader and writer based in the not so sunny North West of England. You can find her either glued to her computer desk, in the library (yes they still exist) or floating around her favorite authors book signings!

What sort of except do authors usually post? IE. sex scenes, love scenes....

Author Pic

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