Publication date: 14th December 2015
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 4.5 stars
Synopsis: Dear Professor,
Does it bother you that you’re ten years older than me?
Have you ever thought it’s wrong that you watched me fuck another guy on camera for months?
What do you want from me, really? All I wanted was my letter of recommendation, but now I’m stuck, aren’t I? Stuck under your thumb… And your body.
From cam girl to personal whore, and all by the age of twenty-one. You’ve got me good, haven’t you?
But guess what? I can play too. Grab the polish, because I’ve found your skeleton, and it's time to dust.
I’ll see you in class.
Oh and, Sir? I’m not wearing any panties.
Love, Darcy
P.s. you’re an asshole.
Does it bother you that you’re ten years older than me?
Have you ever thought it’s wrong that you watched me fuck another guy on camera for months?
What do you want from me, really? All I wanted was my letter of recommendation, but now I’m stuck, aren’t I? Stuck under your thumb… And your body.
From cam girl to personal whore, and all by the age of twenty-one. You’ve got me good, haven’t you?
But guess what? I can play too. Grab the polish, because I’ve found your skeleton, and it's time to dust.
I’ll see you in class.
Oh and, Sir? I’m not wearing any panties.
Love, Darcy
P.s. you’re an asshole.
I saw the Cover Reveal for this book on a blog that I follow and the cover is seriously hot! The book also sounded amazing and the synopsis intrigued me so much! I couldn't wait to read it! I feel like I've been waiting ages for this book to release lol! I then signed up for the Blog Tour as soon as I saw it in my email and patiently waited for my ARC! I started my ARC as soon as I got it and I couldn't put it down once I did! I thought that this book was going to be sex scene after sex scene, and not really have a general plotline, but I was totally wrong! The plot had a lot of emotion in it and, of course, plenty of seriously hot scenes! I loved the hot scenes because they were seriously hot! The plot also developed at a really good pace and it only took me a few sittings to read! I loved the whole idea of it and I'm so, so happy that it lived up to my expectations! I also didn't know that this author's name is a pseudonym until I received her author bio! I would love to know who this author really is because I'd love to read more of her work if I haven't already! The characters were also amazing and kept me wanting to read on! Darcy was the main female character, and she was someone who was involved in the porn industry as a cam girl! I actually thought that I wouldn't like Darcy very much because of her job, but it turned out to be the complete opposite! It shows that you shouldn't judge someone before you get to know them! I mean, I loved Darcy! She had a snarky, but almost shy side to her at several points in this book, but then she was a little vixen and a complete tease at other points! She was also very straight with people and she thought a lot about the situation she was in! I liked that she thought things through and that she didn't jump straight into something without thinking of the consequences! Jordan was the main male character and love interest of Darcy! Jordan was a harsh and strict guy, but he was also Darcy's history teacher! This made him completely unavailable to start any kind of relationship with Darcy! He couldn't resist her though and it was because of him that they started their relationship! Jordan was also seriously hot and seriously hot with Darcy! The sexual tension between them leaked off the pages! I loved that he was protective of Darcy too! I loved that this book was written from both Darcy and Jordan's point of views! I didn't expect it to be, but it was! Jordan's point of view was written in third person, which made it different to Darcy's, which was written in first person! I loved getting to go inside both characters heads! I can completely understand why this book is a standalone! Everything in the plot was wrapped up and all the questions raised were answered! The ending was also perfect! I can't wait to see what this author is going to release next too! As I said, the cover for this book is seriously hot! It really made me want to read the book and I love the cover! It suits the book perfectly too! Big thank you to Blaire for an ARC of Dear Professor and to Inkslinger PR for having me on the Blog Tour!

Check it out on Goodreads!

Blaire Drake is a pseudonym for a New York Times bestselling author who wanted to think outside her box and write the kind of things that would shock even them. She loves taboo romance and pushing boundaries in her work. She also enjoys long walks on the beach at sunset, as long as it’ll be followed by a good, old-fashioned spanking right after.
DEAR PROFESSOR is her debut standalone novel, and her next book, PRETTY PORNSTAR, is also a standalone novel that promises to be equally as taboo and sexy.
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