The intense need to be next to her, to smell her, comes over me so I walk across the room and smile brightly when I see her push herself back against the door. From what I remember, that smile got to her last time. I mean, the smile gets me a lot of places, but with Nora it gets me what I want. I stalk closer to her, ignoring the work that needs to get done today, and enjoy watching her body start to react to my nearness. The hitched breath, the pebbled nipples showing through her dress, the goosebumps on her soft skin; all unspoken signs she’s turned on.
“What are you doing?” Nora whispers, watching me move closer to her until I have her boxed in, my hands resting on the door next to her head.
“What I should have done yesterday,” I whisper. My eyes flick to her lips. We’re so close I can feel her breath on me as her lips part. Nora’s body relaxes, her eyes searching mine, every now and then flicking to my lips.
I should do it. I should just fucking kiss her.
He promised he'd never leave. He should have told me. I could have helped. Max came into my life when I didn’t need a man to define me. He didn’t push his way in... not really. He slowly, tirelessly, and patiently waited. He used that damn smile, day in and day out, and waited until I tumbled head over heels in love with him. My grandma always told me to watch out for the pretty boys. The ones that turn you to mush the first time you lay eyes on them. She never warned me about Maxwell Holzer. If there’s one thing in life I’ve always known, it’s that when something goes up, it will most certainly always come crashing down.

Author bio:
An avid, self proclaimed closet book nerd by the age of nine, Dauphin didn’t take her love of fictional worlds public until she self-published her first book almost 20 years later. Since putting to paper the voices in her head, she’s fallen in love with a career of building, ruining, and rebuilding fictional character’s lives. Her love will always reside with the romance genre, but she does enjoy going off the grid every now and then with non-fiction.
An avid, self proclaimed closet book nerd by the age of nine, Dauphin didn’t take her love of fictional worlds public until she self-published her first book almost 20 years later. Since putting to paper the voices in her head, she’s fallen in love with a career of building, ruining, and rebuilding fictional character’s lives. Her love will always reside with the romance genre, but she does enjoy going off the grid every now and then with non-fiction.
From Southern Illinois, born and raised, she now resides with her husband, two small boys, and one very busy dog. If you friend her on Facebook, you’ll be subjecting yourself to a whole lot of awesome…. So what are you waiting for?! Find her here: www.facebook.com/authormdauphin if you want to follow her author ramblings, go here www.mdauphin.com if you want to see what she has to offer (and some hot guys, too) and if you want to chat, email her here: authormallorydauphin@gmail.com. You can also follow her on Instagram at @M_Dauphin3 or Twitter @AuthorMDauphin.
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