Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: Everyone remembered the day the sky went black. The day the sun was wiped from the sky. They remember the wind as it brought in the darkness; the way the earth shook and everything changed.
Everyone remembered the screams as the darkness ate those who were out in the open, those who had surrounded themselves by light, and those who made noise.
Everyone remembered the voice from the sky and the way food disappeared.
At least, that’s what I hoped. I hoped that there was an ‘everyone’ that would remember because I am not sure how many are left, how many survived. Or if anyone did.
I hoped that I wasn’t alone.
I remembered that day.
I remembered because it was the day I became alone.
It was the day that everything was perfect until the monsters took it away. Then the house went silent and the birds stopped singing. It was the day when everyone disappeared, everyone except the boy, the only person I have seen in two years.
The boy I talk to through the glass.
OMG! OMG! OMG! This is one of the best books that I've ever read! It was completely epic and continually blew me away! Everything about it was original and completely unique! I haven't read anything like it before! I originally wasn't going to sign up for an ARC of it, but then my curiosity got the better of me and I signed up! I knew that ARCs were limited so when I got an email saying I was getting one I did get really excited! The plot of this book was insane! It starts off quite normal and every day and then it turns dark and scary! It's definitely not for the faint hearted! The aspect of the plot was just brilliant! It was so original and it actually played out like a movie in my head as I was reading it! It would make a kick-ass movie! This book also didn't really have a lot of romance in it and I normally can't get into books that don't have a lot of romance in them, but in this book adventure and the whole aspect of the plot trumped romance! I was quite happy with that too be honest because there was so much going on in the plot already! The characters were so much more then amazing! Alexis was the main character and she was just completely kick-ass! She was seriously awesome! I connected with her instantly and she continued to completely surprise me as the book progressed! My heart went out to Alexis at certain scenes! As a person she went through so much in this book and she handled it brilliantly in my opinion! I cant wait to see how she'll change in the next book! Cohen was the love interest of Alexis and he wasn't really in the book a lot too be honest! Certain situations happen that make him not in the book a lot! When he was in the book though he was so sweet! I completely adored his relationship with Alexis I'm hoping that he'll be in the next book a lot more and judging from the ending of this book I think he will be! I'm looking forward to really getting to know Cohen more in the next book! There were quite a few other characters in this book as well and they all added so much to the story! There were some good characters and some bad characters, but I'm really looking forward to seeing how all the secondary characters are going to develop in the next book! I thought that this book was a standalone when I first started reading it, but it's actually the first book of a series! The ending was quite a cliff-hanger and there was no way the author could have left it there! I'm really excited about this book being in a series and I'm dying for the next book! Now that I've read the book the cover makes so much more sense to me! I thought that it was stunning before I read it, but now that I have read it I can see just how perfectly it suits the book! Big thank you to Rebecca for an ARC of Through Glass!

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