UK Publication date: 6th March 2014 (Paperback)
Paperback edition: 374 pages
Source: Paperback
Rating: 4 stars
Synopsis: When Caroline Piasecki's ex-boyfriend posts their sex pictures on the Internet, it destroys her reputation as a nice college girl. Suddenly her once-promising future doesn't look so bright. Caroline tries to make the pictures disappear; hoping time will bury her shame. Then a guy she barely knows rises to her defence and punches her ex to the ground.
West Leavitt is the last person Caroline needs in her life. Everyone knows he's shady. Still, Caroline is drawn to his confidence and swagger - even after promising her dad she'll keep her distance. On late, sleepless nights, Caroline starts wandering into the bakery where West works.
They hang out, they talk, they listen. Though Caroline and West tell each other they're 'just friends,' their feelings intensify until it becomes impossible to pretend. The more complicated her relationship with West gets, the harder Caroline has to struggle to discover what she wants for herself - and the easier it becomes to find the courage she needs to fight back against the people who would judge her.
When all seems lost, sometimes the only place to go is deeper.
Paperback edition: 374 pages
Source: Paperback
Rating: 4 stars
Synopsis: When Caroline Piasecki's ex-boyfriend posts their sex pictures on the Internet, it destroys her reputation as a nice college girl. Suddenly her once-promising future doesn't look so bright. Caroline tries to make the pictures disappear; hoping time will bury her shame. Then a guy she barely knows rises to her defence and punches her ex to the ground.
West Leavitt is the last person Caroline needs in her life. Everyone knows he's shady. Still, Caroline is drawn to his confidence and swagger - even after promising her dad she'll keep her distance. On late, sleepless nights, Caroline starts wandering into the bakery where West works.
They hang out, they talk, they listen. Though Caroline and West tell each other they're 'just friends,' their feelings intensify until it becomes impossible to pretend. The more complicated her relationship with West gets, the harder Caroline has to struggle to discover what she wants for herself - and the easier it becomes to find the courage she needs to fight back against the people who would judge her.
When all seems lost, sometimes the only place to go is deeper.
This book was pretty different to what I was expecting, but I enjoyed it! I was really intrigued by the plot as it sounded like it was about a topic that I hadn't read about before and I was also drawn to the cover as well! I loved this book! The author's writing was also very different to a lot of other authors that I read, which made me enjoy it that little bit more! The plot of this book dealt with a girl who had posed for some indecent pictures and then those pictures were used as a revenge ploy and everyone saw them! I've never read a book that's dealt with the aftermath of a situation like this, but I had my own idea of what it would be like and feel like and I definitely think this book did it justice and showed the real emotions and feelings that someone who had been through this would go through! I really enjoyed the plot of Deeper! It developed at a really good pace and there was always something going on in it! I adored the main characters relationship development too and I loved that it gradually developed and it wasn't a love at first sight thing! The characters were amazing! Caroline was the main female character and my heart went out to her in this book! She had to endure the consequences of something that she had done, but someone else shouldn't have revealed! I felt so sorry for her for how people acted towards her in this book! They judged her because of one thing and that was wrong! Too be fair, Caroline should never have posed for those pictures, but she trusted the person to never reveal them and I could see where she was coming from! I loved Caroline! She grew a lot in this book and I hope she continues to grow in the next book too! West was the main male character and he was so freaking hot! I completely loved him! West came off as a cocky guy, who knew what he was doing, but underneath all that exterior, he was a nice, honest guy who worked his backside off! West also dealt with a pretty troubled background and this affected him so much! My heart went out to him because I could see that he would lay his life down to protect his mum and his sister, which is something I really admired about him! I wasn't really expecting this book to be written from both Caroline and West's point of views, so I was surprised when it was! I loved that it was written from both of their point of views though because I loved getting to see their feelings for each other develop through both of their eyes! I can't wait to read the next book in this series! I'm excited to see what's going to happen next! This book also left it at an ending that my heart kind of dropped lol! I didn't see it coming and it's made me even more desperate to find out what's going to happen next! The cover for this book is so pretty! It's pretty damn hot too! The colour scheme is so different to the US cover as well as it's pretty dark, whereas the US cover is bright! Big thank you to Piatkus for an advanced paperback of Deeper and also for having me on the Blog Tour!

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