Christian probably attracted the attention of supermodels. Nicole was no supermodel.
She isn’t enough. She isn’t worthy. No one will ever want her. Nicole Travers believes this to her core. Her older sister made sure to remind Nicole of these truths on a daily basis when they were kids. Now, many years later, her sister’s voice still rings in her ears every time a guy catches her eye. She’s better off focusing on waitressing and tending bar. At least she knows how to do those two things. Attracting a soul mate? Forget it. Although watching her best friend meet her true love makes Nicole wish for the same. Too bad she doesn’t have what it takes.
When her only option to get to her best friend’s wedding is to accept a ride with sexy farmer Christian Henley, Nicole’s self-doubts heckle her from the back seat. Loudly. But she promised to be the maid of honor, and she’s not going to bail on the bride. Besides, a handsome Vermont mountain man with a body full of muscles won’t even notice someone like her. Except he does, and when Christian comes to her rescue on a busy Boston street, Nicole can’t help noticing everything about him. It’s going to be a long drive.
Is one kind soul enough to quiet the voices?
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Christine DePetrillo can often be found hugging trees, conversing with dragonflies, and walking barefoot through sun-warmed soil. She finds joy in listening to the wind, bathing in moonlight, and breathing in the fragrances of things that bloom. If she had her way, the sky would be the only roof over her head.
Her love of nature seeps into every story she tells. As does her obsession with bearded mountain men who build, often smell like sawdust, and know how to cherish the women they love. Today she writes tales meant to make you laugh, maybe make you sweat, and definitely make you believe in the power of love.
She lives in Vermont with her husband and cat who defend her fiercely from all evils.

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