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Friday 30 January 2015

Book Blitz & Giveaway: State of Alliance [Collapse 05] by Summer Lane!

There is no such thing as safe.

For Commander Cassidy Hart, staying alive is only one of her day-to-day problems. As a newly minted Senator of the State of California, she must travel to Monterey Bay with the hope of bringing an agreement between the militia forces and the Pacific Northwest Alliance as the United States desperately battles against the shadow invasion forces of Omega.

But Monterey is not what it seems. The threat of another Omega attack looms on the horizon, and Commander Chris Young - the love of Cassidy's life - is not the only important person in Cassidy's life who is keeping secrets. Assassinations, betrayal and startling revelations lie ahead.

The war is now. Fight or die.

Choose your side.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Summer Lane is the author of the international bestselling Collapse Series and Zero Trilogy. She owns WB Publishing and Writing Belle, an online magazine dedicated to the Art of Storytelling. Summer is also an accomplished creative writing teacher and professional journalist. She lives in the Central Valley of California where she creates her stories and shares them with the world.
