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Sunday 3 November 2019

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Propositioning the Playboy [The Blue Room 02] by J.M. Stewart!


   Grace stopped a few feet in front of him and pulled her shoulders back, as if she were preparing to fight the board of some big company. “First of all, I’m not asking you to play daddy. I just need you to make a donation.”
   “A donation?” Oh, he knew what she meant, but he wanted to hear her say the words. It was childish, but if he was going to squirm his way through this conversation, he for damn sure didn’t want to do it alone.
   Her eyes narrowed. “Sperm, Liam. You do understand how babies are made?”
   He laughed and held up his hands. “I’m sorry. That wasn’t nice. Apparently, the subject brings out my inner twelve-year-old. We’re here”—he waved a hand in the direction of the doorway, indicating the house around them—“of all places, and you want to talk about sex.”
   She cleared her throat. “Not sex. Babies.”
   “That’s how babies are made, Grace.” He shouldn’t have said that, but the way her face flushed made the tease worth whatever torture would follow. Damned if she wasn’t more beautiful with her cheeks glowing.
   As expected, though, all that flush did was fuel those fantasies he shouldn’t be thinking about. The one memory he didn’t have was the one he wanted the most—what she looked like in the throes of an orgasm.
   To her credit, Grace didn’t otherwise react. Rather, she held his gaze, her expression all business. “Having a child is the only thing I can’t do alone. By its very nature, it requires a partner. Which is where you come in. It would be a contract between us. I need your sperm, and I’m willing to pay you. And as I mentioned, I’m not asking you to play daddy. In fact, I’d insist on—”
   “Why me?” Because if she didn’t stop talking about sperm, he’d go insane. “All things considered, I would have thought I’d be the last person you’d ask.”
   Grace dropped her gaze, smoothing a hand across her thigh, as if wiping off invisible crumbs. “Because you’re exactly the type of man I need. You’ve never made it a secret that you have no desire for commitment, which means you wouldn’t want to be a part of my child’s life much less fight me for it.”

Rule #1: Don't fall in love. Rule #2...see rule #1...

Grace Williams doesn't need a hero. She can take care of herself, thank you very much. Surviving foster care and becoming a respected scientist certainly taught her how. Now, she's finally ready to do something for herself and have a baby. All she'll need is a genetically blessed donor who won't get any ideas in his head about sticking around after the job's done. And she has the perfect gorgeous, commitment-phobic donor in mind.

Liam McNamara doesn't want a relationship. Being abandoned by his mother at a young age and his failed marriage cured him of any romantic notions he might've had. But when his best friend's sexy older sister asks him for a favor, he can't say no. And if he manages to give her a few--or a few hundred--orgasms in the process? All the better. It's a winning proposition all the way around.

It's not long before their best laid plans are blown out of the water by the last thing either of them expected to get out of the deal--genuine feelings. Maybe love isn't such a losing proposition after all...

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

JM Stewart writes heartfelt contemporary romance. Whether the heat level is sizzling or sweet, her stories are always deeply emotional. Her heroes are strong but sensitive (no alpha jerks here!), and her heroines are more Cinderella than Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Recently transplanted, she now lives in a small town in Texas along with her husband, two sons and two very spoiled dogs. When not writing, she enjoys reading, cooking and playing computer games. As a sensitive soul with a romantic heart, she believes in angels and hopes everyone finds their happily ever after.



  1. Being an Indie author is an exciting journey. When I started out a year ago, I did not have money to invest or the skills to market my book; only the passion to keep writing. I learnt a lot through out the journey and accumulated my go to people and websites for my every need. I only use Bookbub for promotion, I only sell on kdp, I only use usabookreviewers.com for reviews and I learnt to create my own covers and format my book. I learnt to use scrivener to streamline my novels and the journey still continues..
