I waited ten years for the right guy, then four come along at once.
I wasn’t even looking for my Mr Right. I thought I’d found him and he was just waiting for that perfect moment to pop the question. When the time came it was far from perfect The event left me a humiliated, broken-hearted mess.
Still, a person would have to be batshit crazy to do what I’ve done, or I’m about to do.
I’m Orange County bound with all my worldly possessions crammed into five suitcases and an agreement to marry one of four complete strangers.
I just don’t know which one of the four men it’s going to be.
No need to panic.
I have a whole month to make my decision. Who would do such a thing? No sane woman that’s for sure, but then with a name like Seraphim, I was never going to normal.
Hi, you can call me Finn.
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Dee Palmer hates talking about herself in the third person so I won't. My husband had my iPod engraved one Christmas with 'sing like no-one's listening' and I know my family actually wish they weren't listening because I am, in fact, tone deaf but it doesn't stop me and this gentle support has enabled me to fulfill a dream. This has been a truly brilliant experience. Amazon Best seller in Erotic Romance category and short listed for Erotic Author Guild Best Breakthrough Author and Best Series for The Choices Trilogy in 2015..it's been a pretty fantastic first year!
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