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Thursday 18 July 2024

Book Blitz & Giveaway: September Road [Forbidden Silver Attraction 01] by Pax Sinclair!


   Ruthie is handing me a beer when I get to the counter. I unscrew the top and reach under the counter for a glass. I slowly pour the brew into the tumbler, place it on a tray, and travel back to the table. There’s a little condensation pooling at the base of the water glass on the table. I balance the tray in one hand and pull a cloth from my apron. Moving forward to wipe the water, my shoe finds something squishy on the floor. My foot slips, I lurch forward. The bottle falls over on the tray, beer running over the side, as beer sloshes from the glass in an arc. I let out a shriek as the liquid lands on his face, shirt, and his meal.
   He’s covered in beer, most of it dripping from his face. “I’m sorry,” handing him the cloth. He snatches it from me, rubbing it over his face, then looks down at the dark stain on his shirt.
   “I can wash it for you,” I offer. “I can have it back to you tomorrow.”
   He’s staring at his shirt. “I’m not going to be in town that long.”
   Ruthie bustles next to me. “I’m Ruthie. We’ll comp your food, sir. Sorry about the accident.” She’s loading his beer-soaked meal on the tray. “You can clean up in our bathroom.”
   He drops the towel on the table. “I have another shirt in my vehicle. I’ll get changed and come back.”
   “I’m sorry,” I mumble.
   He stands, towering over me with no anger on his face, but it’s much worse; it’s pity. “Don’t worry about it. You can try again when I get back,” his polite grin tight.
   We clear everything off and walk to the kitchen. Russell isn’t happy when he has to reopen containers with the leftovers. I volunteer to clean up for him. He grunts and says, “No need.”
   Ruthie and I are waiting for the order at the counter. I’m checking my phone to see if Creed has left a message about tonight when she nudges me, chucking her chin at the window to our back parking lot. “Hey, take a look at that.”
   Buzz Cut is standing at the back of a black SUV. He opens the trunk, pulling the back panel down. He slides a case to the edge, then pulls his wet shirt over his head. The sight of him with his chest bare, broad shoulders, and fucking tight abs is turning my insides into mush.
   “Halleluiah, sweet Jesus. Talk about eye candy,” Ruthie moans.
   He unzips the case, rummaging inside of it for a bit. He finally pulls out a shirt, sniffs at it, then shrugs into it, buttoning it from the bottom up. All I can do is stare while my body has all kinds of uncomfortable feelings in places where it shouldn’t. I look away.
   When he walks back into the diner, he’s pushing his shirttail into his jeans. He slides into the booth, looking over his shoulder at me. “I’m ready.”

I’m a former Army Ranger, an Afghan vet that’s faced my share of battles, but nothing in my training has prepared me for the road trip I’m about to take alone with Riley, the daughter of my best buddy.

Josh and I grew up in a Vermont small town. We joined the Army after high school and we busted our asses to become Rangers. I’ll never forget the night he died on a mission in Afghanistan, leaving behind his young daughter Riley and his wife, Laci.

Years later, when Laci died, it became my duty to fulfill her final wishes: to drive her daughter from New Mexico to Vermont to Josh’s mother, the only family Riley has left. While I take Riley to her grandmother, I’m to tell her about a father she doesn’t know and the harder memories of how Josh and Laci’s lives intertwined with mine.

Riley is a 20-year-old smoking hot beauty with sass, determination, and she won’t back down, especially from me. And yeah, she’s my type. Damn, she’s more than just a temptation, she’s my best buddy’s daughter. I know where my duty lies, so this brown-eyed girl is off limits.

I have to be honest with myself; there’s no point in sugarcoating this situation. What could that princess see in a 40-year-old soldier still battling his own demons? Being in close quarters on a long road trip with her will be challenging enough, but staying true to my loyalty to Josh and protecting his daughter, even from my own feelings, will be the real test. I can do it. I can be a hard ass and complete the mission, but damn, she’s beautiful.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Pax is a contemporary romance author who writes the kind of hot, twisty, drama-filled romances that she loves to read. Her novels are about biracial women in interracial relationships that will have you turning pages until the end.

Her current series, Love@work, takes you into the world of Silicon Valley’s billionaire tech moguls. These are powerful men and women who are driven by the changing landscape of business and their seductions in the bedroom.

Come along for a ride in Pax’s world, where it’s always steamy, captivating, and sometimes erotic.

Pax lives and works in Silicon Valley. She’s a California native.

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