Publication date: 3rd September 2014
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: She’s trying to move on, but the past won’t let her go.
I fell in love once.
It was a big mistake, but the biggest mistake of all was staying with him.
He pushed me around. He cheated and treated me like trash.
I don’t feel sorry for myself, because I let him.
But no more.
I moved out. I'm saving my stripper's salary for an education that will get me somewhere better.
But breaking the chains of a shitty past isn’t easy. He says I owe him. He says we aren’t done. I don’t care what he says anymore.
I do care about Adam.
But my history tells me I’m not the best judge of men. And the fact Adam’s been married four times tells me he probably isn’t a safe choice.
I need safe. I need better. I need out.
If the past is any indication of my future, getting out isn’t going to be easy.
I'm always excited to read the next book in this series, but I was just a little bit more excited to read this one! It focused on characters that appeared in the second book in this series, but this book was their story, and I couldn't wait to read it! This book was amazing! It's definitely one of my favourites from the series (Is it even possible to pick favourites from this series?)! I loved everything about it and the plot went at the perfect pace and had me hooked from the first page! The plot also had plenty of sexy scenes in it, which I loved because the sexy scenes were so freaking hot! The overall plot was full of sexual tension too, but there was a bit of danger in the plot too! There was also a really big scene near the end that I actually found hard to read at times! It was really brutal! I didn't expect the scene to get to such a brutal stage, but I have so much respect for the author for showing the scene in its entirety, even though it was really brutal! The plot really did just blow me away and I loved everything about it! The characters were just as amazing as they were in the second book! Roxie was the main female character and I just loved her! She had been through a lot, relationship wise, and Roxie learned in this book that not all guys are the same! I could understand why she stayed with her ex-boyfriend, even though he treated her horribly too! Roxie was funny, determined and came a long way in this book though! My heart also went out to her for what she endured in this book! It was such a horrific experience! Roxie managed to sort of move on from it though and develop her relationship even further with her love interest, which made me really happy! Adam was the main male character and love interest of Roxie! Adam was so freaking hot! I didn't really get a chance to really get to know Adam in the other book he appears in, but I got to know a lot about him in this book! I found out that he was a really caring guy who had also been through a lot, relationship wise! I just loved Adam! I loved how protective he was of Roxie and he did some big things in this book to make sure that she was protected and didn't have to worry about being in danger! This showed how deep his feelings for her were! I seriously need a guy like Adam! I really enjoyed this book being written from both Roxie and Adam's point of views! It really helped me connect more with both characters and I also loved that the main characters from the second book in this series, Harlow and Cam, made appearances in this book too! It was amazing to see how their relationship had developed! I can't wait to read the next book in this series! I know it's not going to focus on Roxie and Adam, but I know it's going to be just as amazing as the other books in the series! The cover for this book is stunning! It definitely suits the book and I love how well it suits the other covers in the series too! Big thank you to Cambria for an ARC of Trashy and to Enticing Journey Book Promotions for having me on the Blog Tour!

Author bio:
Cambria Hebert is the author of the young adult paranormal Heven and Hell series, the new adult Death Escorts series, and the new adult Take it Off series. She loves a caramel latte, hates math and is afraid of chickens (yes, chickens). She went to college for a bachelor’s degree, couldn’t pick a major, and ended up with a degree in cosmetology. So rest assured her characters will always have good hair. She currently lives in North Carolina with her husband and children (both human and furry) where she is plotting her next book. You can find out more about Cambria and her work by visiting http://www.cambriahebert.com

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