Hi, Kate and Julie! Thank you for joining me today to answer a few questions about your upcoming release, The American and The Brit: Unsolicited Advice!
To start us off, why don't you tell us a little bit about yourselves?
Hi Kendall (said in unison)
Kate ~ This question is always the most difficult to answer because I don’t have a fascinating story about myself to tell. One of the reasons why I enjoy writing so much is that I get to create a lot of fascinating stories and share them with the world. So about me… I’m a mom of three fabulous kids who I’d give my life for, a wife to a man who I love with all that I am and a writer. I’m a coffee addict, dark chocolate connoisseur—thanks to Julie I get to have the best Cadbury Bournville—and a book nerd. Julie and I joined forces two years ago and we clicked from what seemed like day one. She is my sister from a UK mister. lol
Kate ~ This question is always the most difficult to answer because I don’t have a fascinating story about myself to tell. One of the reasons why I enjoy writing so much is that I get to create a lot of fascinating stories and share them with the world. So about me… I’m a mom of three fabulous kids who I’d give my life for, a wife to a man who I love with all that I am and a writer. I’m a coffee addict, dark chocolate connoisseur—thanks to Julie I get to have the best Cadbury Bournville—and a book nerd. Julie and I joined forces two years ago and we clicked from what seemed like day one. She is my sister from a UK mister. lol
Julie ~ I think I have stared at the this question for about an hour trying to find something interesting to tell you about myself. I was going to lie and come up with some fabricated interesting tale that would make readers gasp. But alas, this is me.
I was born and raised in England. Daughter to two, sister to two, wife to one and mother to three. I am a total book nerd and author stalker. I own and run Signed Books and Stuff, which helps authors in lots of ways (I can stalk them better doing this).
I can’t sing a note, but I’m the first up on the karaoke. I laugh at the most inappropriate times and I cook as well as I can sing. July 2015 is mine and Kate’s 2 year anniversary of working together. She is my doppleganger :)
Why don't you tell us a little bit about The American and The Brit: Unsolicited Advice?
We love Phoebe (The American) and Lizbeth (The Brit). Both in their late 20’s they are hopeless in their endeavours to get with the programme. Not for trying though. They manage to get in the most awkward situations and laugh their way out of them, usually with a heap load of humiliation. They have known each other for nearly ten years and throughout that time have grown into their madness. We love how these characters are growing as the story progresses. They are like family to us now. lol
We love Phoebe (The American) and Lizbeth (The Brit). Both in their late 20’s they are hopeless in their endeavours to get with the programme. Not for trying though. They manage to get in the most awkward situations and laugh their way out of them, usually with a heap load of humiliation. They have known each other for nearly ten years and throughout that time have grown into their madness. We love how these characters are growing as the story progresses. They are like family to us now. lol
Who is your favourite character from the book and why?
Kate ~ My favorite character at the moment is Hairy Mary. She lives in the same building as Phoebe and Liz. She is unique in everyway.
Julie ~ Mine would have to be Jake Anderson aka Big Beautiful B*st*rd, I can’t tell you much more without giving anything away ;)
Kate ~ My favorite character at the moment is Hairy Mary. She lives in the same building as Phoebe and Liz. She is unique in everyway.
Julie ~ Mine would have to be Jake Anderson aka Big Beautiful B*st*rd, I can’t tell you much more without giving anything away ;)
What made you guys decide to write a book together?
Kate ~ During one of our many conversations where laughter is always a present, the light bulb came on and after several days of twisting Julie’s arm, The American and The Brit was born. She’s forever in my debt now. lol
Julie ~ Kate made me, I rest my case!
Where there any difficulties with you co-writing a book together?
Kate ~ Like Julie mentioned she and I are doppelgangers. That makes the writing process amazing smooth. I can honestly say that I’ve enjoyed writing this book like no other. Laughter is truly the best medicine.
Julie ~ I was so surprised how naturally it has happened, the time difference is a small stumbling block, but we worked around it.
Kate ~ Like Julie mentioned she and I are doppelgangers. That makes the writing process amazing smooth. I can honestly say that I’ve enjoyed writing this book like no other. Laughter is truly the best medicine.
Julie ~ I was so surprised how naturally it has happened, the time difference is a small stumbling block, but we worked around it.
Kate, you normally write your books by yourself, so was it strange to co-write a book with someone else?
It was different since there were two of us working on the same story but not in a bad way, certainly not strange. I found that collaborating with Julie was a fun process that I would do again and again. I think our writing chemistry really shines through in this story.
Julie, this is your first book and you're known for your author assisting and helping out authors in a number of ways. How does it feel to now add author to that list?
I still haven’t come to terms with having that title yet. I admire authors, see how hard they work and love reading what they have written. It will be really weird thinking readers are going to be reading what I’ve wrote.
I still haven’t come to terms with having that title yet. I admire authors, see how hard they work and love reading what they have written. It will be really weird thinking readers are going to be reading what I’ve wrote.
Are both of you planning to releases more books together or are you going to focus on solo writing?
Kate ~ I will still be writing solo novels. Book four in The Molly Maddison Series is next on my list to publish solo. However… The American and The Brit: Unsolicited Advice is book one in the series. There will be many more books to follow!
Julie ~ I can assure you I won’t be releasing a solo project anytime soon. That scares the life out of me. I usually have trouble writing Christmas cards.
Are you planning to attend any book events together or sell signed paperbacks or do anything like that so that fans can get their hands on a signed paperback of the book?
We will be attending Utopia 2016 together and the list of events may grow.
We will be attending Utopia 2016 together and the list of events may grow.
Favorite Food: Kate ~Mexican food all the way. I could live on fajitas!
Julie ~ Chocolate (My hips don’t lie)
Favorite Country: Kate ~ I’m going with the ole US of A. Fitting for this book I think. ;)
Julie ~ I haven’t travelled much, so I don’t think I’ve found it yet.
Favorite Color: Kate ~ Blue
Julie ~ Blue at the moment
Favorite Animal: Kate ~ Pig (They make me feel good about myself)
Julie ~ Sloth (I’m a speed demon compared to them)
Favorite Book: Kate ~ It changes all the time.
Julie ~ That is soooo difficult to answer, it’s like asking me to pick my favourite child.
Favorite Movie: Kate ~ The Godfather
Julie ~ Pitch Perfect
Favorite Drink: Kate ~ Hot- Coffee Cold - Lemonade. Adult beverage- Skinny Girl Margarita
Julie ~ Hot - Coffee. Cold - Cider
Favorite Restaurant: Kate ~ Huey Luey’s
Julie ~ Frankie and Benny’s
Life isn’t easy.
Just ask American born Phoebe Hawkins and British born Lizbeth Bates, two insecure women in their mid twenties who are trying to stay positive in the face of their own awkwardness, chaos, and utter humiliation.
Friends for nearly ten years, Phoebe and Liz are well aware that neither of their brains possesses a filter. After Liz moves from the UK to America the two accidentally land jobs at an up and coming media company that is testing their very own version of a modern day Dear Abby/Agony Aunt advice column.
Laughter, tears and inappropriate behavior follow as the two desperately try to live up to their role as The American and The Brit.

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