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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Thursday 15 September 2022

Cover Reveal & Giveaway: In Her Eyes by Erica Alexander!

Three missing women. Two shared fates. One epic love story.

He saved my life, then disappeared.
For fifteen years, I thought of him—this man I knew nothing about, not even his name.
In all of my fantasies about meeting him again, never could I have imagined it would be like this.
Him, a jaded police detective, more devastatingly handsome than I remember.
And I, a suspect in his investigation.

He doesn’t recognize me, and I can’t bear to confess who I am… not when he looks at me with so much anger and disdain.
But not even that can tarnish how I feel or shatter the fragile hope fluttering in my chest like a newborn butterfly.

To clear my name, I have to reveal my deepest secret. It’s the thing he loathes the most.
Now he’s locked in a battle with himself.
He needs my help to solve a murder, but he can’t bring himself to trust me.

Finding the killer is his fate, not mine.
If I do this, I risk becoming the murderer’s next victim.
But how can I say no when I’m his only hope?

Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Pre-order your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

My love affair with books started at a very early age. I was already an avid reader at five and I remember reading everything I could put my little hands on. It did not change as I grew older and my love affair became my obsession.
I used to sneak my mom’s books that were in no way appropriated for my age and spent countless hours at the library and Barnes & Nobles. While most parents tell their kids to read, mine told me to stop reading because it was all I did.
I’ve been writing as long as I can remember but up to now, I have been a closet writer. Well, it is about time I left the closet.
I have degrees in Communications and Computer Science but left all that behind a few years ago to dedicate myself to my family and my children and in doing so, I found the time to write again.
Life is Good.

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