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Saturday 6 November 2021

Release Blitz & Giveaway: Golden Rules [Golden Duet 01] by Nelle L'Amour!

I have one Golden Rule.
No woman is allowed in my bed. Ever.
I’ve been hurt both emotionally and physically. And I have someone way more important than myself to protect.
Then, she sat next to me on the train and from the moment I set eyes on her, I couldn’t resist.
Now, I may break my one cardinal rule and lose everything.

I have one Golden Rule.
Only give yourself to a man who really loves you.
Then, I met him on a train… Ari Golden, New York’s most eligible bachelor.
He broke more than my one cardinal rule...
And now I’m wondering if I made the biggest mistake of my life.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Nelle L’Amour is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, who lives in Los Angeles with her Prince Charming-ish husband, beautiful twin princesses, and a bevy of royal pain-in-the-butt pets. A former executive in both the entertainment and toy industries with a prestigious Humanitas Prize for promoting human dignity and freedom to her credit, she gave up playing with Barbies a long time ago, but still enjoys playing with toys with her hubby. While she writes in her PJs, she loves to get dressed up and pretend she’s Hollywood royalty. Her steamy stories feature characters that will make you laugh, cry, and swoon and stay in your heart forever.

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