Publication date: 21st October 2015
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: First, he saved me.
I lived because he was a hero.
And then he was gone.
Uprooted by the fire that destroyed our home, my family moved away and I never saw David Andrews again.
Then, he found me.
Eighteen years later, he rescued me again - in much simpler terms, of course. By loving me, by giving me the fairy tale I’d always hoped for, he provided me with the perfect life.
Now, he needs to be saved.
It’s my turn to be strong, to be brave, to be valiant.
When flames threaten to turn us to ashes, it’s up to me to pull us From the Wreckage.
I think that the reason the author wrote this book is a very beautiful and wonderful tribute to her uncle who sadly perished during the 9/11 attacks! I've also read a few of this author's other books and enjoyed them, so I was looking forward to reading this one! It also sounded amazing and the cover is seriously hot! I was lucky enough to receive an ARC of this book and I started it as soon as I could! I was really excited to start it! I loved this book! Like, really loved it! It developed at the perfect pace and the romance in it was very beautiful! There were some seriously hot scenes too! I also read this book in a few sittings because I couldn't put it down lol! There were also a few twist and turns to keep the plot interesting too! There was a big plot twist that I really didn't see coming! It really changed the plot and the characters, but it also showed how fragile life is and that you should live it to its fullest! The two main characters definitely did after the incident! The characters were just as amazing as the plot! Grace 'Gracie' was the main female character, and she was someone who had been through a traumatic and life threatening experience with her family when she was younger! Grace had come so far though, and although she still had nightmares about that night, she had a really good job and she was always there for her love interest! I just had so much respect for her! She was so easy for me to connect with and she always tried to look at the positives and not the negatives! Grace also went through a lot with her love interest, but she never gave up on him and their love for each other! David was the main male character, and love interest of Grace! David was the hero in this book, and he was some hero! I just had so much respect for him and he worked a dangerous and demanding job, but I could see that he loved it! David was also seriously hot and I could see that he had really deep feelings for Grace! His feelings for Grace developed more and more as the plot progressed, and it was very beautiful to read! David also went through a lot in this book in maybe the last 25% of it, and this changed David a lot and it affected his relationship with Grace! My heart completely went out to David when he went through this really difficult time, but he was just amazing! I loved that this book was written from both Grace and David's point of views! It made the plot even better and it allowed for more things to happen! It also helped me connect more with both characters too! I can completely understand why this book is a standalone! Everything was resolved and the ending was also very, very beautiful! I can't wait to see what this author is going to release next too! I'm definitely going to be reading it! The cover for this book is also absolutely stunning! I loved it as soon as I saw it and I knew it was going to suit the book perfectly! It really does suit the story behind it! Big thank you to Melissa for an ARC of From the Wreckage!

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