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Wednesday 2 July 2014

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Finding Us [Bad Boy 03] by S.K. Hartley!

Publication date: 18th June 2014
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 4 stars
Synopsis: I'm loud, I'm proud, and I like to bust balls in my spare time.
At least, that's what Low Parker would do. But she is just a mask, one I have perfected over years of running.

I am Willow Knoxx. Master of deception, secrets, and lies.

I am the girl your mother told you to stay away from, and the girl your father fantasized about. I have been running for years, always looking over my shoulder.

Now, the mask I have perfected is about to disappear, and everything I have done to keep myself hidden is about to be revealed.

I completely love this series and I was so excited to read this book! I was even more excited when I found out that it was going to be Tate and Low's story! The two of these characters were secondary characters in the first two books, but this book was their book! I have to admit that this book is my least favourite of the series so far! There was just something about it that made me like it, but not love, love it! The plot had a mafia aspect to it and I didn't see this coming at all! The plot was all a bit bizarre to me because of this aspect lol! I did enjoy it, but I didn't expect the mafia aspect at all, so I was thrown off a bit! The plot had some suspense and action in it though and it developed really nicely! There was also a pretty big action scene at the end, which could ultimately have changed the outcome of the book completely! The characters were amazing! Low was the main character and she was in such a difficult situation in this book! She came from a tough background and she had to do some horrific things! Low was such an amazing character though and she only wanted to do good in her life because of what she had been made to do in her childhood! I really admired this about her because it showed what kind of person she was and that she was completely different from her father! I loved Low and I did feel sorry for her because of how she was brought up! She was raised to be a fighter, but in the wrong way! I loved how Low turned out though! Tate was the love interest of Low and he wasn't really in this book as much as I would have liked! I mean, it was mostly Low's story, but he did do something in this book that made me absolutely love him! It showed how much he loved Low and that he would literally give his life to save her! Tate was a hottie too and I loved how much he adored Low and I could see that he had some deep feelings for her! I would have loved this book to have been written more from both Low and Tate's point of views, because it was only really written from Low's! Most of the book was written from Low's point of view, but I loved the added Tate chapters from his point of view! I also loved that Neva and Logan from the first two books made appearances in this book too! I'm really excited to read the next book in this series! I can't wait to read this particular character's story, because he played such a big part in the first two books! The cover for this book is absolutely stunning! It also suits the book so well! I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it and I love how well it suits the other covers in the series! Big thank you to S.K. Hartley for an ARC of Finding Us and to Enticing Journey Book Promotions for having me on the Blog Tour!
Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon or Barnes and Noble

Author bio:

S.K. Hartley is a mother, wife and a writer. Based in the not so sunny North West of England you can find her either glued to her computer desk, in the public library (Yes, they do still exist!) or floating around her favourite authors books signings.
S.K. Hartley has an unhealthy obsession with coffee, chocolate and retro computer games and a healthy obsession of stalking indie authors.



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