My mother once said that angels come in many forms: people, animals, insects, flowers or even objects. Some stay with us for just a short time, helping us through difficult times, others stay forever, deep inside our soul, carrying us from one moment to the next. I always wanted to believe it was true, that maybe in a world where there was so much bad, there was still hope for some good. As I grew older and the innocence of childhood waned and tainted my views on life, I was finding that perhaps it was just my mother’s way of feeding my young imagination. That all changed the day I met him.
The first time we met, I felt it, and I was pretty certain he did to. Familiar strangers searching for someone, or something deep inside the other. Maybe I was losing my mind or maybe I was just caught up in a daydream of how I wished my life could be. But from the first moment, I had gotten caught up in his gaze, I knew I had stared into those deep-blue eyes once before…maybe not in this lifetime, but perhaps a lifetime before.

Author bio:
Ever since I can remember, I have always enjoyed Creative Writing. There was always something about being able to travel to a different place or become a different person with just the stroke of a pen - or in today's world a touch of the keyboard. I love creating deep characters who you will love or love to hate.
My life is not as interesting as my books or the characters in them, but then again whose life is? My happy place is a seat by the ocean with my feet in the sand or on the busy streets of New York City. You will more than likely find one of these places as the setting for most of my books.
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