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Sunday 26 July 2020

Release Blitz & Giveaway: Precious Gems [Blake Brothers 01] by Sierra Hill!


One simple task.

One job to earn my freedom from my father.

Sell the stolen jewel in Antwerp and go home. Then I’m out. Done for good.

But you can never trust the word of a con artist.

Freedom was a myth. Now I’m a prisoner to another man. The one my father double-crossed.

Faron Blake wants what he’s owed and won’t play this duplicitous game.

The deal has changed, and my innocence is now part of the new price.

Am I willing to pay the ultimate price? To give him everything?

And if I do, will I lose my heart to the most dangerous and mysterious man I’ve ever met?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Sierra writes and has published 22 new adult/erotic contemporary novels, including the award-winning series, Courting Love (college sports) and the erotic ménage serial, Reckless – The Smoky Mountain Trio.

Sierra lives with her husband and dog in the Seattle area and is a sucker for cheap accessories, loves anything dark chocolate, and enjoys attending traveling and attending live concerts.


Go HERE to enter to win a SIGNED paperback and $20 Amazon Giftcard!

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