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Monday 20 April 2020

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Wild Love [Brewing Love 03] by Meg Benjamin!


   Liam leaned back in his chair, considering. “In fact, I’ll make you a deal, Brooks. We’re opening the brewpub this spring—maybe March, but most likely April. I’ll give you until then to make a brew we can serve at the pub. Something we don’t already have, that people will want to buy. Something new and good, in other words. If you can do that, I’ll withdraw any objections to your coming back here full time. If you can’t, you’ll agree to pull out. That gives you around four months to show you’ve got talent as a brewer. If you can’t do it, you’ll leave us in peace.”
   Colin managed the ghost of a smile. “Okay. Fair enough. I’ll need a brew setup.”
   “You can have my old home brewing outfit.” Liam’s lips spread in a mirthless smile. “You should remember it. It’s what we used to use.”
   He did remember it. He and Liam had done enough experimental runs on the thing, back before he became the enemy. “That’ll work.”
   “I don’t like this,” Bec snapped. “I don’t like anything about it. Why does he get to make beer for the brewpub opening?”
   “It’ll work, sis.” Liam sounded much more rational now. “If he’s as good as he thinks he is, he’ll come up with a beer we can use. And he has four months to do it. But he doesn’t work with us, and we don’t have to see him every day. And if he blows it, he’s gone.”
   Colin kept his expression blank. That’s okay. Talk among yourselves. At this point he didn’t much care how he got what he needed as long as he got it.
   Bec pushed herself to her feet, giving Colin another of those laser-eyed stares. “All right. You win. You don’t deserve it, and you should be embarrassed about coming back like this, but you win. And I don’t want to see you. I don’t want to talk to you. I don’t want to be around you. You stay in your place and I’ll stay in mine. I’m done, Colin. I’m absolutely done with you.” She turned on her heel and headed back through the side door, slamming it behind her.
   Colin sat still, staring down at his hands. Would she feel better if she knew he really was embarrassed, even ashamed? Probably not. But he’d learned to work through shame, just like he’d learned to work through misery. Devin was gone, his family was gone. And this was all he had left. He’d hold onto it with both hands, even if it hurt like hell.

After one bad relationship too many, Peaches Guidry came to the mountain resort town of Antero, Colorado to start over. Now, she’s manager of a great restaurant and on her way to bigger and better things without anyone complicating her life. The upcoming grand opening of the local brewery’s new pub is the perfect opportunity to introduce more customers to her menu. A partnership with Antero Brewing could bring her business to a whole new level.

But then Colin Brooks strolls into town. Rugged, yet charismatic. The bad boy with a heart of gold—the kind of man she can’t resist.

Her friends at the brewpub, though, are quick to tell her Colin isn’t exactly new in town. He’s the black sheep of Antero and disappeared years ago without a word. Now he’s back and hoping to prove he’s changed, but the welcome they give him is harsher than the winter winds.

She knows she shouldn’t be falling for someone that everyone says can’t be trusted. And getting tangled up in his wild past could ruin the future of everything she’s worked so hard to build… So why can’t they stay away from each other?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Google Play

Author bio:

Meg Benjamin is an author of contemporary romance. Her books have won an EPIC Award for Contemporary Romance, the Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award, the Holt Medallion, and the Award of Excellence among other honors. Meg lives in Colorado with her DH and two rather large Maine coon kitties (well, partly Maine Coon anyway).

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