Publication date: 15th March 2019
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: All I've ever wanted was a family...
For so long, I had been walking through my life alone. Loss and heartbreak taught me not to wish for something because the moment you do, it can all be ripped away from you.
The day I met Callum, everything began to change. Falling in love with him and becoming his wife, I finally started to picture a future I never thought I would have.
Life has a way of testing me. My life is about to change in ways I never expected.
... now one man threatens to take it all away from me again.
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: All I've ever wanted was a family...
For so long, I had been walking through my life alone. Loss and heartbreak taught me not to wish for something because the moment you do, it can all be ripped away from you.
The day I met Callum, everything began to change. Falling in love with him and becoming his wife, I finally started to picture a future I never thought I would have.
Life has a way of testing me. My life is about to change in ways I never expected.
... now one man threatens to take it all away from me again.
I recently read an ARC of the third book in this series and I read the first two books last year! I then signed up for an ARC of this book as it continues the characters story from the first book! I have to start this review by saying that I did have to go back and re-read the book that starts the characters story off because I could only remember bits and pieces of what happened in it! I'm really happy that I did this because it enhanced my experience when I read this novella! After reading this novella, I can say that I loved it a lot! It also took me a few sittings to read because I wanted to try and make it last a little bit longer lol! The plot developed at a quick pace and quite a lot happened in it! I liked that there was a bit of action and suspense in it too! I wasn't expecting there to be, but it added to the plot! There was plenty of romance too and the romance allowed for a few seriously hot scenes! The characters were also amazing and made this novella even better! Ellie was the main female character, and I couldn't wait to go back inside Ellie's head and see how she was coping after what she went through in her full-length book! I loved Ellie in this novella! She had grown, but my heart also went out to Ellie in this novella because she was still trying to come to terms with what she went through in the first book and then she went through a traumatic situation in this novella! Ellie was strong though and she kept going and just wanted to be happy and content with her life! Callum was the main male character and love interest of Ellie! I loved Callum a lot in this novella! I mean, I loved him in his full-length book, but I loved him even more in this novella! He was so sweet towards Ellie and it was easy to see how much he loved and adored her! Callum was again very protective of Ellie and he just wanted her to be safe and not in any danger! Callum also worked hard and was perfect book boyfriend material! I loved that this novella was written from both Ellie and Callum's point of views! I was hoping that it was going to be because their full-length was written from both of their point of views, so I'm really happy that this novella was too! It helped me connect more with Ellie and Callum and it allowed for more things to happen in the plot! I now can't wait to read the next book in this series! I know that the next book is going to focus on different characters, but this has me even more excited to read it! I'm not sure when the next full-length book is going to release, but it says 2019 on Goodreads, so I'm assuming that it'll probably be later in the year! I'll definitely be reading it once it releases! I can't wait to check out this author's duet that's already released too because it's the only books that I haven't read from her yet lol! The cover for this book is also absolutely stunning! It definitely suits the feel of the book and it matches the other covers in the series perfectly too! I love it a lot and the cover models definitely suit Ellie and Callum! Big thank you to Brooke and Enticing Journey Book Promotions for an ARC of Now That I Found You!

Author bio:
Brooke O'Brien is the Author of the Heart's Compass series and the recently published Tattered Heart duet.
Growing up Brooke always had a love of writing; she started out writing poetry when she was young and began journaling her thoughts as she grew older. Diving headfirst into a good book has always been therapeutic for her. Now her two passions have collided.
Brooke believes you can cure any bad day with chocolate or by going on a long drive with the windows down and the music turned up! She's found that's when her characters talk to her the most! If she's not reading or writing, you'll probably find her spending time with her family and friends, watching Hawkeye football or NBA basketball, going to the movies, or collecting signed paperbacks.
She LOVES to interact with readers! Keep in touch with Brooke by following her on Social Media and join her exclusive Reader Group: authorbrookeobrien.com/followbrooke
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