Him: When I returned from vacation my father dropped the news that he was remarrying. I would have a stepsister but I didn't want one. I told him he was twenty years too late for the whole sibling thing. I hated the thought of her until we met and then I couldn't get her out of my head.
Her: When my mother told me she was going to remarry, I died inside. She moved us to the suburbs in a perfect little neighborhood but I didn't want to be there. I knew my mother's fiance had a son that was close to my age but I didn't want anything to do with him until he rescued me from my boyfriend. Somehow with his prince charming good looks he had become my knight in shining armor.
Max and Chelsea couldn't deny their instant attraction, which meant trouble.
Their parents would never approve, but who said they had to know.
It all started with a kiss and one weekend alone…
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Author bio:
Ash Adams loves words and likes to pretend she is a super hero. Luckily, through her stories she can make that dream a reality. When she isn't busy writing and fighting fictional crime, she can be found exploring the great outdoors or lusting over mountain views. She enjoys a good cup of coffee and sappy chick flicks where the good guy always gets the girl. She's also a little obsessed with hashtags. #happilyeveraftersforever
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