Diego digs up dirt for the cartel, dirt they use to ensure business runs smoothly. Only this time, he’s assigned to the perfect rich family with the perfect rich life: a successful lawyer husband, two well-behaved kids, and a trophy wife.
It’s a life someone who grew up in the streets could never have.
But as Diego watches the family, he begins to notice things. There’s a nervousness to the children. The wife has an obsessive focus on maintaining her body. And tension rises every time the husband comes home.
Until one explosive night when it becomes obvious their life isn’t so perfect.
Diego witnesses what unfolds and becomes more and more fixated on the wife, Hannah. With every revealed secret, his obsession grows. Because she really is perfect to him.
Hannah belongs with Diego. Whether she wants to or not. Her and her kids.
And no one gets to touch what belongs to him.

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