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Saturday 5 October 2024

Book Blitz & Giveaway: A Hush at Midnight by Marlene M. Bell!


   Laura waited on the carpeted landing of the second floor for Brent to reach the top step. The acrid paint odor was overpowering, suggesting the source was nearby.
   Then she spotted it.
   Down the hall, the door had gained a new paint scheme since Hattie’s death. A garish red heart stood out from the other rooms.
   She flattened, making herself smaller against the adjacent wall, her eyes darting right then left. Her mouth went dry as she tried to think of a reason why anyone would paint the door.
   “Be careful, Brent. Someone’s been up here too. Check the third door down. Didn’t detectives see this?” Laura’s steps creaked beneath her boots as she set out for the heart door among others painted white like most of the staircase. She looked closely at the semi-gloss enamel and swiveled toward the attorney.
   “What in blazes…” Brent leaned closer to the door and inhaled. “Definitely recent. Stay here while I open the other rooms. This one is meant to stand out for a purpose.”
   “Don’t leave prints. Remember what you promised Adams. See if there’s a towel in the guest bath. Surely there’s one up here.” She shivered, folding her hands, standing by for Brent to carefully open the first two rooms to the left of the stairs.
   The upper floor had a feel unlike downstairs. Her potential home must’ve been under surveillance by a person who had left a message behind. Investigators would’ve kept them out of the house if they’d uncovered a recently painted symbol like the heart.
   Nicole? Jordan? How about Lucas, or someone she hadn’t met?
   Brent returned with his report. “Each room has a bed, two nightstands, a dressing table, and dresser with huge mirrors. Typical guest rooms. I’m guessing all Victorian-era bedroom sets but I’m no expert. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the furniture is original to the house. It looks it. Blue Staffordshire platters, covered bowls, and one out-of-place tall couple in historic dress on horseback are scattered across the dressers. Several more couples are in military dress. Everything appears to be in mint condition.”
   “A mixture of porcelain from an eclectic collector. Were there any obvious bare spots marked by dust like downstairs?”
   “Not that I could tell. Whoever removed the first-floor pieces might not have had time to pilfer from the upstairs yet. A good call on your part to change locks.” He nodded. “Wish we’d done it sooner, assuming the other items were stolen. Do you want me to check more rooms before we step behind the giant heart? There are three more doors at the other end of the hall.” Brent’s expectant eyes fell solidly on her, as he waited to hear what their next move would be.
   She hadn’t noticed his darker tan and the tiny laugh lines before. Brent must have taken his glasses off while driving his Maserati around Austin. The color gave him a natural all-American-boy look.
   “I’m dying to see what’s behind here.” Laura swiveled toward noises downstairs.
   “Anybody here?” A throat clearing came before the doorbell rang.
   She surmised the person thought about ringing after he’d already walked inside. The shrill bell stopped her from going any further upstairs and dread soon followed.
   She recognized Detective Adams’s irritating tone.
   “Hello. Miss Harris? Attorney Hill? Are you in the house? Sheriff’s department.”

Former Celebrity Chef Laura Harris used to be famous for her show-stopping pastries and mouth-watering desserts. Now, she’s attracting a different kind of attention.

Laura’s been accused of murder.

But how could this petite pastry chef brutally smother small-town matriarch Hattie Stenburg to death? And what could be her motive? Hattie was beloved in her little Texas community – a wise humanitarian who Laura considered a confidant and mentor.

Perhaps it has something to do with a last-minute change to Hattie’s will – bestowing the Stenburg fortune and its history-steeped estate to Laura, instead of Hattie’s surviving relatives. Or maybe it has something to do with the sinister secrets Laura uncovers as she desperately tries to clear her name – secrets that could rock the foundations of this close-knit community.

Only one thing seems clear: The real murderer remains one step ahead of both Laura and local law enforcement, leaving a trail of taunts warning Laura to leave Texas or face deadly consequences. She’s in the way – and that means it could already be too late.

Check it out on Goodreads!

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Author bio:

Mystery at a killing pace

Marlene M. Bell has never met a sheep she didn’t like. As a personal touch, her fans often find these wooly creatures visiting her international romantic suspense, thriller, and cozy mystery books as characters or subject matter.

Marlene’s multi-award-winning Annalisse series boasts numerous Best Mystery honors for all installments including the newest IP Best Regional Australia/New Zealand, and Global Gold Award for the fourth cozy mystery from down under.

Her children's picture book, Mia and Nattie: One Great Team! written for the younger crowd, is based on true events from the Bell’s Texas sheep ranch. The simple text and illustrations are a touching tribute of belonging and unconditional love between a little girl and her lamb. Mia and Nattie is suitable reading for ages 3 - 7 years and beyond, a Mom's Choice Gold Award winner, and Eric Hoffer Award Grand Prize Short List winner.

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