Naps were amazing. I loved naps. They were so magically awesome I wanted to marry them and have a nice long relationship with them.
My body buzzed with energy even as I snuggled into the soft bedding. Something warm and solid was at my back. Some sort of heated pillow?
Mmm, I like.
With eyes still closed, I shifted closer to it and nuzzled a second heated pillow beneath my head.
“Finally. She’s alive,” a campy male voice announced.
“Oh, don’t wake her just yet. They look so cute together. I feel like I need to capture this with a camera.”
Wait. What?
“You know how mad she’s going to be when she wakes up and finds out you’ve all been staring at her sleeping. Especially with her hair all crazy-like.”
That male voice rumbled along my back and shifted my warm pillow. I cracked an eyelid.
That’s not a pillow; that’s an arm! Which means . . .
I grabbed the top blanket and hauled it over my head. Jerking myself away from Logan’s arm and the side of his body, I armadilloed into a ball beneath the covers.
“I hate you all.”
“What was that?” Kaitlin asked. “You love us the most and think we are the best? Oh, so sweet! We love you too.” She blew loud kisses at me from the other side of my makeshift blanket shield. She was the worst.
Tremors from Logan’s direction started to shake the bed, reminding me that I was very much still lying next to him . . . in front of our friends.
Letting my legs lead, I slipped out of bed and then army-crawled beneath it. The room was silent for several heartbeats.
“Did I just see my granddaughter slide out of your bed and sneak under it?”
After defeating the red dragon’s legion of bloodthirsty demons, Audrey can finally settle into the afterlife with the knowledge her family is safe. But her quest for a perfect existence shatters the moment Logan is kidnapped in an attempt to bend her to Satan’s will.
Audrey must now travel to the one place no hunter has ever ventured to save the man she loves . . . Hell.
Savage demons, desiccated corpses, life sucking zombie trees, and a land of death and rot await Audrey and her friends as they battle through the fiery realm.
But Logan’s freedom comes with a price . . . the destruction of Audrey’s happily ever after.
As Satan schemes for dominion over all the realms, Audrey learns that some acts may be beyond redemption.

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Author bio:
Julie Hall is a USA Today bestselling YA fantasy author and 1st place winner of the 2012 Women of Faith national writing contest. She was also was awarded "Best Debut Author" at the 2017 Ozarks Indie Book Festival.
Before writing her first novel Julie worked as a film publicist and rubbed elbows with the rich and famous . . . as in she would gently nudge them to let them know their meal had arrived during press interviews.
She now spends most of her "office hours" with her two furry writing buddies. Her daughter thinks that mommy's superpower is “sleeping all day,” but that’s because she’s often awake until the wee hours of the morning weaving tales of adventure in worlds of her own creation. When asked in an interview what she wanted to be when she grew up, she’s quoted to have answered, “to never have to grow up.”
She currently lives in Portland, Oregon with her four favorite people--her husband, daughter, and two doodles (because dogs are people too).

Very fascinating!! I would like very much to read this book!