Publication date: 23rd December 2014
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 4.5 stars
Synopsis: Emery
You want to know my secrets? What lies beneath the pretty? The scars I can’t let anyone see? The scars tied to my secrets?
On the outside I appear normal. Some might even say perfect.
They say that I’m a pretty girl. They say I should be happy. They say that I have nothing to be angry about. That I’m popular. A cheerleader. The perfect student.
Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.
But all they see is what’s on the outside.
On the inside I’m raw, open, bleeding. Scars that can’t seem to heal the wounds.
And it’s slowly killing me.
Tattoos. Piercing. Scars. The guy who can’t speak.
Gothic freak. Mute. Punk. I’ve heard it all.
They say that I’m probably dangerous. That the scars came from myself.
They say people should stay away from me. They say that I’m not worthy to be out in the world.
They say. They say. They say.
But who are they anyway?
To decide what I am.
They don’t know what’s hidden beneath the scars. Beneath the piercings and tattoos.
Beneath the silence.
Maybe if they did they wouldn’t fear me so much.
Then again, maybe they’d fear me more.
I was really excited to read this book once I found out that it was a spin-off book to Violet and Luke's story from The Coincidence series! I was even more excited when I read the synopsis and saw the cover! I mean, the cover is absolutely stunning! This book was very different to what I was expecting though! I still haven't decided whether that's a good or a bad thing lol! I think I'm leaning towards good though lol! I love a book that takes me by surprise! I also enjoyed where this book went and what happened in it, but it was just so different to what I was expecting it to be! The plot was awesome and developed nicely! I really enjoyed it and I read it really fast and in only a few sittings! There was also a huge twist in the plot that left me flailing lol! I didn't see it coming and I could tell that it was going to have a big impact on the plot! I think it's going to have a bigger impact in the next book too! The plot had action and plenty of romance in it too, which I loved! Overall, I just loved the plot and it got better as it progressed! The characters were amazing! Emery was the main female character and she was someone who was kept behind a fence from the real world, so she couldn't see the evilness of the outside world! Emery was actually stuck in the evilness though, which she kinda knew in her head, so she wanted to find out the truth! I really liked Emery! She was such a confused character, as her family had a lot of secrets that they hid from her, but she continued on and she tried to work out the truth! That told me a lot about the kind of person she was! I just loved her and I can't wait to see what she's going to do in the next book! Ryler was the main male character and I felt so sorry for him! He had been dealt a bad hand again and again in his life and I kinda wanted him to catch a break! He had been through so much and he was dragged into dangerous situations too! Ryler was also a mute character, which I found really interesting and it was something unique about him! Ryler was also seriously hot, and I could see that wasn't a bad guy, even though he was involved with bad guys! I just loved Ryler and I could see that he had deep feelings for Emery! I'm sure these feelings will develop even further in the next book! I loved that this book was written from both Emery and Ryler's point of views! It made the plot even better and it really helped me connect more with both characters! I also loved that Violet and Luke made some appearances in this book too! I could understand why they did as Ryler is Luke's cousin and this book is a spin-off to their story! I can't wait to read the next book in this series! I'm just happy I don't have to wait long to get my hands on it! I also loved where this book ended! It wasn't a cliff-hanger, but it was the perfect place to leave it! As I said, the cover for this book is absolutely stunning! I'm completely in love with it and it's so beautiful! Big thank you to Jessica and Shh Moms Reading for a review copy of Unbeautiful!

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