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Monday 21 October 2019

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Dirty Secret [Slayers Hockey 01] by Mira Lyn Kelly!

In my defense, I didn’t know she was his sister…

"Sexy and fun with a delicious hockey hero, DIRTY SECRET is great for fans of Elle Kennedy, Toni Aleo, and Sawyer Bennett. I devoured this book!" -NYTimes Bestseller Lexi Ryan

This team hates me. Something about my chronic case of resting prick face and that thing with the captain when the season started.

My fist, his jaw. Yeah, we go back and not in a good way.

Coach says no more “confrontational BS” or I don’t play at all. And that’s a hit my career in the NHL can’t take.

So the plan is simple. Keep my head down and finish out my contract with my fists checked.

There’s just one problem.

Allie. The girl from Vancouver eight months ago. The one with the sexy, shy, and sinfully bold smile and the sweetest, wettest mouth I ever tasted. The girl who blew my mind and then blew out of my life without giving me her number.

Turns out she’s the captain’s little sister.

And even though my career depends on it... I can’t stay away from her.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Author bio:

Hard core romantic, stress baker, and housekeeper non-extraordinaire. Mira Lyn Kelly is the USA TODAY bestselling author of more than a dozen sizzly love stories with over a million readers worldwide. Growing up in the Chicago area, she earned her degree in Fine Arts from Loyola University and met the love of her life while studying abroad in Rome, Italy… only to discover he’d been living right around the corner from her back home. Having spent her twenties working and playing in the Windy City, she’s now settled with her husband in Minnesota, where their four amazing children and two ridiculous dogs provide an excess of action and entertainment.


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