Publication date: 30th December 2015
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: Brick left the stripper pole and bright lights of Vegas ready to turn his life around. Chicago and culinary school seemed just the thing to getting his life back on track.
Determined to chase his dreams, he can't let himself fall back into his old ways.
But the allure of a sweet rendezvous with Paige is too much to resist.
The last thing he expected was for their hot night to end with them both in the police station. Or to end up in witness protection.
I've read quite a few books from this author and I'm a really big fan of both her novella/serial series', so when I heard that she was releasing another one, I was really excited! I was even more excited when I found out who the two main characters were going to be! I received an ARC of this novella and I started reading it as soon as I got it! It only took me one sitting to read and I loved it! I wanted more though lol! I just got through it so fast that I wanted to keep reading the characters story! It was a novella though, so I understood why it wasn't longer! The plot was awesome and was full of seriously hot scenes and suspense! I loved the two different elements because they mixed well together and created a great start to what I can hope is an amazing plot! The hot scenes were also super sexy! I loved the plot and I loved that it didn't end with a cliff-hanger lol! I would have been so mad if it had lol, but I can see a few novellas in this series ending with cliff-hangers! The characters were also amazing and totally made the plot for me! Brick was the main male character, and he was a secondary character in the Forever Wild serial series! I loved Brick! He was seriously hot and a very calm character! I would probably have freaked out if I had witnessed what he did, but he was just so calm and collected about it lol! Brick was also such a sweetheart and may actually be my favourite male character from this author! I just loved him and he's definitely on my book boyfriend list! I can't wait to see how he's going to develop as this series continues! Paige was the main female character and love interest of Brick! She was also a secondary character in the Forever Wild serial series! Paige was a very posh and erratic character! She was all over the place when things started to happen, which I could understand! She was panicking because it was an unsettling and difficult situation that ended up with Paige being taken away from her everyday life and placed into a life that she wasn't used too! I loved Paige though and I can see her turning into an amazing character! Brick was also the complete opposite of Paige, so they complimented each other well lol! This novella was only written from Brick's point of view, and normally I don't like reading a book or novella that's only written from a male point of view, but I loved that this novella was written from only Brick's point of view! I'm assuming that the next novella in the series is going to be written from Paige's point of view, which I can't wait for! I can't wait to read the next novella in this series! I loved this one, so I'm excited to find out what's going to happen next for the characters and I can't wait to get inside Paige's head! I'm really excited that I already have an ARC of it! The cover for this novella suits it so well! Brick loves hot women and to bake, so I think it's a win-win lol! I love it! Big thank you to Magan for an ARC of Sweet Beginnings!

Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: Happy with her old life in Chicago, Paige assumed there was no way a city girl like her would be happy in Friendship, Texas.
The transition from living on Daddy’s dime to working at the Forever Sweet Bakery with the man she loved to hate should have made her miserable.
However, the more time she spends in witness protection with Brick, the more she’s starting to give in to the sweet surrender of a future with him.
I loved the first novella in this serial series a lot, so I couldn't wait to read this one! I was lucky enough to receive an ARC, so I was able to read it straight after I had finished reading the first novella, which I was very happy about lol! I loved this novella just as much as the first one! The plot was continued on perfectly and although it didn't focus massively on the characters story, it did give you a lot of background on the main female character and it showed you how she got to be who she was! I loved that it did this because it helped me understand the main female character more! The plot also had a very sad undertone to it, which I wasn't expecting, but as I said, it helps you understand the main female character and connect with her more! I also wanted more with the plot! It was just so short and I kept wanting to read on and find out what was going to happen next lol! The good thing about novellas, though, are that you don't have to wait long for the next one lol! Well, I hope I don't lol! The characters were again amazing and made the plot for me! Paige was the main character in this novella, and she was a secondary character in the first novella! I loved that this novella was written from her point of view! It helped me be able to understand Paige a lot more and understand why she acted the was she did! She had a snooty and posh way about her in the first novella, but Paige had been through a lot and she held it all in! She didn't want everyone to know her business and feel sorry for her, so she kept her guard up! My heart completely went out to her because Paige was dealing with a lot and then she was taken into witness protection! It would be a lot for anyone to deal with! Brick was again the main male character, but he was the secondary character in this novella! He was again seriously hot and he was very witty and funny with Paige! He also knew how to push her buttons and wind her up, but he knew where to draw the line with her too! Brick wasn't in this novella a lot, as this novella was all about Paige and her background, but when he was, he was so sweet with Paige and I could see that he really liked her! He helped her out a lot too! I can't wait to see his relationship with Paige develop as this series continues! I can't wait to read the next novella in this series, even though this one didn't end at a cliff-hanger or anything! It actually ended at the perfect place! I've loved this novella and the first novella though, so I'm excited to continue the characters story! I'm assuming that the next novella is going to be written from Brick's point of view as this novella was written from Paige's point of view! I'm excited to get back inside Brick's head, but I loved being in Paige's head too! The cover for this book suits it so well! All the covers for these novellas do make more sense after you read them lol, but I love them and I love how they suit the novellas! Big thank you to Magan for an ARC of Sweet Surrender!

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