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Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Sunday 13 April 2014

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Until You're Mine [Mine 02] by K. Langston!

Publication date: 7th April 2014
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 4 stars
Synopsis: Taking big risks had always been Archer Brook’s way of life. It’s what has to be done in order to get what you want, and he knew that better than anyone. Archer may have been born into a life of wealth and privilege, but he’d proven time and time again that his success was a result of his own true grit and determination. The savvy businessman was an experienced player in the game of life, always knowing when to ante up or when to cash out.

It was time to do both.

Burned out on the bright lights of Vegas, once the successful night club owner found the best of both worlds tucked away in a quiet Mississippi town, he never looked back.

That was until she walked into his bar.

Life has never been easy for Katy Vaughn. The preacher’s daughter turned small town rebel has seen her fair share of heartbreak, and she’s tired. Katy is done with men who have no idea what they want or how to treat a woman. She wants a real man. One who can give her everything she’s ever dreamed of. One who will give her everything she needs. Lovers of the past may have broken her heart, but they could never break her spirit.

There was only one man capable of that.

You never know when love will come along and change…everything.
I have to admit that I was so confused when I started reading this book! It doesn't really give any background and because of this, I actually had to go back and re-read the first book in the series, Because You're Mine, to try and help me understand! It didn't really help, but it helped a little bit, and then I gave this book another shot! I would recommend doing this if you haven't read the first book in a while! I was really excited to read this book because I really enjoyed the first book and I was excited to read more on the couple that this book focuses on! I liked this book, but there was something about it that was missing for me to love it! This book was about two characters breaking down their walls and discovering the real them! They were both broken characters and this book is about them finding themselves! The plot of this book was good, but I felt like there wasn't as much development as I was hoping there was going to be! Most of the book, if I'm honest, was just sex, sex, sex! It did start developing more towards the end though! I did enjoy the plot and it was really hot! The characters were amazing! Katy was the main female character in this book and we met her in the first book, but this book was her story! Katy was a preacher's daughter, so she was expected to act a certain way and dress a certain way! Katy wasn't that kind of person though and she acted out with tattoos and piercings! I loved that Katy didn't hide behind a façade and that she was real! I also loved that she had been burned that many times in relationships, that she wouldn't start anything with her love interest until he could promise her one thing - his heart! Archer was the main male character and we met him in the first book too! Archer was majorly hot and such a controlling character! I do have to say that I loved when Katy defied him because it sort of intensified their relationship! My heart actually went out to Archer in this book because he was sort of hiding behind his demons! When he managed to control his demons and give Katy his heart, he was like a completely different person! He was sweeter, and if possible, even hotter! Archer had some major demons though and my heart went out to him that he was manipulated like he was! There was so much sexual tension between Katy and Archer in this book! I think there were actual sparks flying lol! I loved that this book was written from both Katy and Archer's point of views! It added a lot to the story and I enjoyed getting to read it through both of their eyes! I also loved that the main characters from the first book, Maddie and Holden, made appearances in this book! I will definitely be reading the next book in this series! I can't wait to read it and I can't wait to find out which characters it's going to be about! I'm sure that Katy and Archer will maybe make appearances in it! The cover for this book is so hot! It really suits the first book's cover and I love it! Big thank you to K. Langston for an ARC of Until You're Mine and to Just Booked for having me on the Blog Tour!  

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy of Until You're Mine from Amazon or Barnes and Noble!

Grab your copy of the first book, Because You're Mine, from Amazon or Barnes and Nobles for only $0.99!

Author bio:

K. has worked in property management for the last decade.

She enjoys writing, reading and music.

Writing has given K. the release she's been craving all of these years. An outlet to fully express herself the way she wants to, the way she needs to.

Her life was forever changed the moment she wrote that first line.

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