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Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Strip Me Bare by Marissa Carmel!

Publication date: 7th October 2013
Paperback edition: 227 pages
Source: Kindle
Rating: 4.5 stars
Synopsis: “I may have had more lovers than you, and I may take my clothes off for countless women, but you are the only one who can strip me bare.”

Do you ever stop loving someone just because they’re gone?

Five years ago Ryan Pierce disappeared from Alana Remington’s life without leaving so much as a post-it note behind. He was the one she gave her heart to, her soul to and her virginity to. So imagine her surprise when she finds him dancing at one of NYC’s hottest male reviews as Jack the Stripper.

Ryan never stopped loving Alana, and now that she serendipitously dropped back into his life, he’s vowed never to lose her again. But being together has its costs, and challenges Alana isn’t sure she can handle.

She finally has Ryan back; but how in the world is she supposed to share the love of her life with half of the women in New York City?

I had been looking forward to reading this book since I saw the cover! I mean come on! It is seriously hot! And then I read the synopsis and I was really intrigued by it! I really enjoyed this book, but I did have to read it twice to get to get that feeling for it! The first time I read it I got 70% through it and then for some reason I didn't read any further, but the second time I read it I connected more with the characters and I enjoyed it more! This book started off with a scene like something from the film, Magic Mike! Seriously! It had me hooked lol! I was sort of wishing I was in the same room as the characters lol! Then the plot switches to more than just focusing on a stripper! It focuses on a rekindled love and about trying to find a balance between rich and poor! I loved the plot! I wish there were maybe some more scenes that focused on Ryan as a stripper, but apart from that I loved it! I also loved the twists and turns that were added to keep it interesting! I do have to say that this book started out a little slow, but when it picked up... Well, it really did pick up! I would have loved for the plot to have picked up sooner, but overall I loved the plot and also its development! The characters were great! Alana was the main character and she gave off the impression that she was quite prim and proper, but damn, that woman could get fierce when she wanted too! I had a bit of a hard time connecting with Alana at the start of this book, but I quickly did and I have to admit that she was seriously pretty bad-ass for some of this book! Especially near the end! Alana was controlled in this book by someone who's supposed to support her and encourage her and this made me feel really sorry for her! I wanted her to decide what she wanted to do with her life and who she had a relationship with! I loved that she stood up for herself though! Ryan was the love interest of Alana and he had been through a lot! I couldn't believe his secret! I didn't see it coming! Ryan was such a hot guy! I loved that even after all those years, he still felt the same about Alana! They made such an adorable couple! The secondary characters in this book were pretty damn funny! Especially Alana's friends! They made me laugh so much in this book! I can understand why this book is a standalone! It was fully resolved and the ending was beautiful! As I said the cover is seriously hot! The colouring and not to mention that pretty nice toned back and backside give it that extra kick lol! Big thank you to Marissa for an ARC of Strip Me Bare and to Amber for having me on the Blog Tour!

  Strip Me Bare

Check it out on Goodreads!

Author bio:

Marissa Carmel has been writing since a young age and although it has always been for personal enjoyment, she finally decided breakout and share her imagination with the world. She hopes that her universe is as fun and intriguing to her readers as it is to her. Marissa Carmel is originally from NJ but moved to Maryland several years ago, she enjoys reading, writing, and catching up on her ever growing DVR library. She is currently working on the sequel to iFeel, Gravitational Pull and the third and final installment of the Vis Vires trilogy, Constellation.
.Marissa Carmel