Publication date: 29th September 2013
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: Just when Velaney thinks she is safe again…her worst nightmare comes back to haunt her.
Eric is dealing with his own insecurities as he tries to accept Velaney’s decision to help the enemy…can he get past it? Will they be there for each other in the end?
He struggles to step aside and trust Velaney...but will his past keep him from doing so? Can he let go in order to move forward?
Velaney and Eric had their fair share of ups and downs in SPARK…their love was undeniable and intense. Just when you think they could get their happily ever after…pasts collide and merge together…will they fight for what they want?
Or will their love crash and burn?
I couldn't believe when I received the first fifteen chapters of Burn in my email one day! I had no idea that Brooke was allowing me to beta read for her! I beta read all of this book and the author honestly didn't have to change a single thing about it! It was hot and emotional all at the same time! I completely adored the first book in this series, Spark, so to say that I was desperate for this book was an understatement! The plot of this book had developed on brilliantly from Spark! I had no idea what to really expect with the plot, but the author definitely blew me away! The plot of this book was more emotional compared to the first book's! I cried and I do have to admit that it hit me pretty hard! Well, a lot harder than I was expecting it too! It was so unexpected, but it was executed brilliantly! The plot also held my attention the whole way through and I couldn't put this book down until I had read the last word on the last page! It was so addictive! This book was more about Velaney and Eric's relationship developing further and I just adored it as Velaney and Eric are one of my favourite book couples, so to see their relationship develop really was beautiful! They go through a lot in this book, both together and alone and you don't know whether their relationship is going to survive! I totally won't ruin it for you though and tell you ;) The characters were again amazing! Velaney was again the main character and in this book she was the exact same lovable character that she was in Spark! Velaney goes through a lot in this book and my heart went out to her! She handled what she went through brilliantly and she also reacted the exact same way I would have! I completely loved her! Eric was again the love interest of Velaney and again he was super hot! I loved again how protective Eric was of Velaney and also he went through a lot in this book as well! My ehart went out to him as well! I also loved that some chapters of this book were written from Eric's point of view! He's such an important character and seeing the amount of love for Velaney through his own eyes was so beautiful! I didn't really expect another book to Spark when I started it, but I did say that I would love one when I was like half way through it and I got one, so I'm seriously happy! This book was definitely essential after the ending to Spark as well! I'm also really happy that there's going to be another book in this series! Yes, another book! I know that it's not going to be about Velaney and Eric, but I still can't wait to read it! I did beta read this book while it's cover was in development and I'll admit that I had my own ideas about the cover, so I was really excited to see what the actual cover looked like! It's a complete beauty! It suits the cover for Spark perfectly! Big thank you to Brooke for letting me beta read Burn and to Book Enthusiast Promotions for having me on the Blog Tour!

Check out my review of the first book in the series, Spark, here!
Buy the first book in the series, Spark, from Amazon US , Amazon UK , Barnes and Noble, KOBO
Buy Burn from Amazon US , Amazon UK, Barnes and Noble, KOBO, iTunes
Author bio:
Brooke is a midwestern gal, from the cheese state of Wisconsin! Go Packers! She's a stay-at-home mom of three beautiful children (one daughter & two stepsons) and a black fury dog. She's studied psychology in college, and counseling and education in graduate school where she found her love for writing. Most days you can find her reading or writing, or just hanging out with her family! She loves movies, cooking, and shopping! She's addicted to Starbucks, Coach purses, and wearing yoga pants.
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