Here’s a thing I learned a long time ago… guys and girls don’t think about relationships the same way. Especially in college. So, when I caught the girl sitting next to me on the plane reading a magazine article on how to get out of the friend zone, I did something I never do – I got involved.
One look into her electric blue eyes and the darkness inside of me faded.
Light and hope radiated from her like a neon sign.
Guys like me know how to get the girl, but we rarely get to keep them.
Girls like me fade into the background. Nice, quiet, smart girls without the latest trendy clothes. My friendship with Court started as an opportunity to get inside the male mind, but it turned into so much more.
His touch sent current coursing through my veins.
His kiss jolted my heart.
But here is something I learned a long time ago… you can’t force people to love you back. No matter how much you long for them.

Author bio:
Rebecca Jenshak is a self-proclaimed margarita addict, college basketball fanatic, and Hallmark channel devotee. A Midwest native transplanted to the desert, she likes being outdoors (drinking on patios) and singing (in the shower) when she isn't writing books about hot guys and the girls who love them.

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