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Thursday 10 August 2023

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Love You Fiancee [Love You, Maine 05] by Julia Kent!


   If Kell thought he was fooling her, he was sorely mistaken. Anyone could clearly see what he was up to.
   Mr. Kellan Dean Luview was about to propose.
   To her.
   And it was his cat, Calamine, who had tipped Rachel off.
   The enormous orange Maine Coon cat had climbed onto Kell’s nightstand last week, tipping over a glass of water he’d left there. Rachel had grabbed a towel from the bathroom and mopped it up, but some had dribbled into his drawer, which she’d opened.
   And there it was.
   The little velvet box.
   Not one to snoop, she’d felt an overwhelming mix of emotions when coming upon it: joy, exhilaration, guilt, joy, regret, excitement.
   Mostly lots of joy.
   Because it felt so right.
   Sure, they’d talked about it. You didn’t just spring a marriage proposal on a person, especially a person like Rachel. These two years together had taught her many things about Kell; for example, he needed lots of physical activity, and spent as much time as possible in nature. For his part, Kell had learned that she hated–despised, even–surprises.
   So one of the many emotions she’d felt upon discovering the ring was…
   Which then triggered guilt.
   Which then provoked some shame to leak out.
   Which finally made her corral all these errant feelings and give them a good talking to.
   Because having Kell Luview pop the question was going to be the best moment of her entire life, so there should be nothing–not one little bit!–wrong with that.

There once was a man named Kell,

Who fell under Rachel Hart’s spell.

In public he proposed,

Wearing dubious lemur clothes,

Never guessing he’d end up in zipper hell.

* * *

Love You Fiancée is takes place in Love You, Maine–where every day is Valentine’s Day. It comes after the books Love You Wrong, Love You Right, and Love You Again. You can read it as a standalone, but it’s better if you read the other books first.

No animals were harmed in the making of this story, but another lemur costume goes through a terribly unfair death.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Julia Kent writes romantic comedy with an edge. Since 2013, she has sold more than 2 million books, with 4 New York Times bestsellers and more than 21 appearances on the USA Today bestseller list. Her books have been translated into French, German, and Italian, with more titles releasing in the future.
From billionaires to BBWs to new adult rock stars, Julia finds a sensual, goofy joy in every contemporary romance she writes. Unlike Shannon from Shopping for a Billionaire, she did not meet her husband after dropping her phone in a men's room toilet (and he isn't a billionaire she met in a romantic comedy).

She lives in New England with her husband and three children where she is the only person in the household with the gene required to change empty toilet paper rolls.

She loves to hear from her readers by email at julia@jkentauthor.com, on Twitter @jkentauthor, on Facebook at @jkentauthor, and on Instagram @jkentauthor. Visit her at http://jkentauthor.com

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