Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: Love stories.
Moments that make your heart flutter. Scenes that have you holding your breath. Coveted admissions of love that you just can’t wait to be confessed.
This is a collection of stories that center on matters of the heart, overwhelming feelings of love, and stories that make you stop to re-read those breathtaking moments between your favorite characters. Be it the angst, the turmoil, or the first kiss, these are stories that speak to your soul and warm you to your core.
Eleven authors, eleven stories, eleven special moments—brought to you with ALL OUR LOVE.
First I'd just like to say how I'm going to review this book as it's an anthology with eleven short stories in it! I'm going to write short reviews for each one and the name of the short story is indicated above my review! I had no idea what to really expect with this anthology, but I knew it had some pretty amazing authors in it, so I was really excited to read it! The cover is also so pretty and I knew I had to read all the stories behind it! Big thank you to Novel Grounds for having me on the Blog Tour!
All Roads Lead to Jackson by Juli Valenti!
LOVE! I loved this short story! It was so freaking cute too! The plot had me hooked from the first page, but it was over far too quickly! This short story could easily have been a full length book! I wish it was lol! The plot of this story starts straight away and doesn't mess about! It was also hot, but it didn't really have a major climax or anything, but I suppose it was cute instead of climatic lol! Plus, it was really short lol! Anyway, it was freaking amazing, as where the characters! Raven was the main character and she made me giggle quite a few times! She had quite a funny personality and I loved that she sort of knew what she was like and how she was! I also thought she was going to be quite stuck up, but she wasn't, which I loved! Jackson was the love interest of Raven and he was a country guy! *Sigh* Don't you just love a hot country guy? Anyway, he was so hot and I loved how protective he was of Raven as soon as he met her! The ending of this story was so perfect and definitely summed up Raven and Jackson's relationship! I still wish the author would consider writing a full length book for Raven and Jackson though!
Bad Girlfriend by Brooke Cumberland!
Woah! I had no idea that a short story could impact me like this one did! I sobbed for ages after I finished it! I'm really happy that the author is releasing a full length book for it! I'll probably cry even longer after reading that one lol! The plot was so beautiful, but so freaking sad and emotional! It start out all bright, but then as soon as you discover the main character's secret, it goes quite dark and sad! The characters were amazing! Kate was the main female character and I loved her attitude and her spirit! She went through a lot in this story and I just wanted to grab her in a massive hug! I think she'll go through even more in the full length book, but this short story prepares you for it! Gabe was the love interest of Kate and the main male character! I also loved that this story was written from both Kate and Gabe's point of views! It definitely made the story even better! The ending was soooooo sad! I cried ugly tears! I definetly recommend tissues for when you read this story and I can't wait to read the full length book for this story too!
Coming Home by Melissa Collins!
This story was awesome! It was about two people rekindling an old relationship! I loved that it went back in time to when the two main characters relationship sort of started out and then it went into present and it showed the characters rekindling their relationship! The plot was hot and I loved the sexual tension in it! It also showed how much characters develop after they The characters were amazing! Sophie was the main character and she had been through a lot since her relationship with her love interest broke down! She showed how far she had come though and she powered on and she put her children first, which is something I really admired about her! Rhys was the main male character and love interest of Sophie! I loved Rhys! I could see that he still had strong feelings for Sophie, even though they hadn't seen each other in years, which was so sweet! I did think the ending of this story was a little abrupt! I know it's a short story, but it just stopped and I was dying to find out what was going to happen next! I have no idea if this author is writing a full length book to this story though! I really hope she does because I feel that there's so much more to Sophie and Rhys story!
Cora's Plantation by Jettie Woodruff!
This short story was so cute! It was all about two people realising what's more important in life and learning how to say no and stand up for themselves! The plot went at the perfect pace and I adored it! It developed brilliantly as well! It developed a lot further than I thought it was going to as well! It showed the full depth of the main characters relationship and where it went so far down the line, which I loved! The characters were amazing! I just loved them! Kadyn was the main female character and she was in such a predicament in this short story! All she wanted was to live a little, but instead she was trapped learning politics and following in her family's footsteps, even though she didn't want too! I did feel sorry for her, but I loved how determined she was to stand up for herself and tell her family she was doing what she wanted and not what they wanted! Kadyn also had her head on straight because she knew there was something fishy about her love interest, but she just didn't know what! Anderson was the main male character and he really surprised me in this story! He was in Kadyn's gran's town for a certain reason, but he surprised me when he did the right thing instead of doing the wrong thing! He was quite a hot character and I did smile like mad when he was with Kadyn lol! I loved that this short story was written from both Kadyn and Anderson's point of views! It was definitely essential because of how the plot plays out! I also adored the ending of this short story!
Fated Love [Others of Edenton 2.5] by Brandy L. Rivers!
I thought that I was going to find this story confusing because I've only read another novella from this series, but I was able to follow it and understand what was going on really well! This story was about two characters who have always had a thing for each other finally admit their feelings for each other! I also loved that this story had a paranormal aspect to it as well! It was the first story so far to not be a contemporary lol! The plot of Fated Love was fast paced and it had a bit of action in it too! I really, really enjoyed it! Christian was the main male character and he was so freaking cute! He was so protective of his love interest, Delilah, and I could see that he had always loved her! I also loved that he wasn't like a lot of other male characters in books I read, but he had the same qualities as them! He was so real as well and I loved that he refused to leave Delilah, even though he could have been hurt! Delilah was the main female character and she was so lovely! She was also quite feisty as well! Delilah went through quite a change in this story, but as a person she didn't, which I loved! I just loved Delilah! She also knew exactly what she was like as well lol! I'm definitely going to make time to read the other books in this series, especially after reading this story! I'm excited to see if Christian and Delilah make any appearances in the other books too!
Have My Heart by Rene Folsom!
This short story completely took me by surprise! It starts off by being written in diary form, but gives you flashback scenes and then it gradually progresses to the present where the situation presented in the past diary forms is resolved and out in the open! This is actually the first story I've ever read that's been written in diary form! I normally don't really like them, but I really enjoyed this story being written that way! The plot of this story was actually really sad! It was kind of hard to understand what was kind of going on in it, but it involved racial discrimination! The plot also had some light to it as well though, as the main characters found real love and realised what was more important to them! The characters were great! Gwen was the main character and she was so loyal! She knew where her loyalties lay and she stuck to her guns with them! I loved Gwen for that! She was also Blake was the love interest of Gwen and he was such a likable guy! He had been through quite a few scary situations, but he always put the safety of the person he was with first instead of his own, which is something I strongly admired about him! This story had a resolved ending and it was so beautiful! It showed how far the two characters had come since Gwen's first diary entry and I just loved it!
Home Again by Vicki Green!
I loved this short story! It was so beautiful and it had a lot in it! This short story was about the main female character realising how far she's come and the main male character trying to come to terms with his past! I was completely hooked on the plot! I didn't want it to end! It was so freaking amazing and there was a lot in it! The characters were amazing! Zoey was the main female character and she had come a long way from what her past had been like! She was happy and content with her life, until her husband starts to hide his emotions behind alcohol! Zoey was at a standstill because she didn't know what to do or why her husband has suddenly changed, but I love how understanding she was when she did find out! It really showed what kind of person she was! Hutch was the main male character and Zoey's husband! Hutch went through so many emotions in this story, but he also had been through a lot in his past! Something brought all his memories back and he used alcohol to try and forget about them! Hutch did start to sort of lose his family the more he drank, but a situation soon makes him realise what's more important to him! I loved the ending of this story because it summed up Zoey and Hutch's love for each other!
Masked Encounters: Extended Edition [Intoxicating Passion 01] by Felicia Tatum!
I had actually already read this short story previous to reading this anthology, but because it's an extended edition, I decided to read and review it again by using some of my original review, but changing it a little! This story was just as amazing as it was the first time I read it! I loved the plot! I was hooked from page one and I was desperate to read on and see what was going to happen next! The plot was executed brilliantly for it being a novella! It had a hot guy, an unsure girl and a killer ending, which is everything that I love in a contemporary book! The characters were amazing! Korah was the main female character and I loved her! I can tell I'm going to love her even more as this series continues! Korah put up walls around her to protect her heart from being broken again, but when she meets her love interest you see her walls start to come down a little! I'm intrigued with just how far her walls will come down as the series continues! Dane was the main male character and he was a serious man whore, but seriously hot at the same time! I could tell that underneath his exterior he didn't really want to use girls, but he did! I'm hoping that maybe a certain love interest may just make him realise what's more important as this series continues! I've also read the novella in this series, but I can't wait to read them all!
No Details by Marie Wathen!
This short story was so freaking good! It took place over a couple of days and it had quite a lot in it! I really enjoyed the plot! It had a lot of sexual tension in it, which I loved, and I enjoyed the whole idea of it! The plot was also quite fun and it was executed brilliantly! The characters were amazing! Cheney was the main character and she was quite a fun-loving person and she was really easy for me to connect with! Cheney held her cards close to her chest in this story and she slowly revealed a card as the story progressed! I loved that Cheney didn't just jump into a relationship with her love interest and that she actually wanted to get to know him before she revealed anything about her life! Ace was the love interest of Cheney and he was quite persistent with getting to know Cheney better and forming some sort of a relationship with her! His persistent paid off though as Cheney gradually started to reveal more than she normally did to guys! I just loved Ace! He was so hot and I loved that he was really persistent and that he wouldn't let Cheney just leave without knowing anything about her! The ending of this story was also perfect! It just summed up the whole story and I completely loved it!
Surrender by Sarah M. Cradit!
I was a little worried about reading this short story once I discovered it was an expanded version of a flashback excerpt from the first book in this author's series, The House of Crimson and Clover, because I haven't read that book yet, but I gave it a whirl and I really enjoyed it! I did find it a little confusing, but I was quickly able to understand it all! The plot was so amazing! It was written in such detail and I found myself really drawn into it! I just loved everything about it! It was about two characters, who grew up together and both had strong feelings for each, tell each other how they really feel and start to form a relationship! Anasofiya 'Ana' was the main female character and my heart went out to her! She was such a lovely person, but she was quite lonely! I loved Ana's willpower though and she was such a lovable character! Oz was the main male character and I just loved him! I loved his honestly and I could see just how deep his feelings for Ana went! I really enjoyed this story being written from both Ana and Oz's point of views! It definitely gave more insight into the plot and I adored getting to see After reading this story, I will definitely be checking out this series and giving it a read!
The One by S.L. Dearing!
This story was so freaking cute! The sexual tension was dripping off the pages too! The plot was about two characters meeting and falling in love! The plot was quite fast-paced and it took place over a night and a morning and I loved it! It was really cute, but it was also pretty, damn hot as well! I just completely adored it! I was also drawn right into it and this story had the potential to be a full length book! The characters were just as amazing as the plot! Katie 'Kate' was the main female character and she was so normal and so easy to connect with! I loved her character and her personality! Matt was the main male character and he was a little bit cocky, but it made me laugh lol! He was such a flirt as well! Matt knew what he wanted and he knew exactly how to get it! I loved the way he was with Kate as well! He was so gentle and calm with her and he let their relationship develop at her pace and he let her make the first move! I also enjoyed that this story was written from both Kate and Matt's point of views! The ending of this story was so beautiful and it summed up the story and show how beautiful a couple Kate and Matt were! It also showed how well the title suited the story too!

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