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Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Friday 12 June 2015

Blog Tour & Giveaway: The No Asshole Rule [Rule 01] by Ashley Erin!

Publication date: 19th May 2015
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 4 stars
Synopsis: Andie has one rule she lives by, no assholes. She doesn’t befriend them and she certainly doesn’t date them. Upon transferring to Parkland University, she is irritated to discover her neighbor is not only an asshole, but an attractive one that her body and mind can’t seem to ignore. Can Andie let go of the one rule that safeguards her heart?

Lucas doesn’t date. Ever. At least not anymore but the sexy, distant woman across the hall intrigues him and the draw is more than he can resist. Will he like what he finds hidden deep inside her wounded soul?

They both fight to keep their rules, but the pull is irresistible. As Andie struggles with the demons from her past, old wounds open. Both Lucas and Andie will need to decide what is worth fighting for.

Some rules are meant to be broken. Are they up for the challenge?

I wasn't sure whether to sign up to review this book or sign up for a promotional post instead for the Blog Tour, but I thought on it for a while and decided to review it! I'm happy I did! I mean, I didn't love, love this book as much as I was expecting, but I liked it! I felt there was just that something missing to make me love it though! There was very little suspense or action in the book, which disappointed me a little, but there was a little bit of action and suspense in the last 10% of the book! There was plenty of romance though! There were some seriously hot scenes too! The plot was good and well paced! It did take me longer to read than a book normally takes me, but I always remembered where I was and what had happened! I enjoyed the plot and I loved that it had a lot of romance in it! I would have liked more action and suspense though! The characters were great! Andie was the main female character, and she had had such bad experiences with the men and guys in her life that it made her scared of commitment and scared to start a relationship! I could understand this completely! Andie had been treated really horribly by her dad and this had affected her a lot! It made her a flight risk, which is how she describes herself in the book! I agreed with this, but Andie learned a lot in this book and she grew a lot too, which made me really happy for her! She was a completely different person at the end to what she was at the beginning of the book too, and she was a lot more confident and content! Lucas was the main male character and love interest of Andie! Lucas was seriously hot! He also juggled a lot in this book with how much he helped his sister and nephew and then he had his college work! This made me have a lot of respect for him! In this book, Lucas showed Andie how to trust guys again and he also showed her that not all guys are the same! It was a pretty big job, but he handled it well lol! I loved Lucas! I have to admit though that all he thought about was Andie! I mean, it didn't what he was doing or he was always thinking about Andie! I felt he pined after her a little too much, but it was kinda understandable as she intrigued him and he wanted to find out more about her! I would have liked for him to have maybe played hard to get or something or though less about Andie lol! I loved that this book was written from both Andie and Lucas' point of views! I felt it moved the plot along more and it helped me connect more with the characters as well! It was also nice to see the characters feelings for each other frown through both of their eyes! Even though I didn't love this book as much as I was hoping too, I'm definitely going to read the next book in the series! I'm not sure if it's going to be about Andie and Lucas or if it's going to be about secondary characters, but I can't wait to read it when it releases! The ending didn't help me work out whether it was going to be about different characters or continue Andie and Lucas' story lol! The cover for this book is seriously hot! It suits the book and the model on the front is the perfect Lucas! I love it! Big thank you to Ashley for an ARC of The No Asshole Rule and to Enticing Journey Book Promotions for having me on the Blog Tour!

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks

Author bio:

Ashley has a degree in Psychology and has worked in the Human Services field for five years. She loves reading romance, new adult, paranormal and fantasy novels.

She lives in Spruce Grove, Alberta with her boyfriend, two dogs and four cats. She also has a horse she loves with all her heart. When she is not working with the horses, reading and writing, you can find her on social media.


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